Sunday, September 23, 2012

Karma and Astrological Signs

Incomplete, please visit again!!!Everyone but Lord Ganesha is influenced by Saturn. The degree to that influence is up to your karmas

Ganesha: Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha


Om Shanaishcharaya Namaha
(Om Shahn-eish-chahr-eye-yah Nahm-ah-ha)
The ending of the Sanskrit word for the planet Saturn, “Shani,” changes endings depending upon the use of Namaha (neutral ending) or Swaha (feminine ending). Thus, for the mantra ending with ‘namaha,’ the mantra is “Om Sri Shanaishcharaya Namaha” but for the ‘swaha’ ending the mantra is “Om Sri Shanaishwaraya Swaha.”
Om Shanaishwaraya Swaha
(Om Shahn-eish-wahr-eye-yah Swa-ha)
“Om and salutations to Shani, presiding spirit of the planet Saturn”
When the energy of the body rises to the solar plexus, as it does at age twenty-nine, the addition of ‘Sri’ to the mantra aids the work of the mantra. The ending then changes from ‘namaha’ to ‘swaha’.
Saturn – Knee:
Knees are the parts in human body which enjoy the maximum influence of Saturn. Saturn helps for the formation of bones, cartilages and blood cell in human body.
Uranus & Saturn – Legs

Your Karma Sign is Capricorn

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.
Success at any price seems to be your motto. The price you usually pay is never being able to relax and enjoy life. Your nose is always to the grindstone -- and amazingly, it seems that you do it all to benefit others. Because you are so persistent you usuallyachieve your goals and find yourself in positions of authority. But shouldn't you examine the cost? If you want to ever evolve you might try answering this question -- 'Why am I working so hard all the time?' Your family and friends have probably been asking you this for so long it no long registers. And you might have pushed the answer so far down because the truth just might blow your entire do-gooder image. The answer is fear -- that's right, your need to control your environment so it never gets a chance to control you. You might want to explore your relationship with your mother as well. Who you are isn't bad -- in fact you can make wonderful things happen. You should just be honest with yourself about the motivation.

Your Karma Sign is Aquarius

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.

You desperately want to fit in to a group and belong. Unfortunately, you are fated to always set yourself apart and be mistrustful. Social groups do not receive you warmly because of your superior stance. Your karmic path is to feel pulled between a need to belong and for freedom of original thought. The first step towards evolving for you may be as simple as admitting that you feel like an outsider always looking in -- and that deep down you are lonely and unhappy. This may be hard for you to do because you have likely developed an elaborate facade based on the idea that 'being different is cool' and that you are somehow better than everyone else. Or you may be so frustrated trying to function in groups that you have become a follower -- seemingly content to stand back stage. Realize that someone that sees things in a different way can be a valuable contributor to a group -- breaking up the group think and making sure everyone's freedoms are respected.

Your Karma Sign is Pisces

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.

You have difficulty overcoming past experiences that left you hurt or fearful. This residue of painfulness stays with you -- you are unable to get beyond it and learn from the experience. Your karmic path leads to reacting defensively with oversensitivity -- never being able to examine what went wrong and how you could have improved the situation. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to overcome feelings of paranoia, suspicion and isolation. By accepting your fate less defensively you can turn these traits intoassets to balance your personality. Realize that because you cannot learn from past experiences you are open to experience immediate reality more genuinely. By turning the fear around you may find that you can be more 'present' in the moment than others.

Your Karma Sign is Aries

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.

You have a desire to be challenged and experience life to the fullest and yet you are afraid of being hurt by a hostile environment. You may go through life feeling that you will never get want you want -- usually because you never ask for what you want. You are afraid to exert your will because you feel that this alone will result in some harm coming to you. You are either shy or withdrawn or the opposite -- headstrong and in everyone's face. Either way it is fear of failure or even rejection that causes you to react as you do. Your eventual frustration with your own powerlessness can result in an inner search. In an attempt to get beyond your own exterior and understand your will and motivation you will need to overcome your deepest self doubts.

Your Karma Sign is Taurus

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.

You associate security with material gain and have a deep fear of poverty. You either overvalue or undervalue your possessions and assets. Unconditional love is difficult for you because you always expect some compensation for what you give. You usually achieve the trappings of success and yet you are never satisfied. You always want more and more. Your frustration over the inability to buy what you feel you never had may result in your complete rejection of material things. Either way it is a case of all or nothing with you. If you are able to gain understanding that you are actually trying to buy love you could use your skills of accumulation in a more constructive, healthy way.

Your Karma Sign is Gemini

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.

