About Me ... My Training

Hello and Thanks for visiting my blog...

About Me:

I choose to have 

magic and miracles 

in my life!

I was trained in:

Intermediate Mental Physics... 

Involves powerful breathing exercises, affirmations and meditation. 

I began training in 1990 ... 
in Bombay (Mumbai), India.

My teacher ... 

Guru Jyotirmayananda ...

31 July 1922 – 19 March 2004

In early 2009 I got introduced to EFT by my Nutritionist, Dr Dale Lotter ... I trained in eft through one-on-one personal coaching sessions and group sessions with Natalie Hill and have studied all the DVDs by Gary Craig.  It  started as a journey towards releasing my blocks to abundance, but resulted in a lot of inner child work. I got introduced to this by Suzanne Zacharia, UK and Susie Kappas, HMI.  Now I do this kind of work using shamanic journeying and reiki / crystals.  EFT still remains as a tool to use when the occasion permits.

I have been trained and attuned to


USUI Reiki Levels 1 through Advanced 

by Mega R. Mease ... 


The Center for Advanced Energy Therapeutics 

in Tucson, AZ...

I received my Angel Links Facilitator training 
(for Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel)... 
from Peggy at the Lightarian Institute.


Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor


training and attunements with


Leon and Phoenix at


The Sedona HeartWalk Center. 

I got my training and attunements in


Sekhem-Seichim Reiki 

levels 1 through Master / Teacher 

from David Gleekel, RCGW, USA. 


Karuna Reiki 

levels 1 through Master / Teacher 

from David Gleekel, RCGW, USA.

I also use crystals and aromatic oils with reiki and angelic (IET) therapies.  David introduced me to this during my healing sessions with him.   

I'm currently a student / practioner in Shamanic healing Methods ...  

I got introduced to Shamanism by David Gleekel and continued to learn some more with Katie through her distant classes on Shamanic journeying, etc.  

Then, I found a group in Tucson where I'm getting some more personal training in 'Core Shamanism' and I'm a student / receiving rites and training in Peruvian /Quero Shamanism through 'The Four Winds  Society' directly and through their other teachers. 

I use shamanic journeying for healing and I love journeying to receive healing from my guides and power animals. 

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