Saturday, March 31, 2012

My ghostly encounters:

My first encounter with ghosts was in 2006.

My dad always said that the ghosts are attracted to fish. I guess that's why they showed up that night. I had some seafood (fried clams) for dinner, tossed away the box and went to sleep. Later that night, I saw them. They were a threesome … a newly married couple and one of their brothers / cousin. The brother tried to get into my car and touch me as I slept. I kicked him away and they left.
My next encounter was in August / September of 2010, at my friend's home, where I was babysitting her dog that night. I was sleeping in her bed; then at around 3:00 am, this hispanic looking male ghost showed up. He tried to play with my breasts and I kicked him away.

That very month, I had also moved into a new place, which later on, turned out to be haunted. I fell ill, really ill, that very month. I don't know if ghosts had anything to do with it or if it was because of my SSR healing sessions that I had received from David, plus some complications from a car rear-ending me that month. The diagnosis was that my entire endocrine system was not functioning and my nervous system was completely stressed out (side effects of vaccinations). One of the results of this was that I wouldn't stop bleeding for several months when I felt traumatized. It cannot be stopped without medication. I had taken prescription pills for this, a few years ago, for a couple of years and the side effects of those pills had caused yet another set of problems for my organ systems; most of my organ systems were not functioning. My spleen was the only one that was stable. My doctor asked me to stay in bed; but that wouldn't happen because I had to get my car injuries treated.
Coming back to the story of the ghosts, it started one afternoon, as was napping. I woke up with the sound of a woman giggling in my closet. There was no other woman in the house. I was quite disturbed.
Then one day, there was a male ghost banging and closing on my doors. I was in a half-asleep state. I was really scared. I managed to wake myself up.
Then I started hearing a cat meowing in my headboard. This is how I woke up every morning for several months.
Then, one day, a few months ago, a male ghost (probably, the same one) lay by me hugging me as I entered this half-asleep state; then, as I moved his arm, he got up and said to me, “I shouldn't be here any longer, I should leave;” then he left for the light. (Ghosts never ask for permission; they just do what they feel like doing with you … like abusive Mr. K …). This ghost, however, was very respectful. He was so respectful; I was touched!
In my later encounters with ghosts, I was finding that my boundaries with ghosts were getting somewhat relaxed and I was not being as willful in pushing them away; in a way, I also felt that I was welcoming them. (Watching love movies involving vampires can sometimes do that to me).
I realized that I was saying yes to ghosts. This realization freaked me out. So, I got some EFT scripts that could help me draw stronger boundaries with ghosts. I did some EFT to keep my boundaries strong against ghosts and other intrusions; but I couldn't figure out if anything was changing. However, I did not find myself welcoming ghosts anymore; but it did not help against abusive Mr. K ...
Then I started doing space clearing in August of 2011. I started to do space clearing every month.
Soon, one morning, I was woken up by Lulu, a spirit attachment.  He said, “hello, this is Lulu. Wake up.” Using a pendulum, I found out that four of my rocks in my room had spirit attachments. So I cleared them using reiki and Sage.
Suddenly, I was being woken up by spirit voices. The woman said, “hello, hello, wake up.” Then a guy said, “she is pretending she doesn’t hear us.”
After about two days of trying to wake me up really early in the morning, they stopped.
I continued doing space clearing every month till last month. A month or two ago, I saw a white cat leave from around the South East corner of my room.