You have difficulty communicating what is on your mind -- usually because you fear being humiliated and doubt your own intelligence and mental capacities. You may try and compensate for this by working very hard at studies. You are deep and intellectual under the surface -- but often what you present is either intolerance and quiet or being over talkative. This usually is because of a fear of new ideas, even your own. If you examine your own motivation closely you might find that you use these things to avoid situations that might require a new outlook. In order to overcome your feelings of isolation you might try to connect more with your own motivation. You could find that your own ideas are completely acceptable, even valuable.

Your Karma Sign is Cancer

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.

You dislike feeling dependent on others and yet you constantly need reassurance because of your own feelings of insecurity. This struggle to be independent and yet be secure can motivate an attempt to buy security. You may have issues with nurturing and also your family responsibilities may be great. You will never feel completely secure however, no matter how much you acquire. This in itself will enable your evolution if you allow it. Once you reach the realization that neither people nor material gain will make you feel secure you can start developing security within yourself. The most difficult thing to realize is that this can be accomplished without the help or support from others.

Your Karma Sign is Leo

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.
Because you undervalue yourself you are afraid that no one else will value you either. And yet this is what you desperately want. Popularity is your goal -- and yet your own inferior attitude continuously sabotages your achieving it. If feelings of jealousy and the inability to act spontaneously don't push people away than it is the cold and callous facade you've developed to protect your own vulnerability. Romance, creativity and children may be an issue in your life too. Your challenge is to connect to and find value with your own core self -- reaching through all of those outward layers you have developed in protection. If you are really able to value yourself you have the chance to recaptured a child-like sense of joy which may have been missing from your serious adult life.

Your Karma Sign is Virgo

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.

Your obsession with perfectionism and order can leave you feeling frustrated and in a rut. You have an almost compulsive attention to detail which may have been learnt from a parent or authority figure. Often times you discourage yourself and others from trying new things simply because they won't be done the way you think they should be. Your karmic path is to always feel trapped within the lines and yet afraid to color outside of them. Fear is the basic motivation behind this desire for order -- it is the only way you know of controlling your environment. If you are capable of overcoming this fear -- letting go of control -- you have a chance of developing an imaginative side where your practicality could become a valuable asset.

Your Karma Sign is Libra

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.

Trying to find in others what is lacking in yourself often results in pain and disappointment. Somehow you always seem to end up with a partner who doesn't quite understand you, who limits and hinders you. The partner you choose may also be somewhat older or have a conservative outlook on life. As a result you may move from one bad relationship to the next, or stay in one relationship and take the role of martyr -- never realizing your true motivation. If you come to terms with the fact that you may not want to fully connect with another -- out of your own fear of intimacy -- there is potential for growth and understanding that you have the capacity of fulfillment within yourself. Your relationship can be source of suffering or of personal growth -- the decision is yours.

Your Karma Sign is Scorpio

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.

Fear of emotional rejection and personal inadequacy result in your trying to overcompensate either financially or sexually. This fear also can manifest itself through self-fulfilling prophesy. You fear being taken advantage of, this is the energy you put out and as a result you often find yourself involved with people who take advantage of you financially and emotionally. On the surface the problems seems purely material but is actually emotional -- and it is this fact that you are usually in denial about. You might try coming to terms with your motivation and stop blaming others. Through self awareness you can break the cycle and you could find yourself not only healing yourself but also those around you.

Your Karma Sign is Sagittarius

Saturn is the Planet of Karma! Saturn is a strong disciplinarian and teaches us our lessons this lifetime. At times, this planet can be restricting and inhibiting. Joy is experienced once the lessons of Saturn have been learned. This is your Karmic lesson, based on the sign Saturn was placed in at the time of your birth.

You can be so rational and intellectual that it is as if you've got tunnel vision. You manage to reason away any magic right out of yourlife. Your overall outlook on life is serious, and you may feel that life or God will punish you if you do not watch your step. Through fear and denial against your inner self you can become rather forlorn -- believing in nothing, always cynical and critical. Through disillusionment with authority -- and the subsequent need to establish something new -- can come the development of your own very powerful intuition. If you are in a negative or hopeless situation try to remember that this is part of a greater process -- one that will, if you let go of the fear, result in an evolution.

Robert Hand, a tropical (western) astrologer, avers that “Saturn represents the way you program your universe at the deepest, most fundamental level.” Komilla Sutton, a sidereal, Vedic astrologer, has written that Saturn “brings up karmic issues you have to deal with, things you cannot avoid.” From two different systems, the same perspective. Saturn is about responsibility and its archetype is commonly experienced through consequences. Consequences are usually no fun, but they are instructive, and dealing with them shapes your consciousness — and ultimately, your life.

Got good karma?
It's clear that people are more than just physical beings. We are eternal spirits. Our purpose is to learn and grow into the most fully aware and enlightened souls possible.

The way you behaved in your past lives creates your current karma, also referred to as fate. Many astrologers believe that the spirit's history can be seen in the stars. You can use astrology to understand who you were in a previous incarnation and discover the challenges that you are confronted with in this life.

Saturn, the karma planet

Saturn is the planet of tests and trials. The sixth planet from the Sun encourages you to be disciplined, responsible and hard working. Saturn represents the karmic lessons that must be learned in order to experience joy in this life and good fortune in the next.

Your "karma sign" is the zodiac sign that Saturn visited on the day you were born. This sign indicates who you were and how you behaved in past lives.

Do you know anyone with Saturn in Aries who is especially cautious about jumping into new situations? Perhaps he was a warrior in a past life and was injured or killed by rushing head first into battle. In this lifetime, he will avoid carelessly charging into the unknown.

Do you know anyone with Saturn in Cancer whose greatest desire is to settle down with a home and family of their own? She may have been a sailor or a wet nurse in a past life and lacked a secure and stable personal life.

Your past life
Check below to find out where Saturn was the year you were born and discover the key to your past lives. If your birth year appears under more than one sign, Saturn was moving between two signs the year you were born. This means that your karma sign is on the cusp, so check the past life descriptions for both signs.

Saturn in Aries
1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1967, 1968, 1969
Are you a vegetarian? Do have a deep love of animals and a desire to preserve life? This is because you were a hunter or a soldier in a past life. The karma of Saturn demands that you repay your debts to those you vanquished in a previous life and has given you a greater sensitivity to other living things.

Saturn in Taurus
1939, 1940,1941, 1942, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972
Are you a city dweller that dreams of wide-open spaces? You probably spent a past life as a farmer reaping abundant harvests. In this life, you may feel the need to share with others the gifts and talents you have received. Saturn's karma urges you to volunteer for social causes.

Saturn in Gemini
1942, 1943, 1944, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974
Do you find yourself forced to make commitments when you would rather not? This is because you were once a nomad or wanderer. The karma for Saturn in Gemini forces you to be reliable and serious about how you communicate with others.

Saturn in Cancer
1944, 1945, 1946, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977
Are you're a real estate agent or land speculator? This can be explained by the past life you spent as a caregiver. This lifetime will see you owning or developing property. Saturn gives you the good karma to make financial gain from careful real estate transactions.

Saturn in Leo
1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978
Do your friends consider you a social butterfly? Are you on the VIP list wherever you go? One of your past lives was probably spent as a tribal or village leader. Saturn's karma releases you from responsibility so you can spend more time enjoying yourself this time around.

Saturn in Virgo
1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980
Do you have a cushy government job or rewarding involvement in local politics? One of your past lives was probably spent as a civic planner or a worker who helped advance the common good. Saturn's karma returns your previous life's efforts to help ease the day-to-day struggles of this lifetime.

Saturn in Libra
1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1980, 1981, 1982
Are you an educator or spiritual counselor? One of your past lives was probably spent as the student of a wise teacher, so the task of imparting wisdom is carried over into this lifetime. Saturn's karma demands that you interact with people as a custodian of information. This lifetime is about helping people to open their minds and find their own truths.

Saturn in Scorpio
1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1982
Do you fear that others will take emotional or financial advantage of you? One of your past lives may have been spent as an unscrupulous moneylender or swindler. In this lifetime you must balance fiscal responsibility with a generosity of spirit.

Saturn in Sagittarius
1956, 1957, 1958, 1959
Do you love spending Saturday nights at home watching TV? It's possible that you spent one of your past lives as an explorer traveling the globe. Saturn brings you good karma in the areas relating to home and family. If someone calls you a couch potato, you can laugh knowing that you've earned a little rest this time around.

Saturn in Capricorn
1930, 1931, 1932, 1960, 1961, 1962
Are you a workaholic? Do you feel the need to control every situation? One of your past lives was probably a rags-to-riches saga. You had to struggle very hard for success. This work ethic has carried over to your current lifetime. Saturn's karma is telling you to slow down and trust that the universe will provide.

Saturn in Aquarius
1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1962, 1963, 1964
Are you a rebel? Do you find yourself compelled to crusade against injustice? This may be because you were forced to spend one of your past lives as a servant, pleasing wealthy and important people. Saturn's karma grants you the courage to be an individual and to resist popular opinion.

Saturn in Pisces
1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967
Do you sometimes feel like an alien? It's possible that one of your past lives was spent on a planet in another galaxy. Saturn in Pisces indicates a soul new to planet Earth. You can build very good karma for future lives by being generous and unselfish with all!

The decisions you make today play an important role in your fate in both this life and future lives. Will you make the same mistakes over and over? Or will you learn the spiritual lessons of the universe? 

Spiritually, Saturn is associated with both the root chakra and the crown. As the ruler of the root, Saturn relates the earth element, the physical world and all the trials and limitations that come with being in the world. As the ruler of the crown, Saturn represents the resolution of karma, and the move into higher consciousness. Saturn is the teacher, but unlike Jupiter, it is a taskmaster teacher. My teacher, Jan Brink of Unicorn Books in Arlington Massachusetts describes Saturn in such a wonderfully helpful way. Saturn is like the small still voice within. When you listen to it, everything is fine. When you don’t, Saturn manifests whatever you are ignoring in your life, usually as a challenge that you are forced to face. The metal of Saturn is traditionally lead, because it represents the weight of the responsibilities we carry.
Magically, Saturn is the power of manifestation. It brings things into form, both our karma and our intentions, if they match our spiritual path. Saturn is the master of discipline, named after the Roman version of the Greek Chronos, the Titan associated with the harvest and reaping both rewards and consequences. Saturn is often like our Father Time and Grim Reaper archetype mixed into one. In the Kabalah, Saturn is associated with the sephiroth of Binah, and linked to the divine feminine, cosmic goddess and destroyer. Saturn is the power of the primal and ancient ones in any culture – the first gods, the Ancient Father and Mother.
The sign of Saturn is the earth sign Capricorn, the mountain goat, and because the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn at the Winter Solstice, a time traditionally associated with the birth of the divine child in many cultures, Saturn is also linked with the divine child of life and rebirth. Saturn has many divine faces. It matters not which one we listen to, as long as we listen to that small voice of guidance before it becomes the landslide.
Saturn can be called upon for magic involving protection, since it binds and limits. Use it to bind and limit any harmful energy directed to you. It is not the power of the warrior’s protection, such as Mars. It is the power to simply neutralize, inhibit and banish harm. If harmful energy is like a bullet, Mars protection dodges, deflects and counterattacks. Saturn simply robs the bullet of momentum, grounding it.
Saturn can be called upon in ritual to make your karmic “lessons” more clear to you, to understand the repercussions of your actions. Saturn rituals are great for understanding what is occurring in your life, and why. The sephiroth of Binah translates to understanding. Call on Saturn to understand your current challenges.
Use this planet’s energy when you have chaos in your life, to bring order and structure. Use it to gain discipline to complete a goal or maintain a program. I’ve used Saturn’s energy to keep on exercise and diet routines, when needing discipline. The power of Saturn is well known in the eastern yogic and martial art traditions.
Saturn can be used in any spell requiring a manifestation on the physical plane, in particular this energy resonates with some prosperity magic, if you have earned the boon through hard work and responsibility, and for magic involving getting promotions, climbing a social or corporate structure, using authority and wielding power. Keep in mind Saturn also reminds us of the repercussions of all our actions, so in keeping with the Wiccan Rede and other magical axioms, “do what you will and let it harm none.” Saturn will teach you responsibility if you do not use its powers responsibly.
•METALS: Lead, Pewter, Zinc
•MINERALS: Apache Tear, Bone, Calcium, Coal, Coral –Black, Diamond, Garnet, Hematite, Howlite, Jasper –Brown, Jet, Obsidian, Onyx, Quartz –Black, Salt, Serpentine, Tiger’s Eye – Blue, Tourmaline -Black
•PLANTS: Aconite, Amaranthus, Barley, Beech, Beets, Boneset, Burdock Root, Cactus, Carnation, Clematis, Comfrey, Cornflower, Cramp Bark, Cypress, Datura, Dog Grass, Elm, Fern, Fleawort, Garlic, Heart’s Ease, Hellebore, Hemlock, Hemp, Horsetail, Irish Moss, Ivy, Knotweed, Laurel, Lobelia, Low John Root, Mandrake, Mastic, Morning Glory, Moss, Mullein, Myrrh, Nightshade, Onion, Orris Root, Pansy, Patchouly, Pine, Poke Root, Poplar, Potato, Quince, Rue, Scullcap, Shepherd’s Purse, Snakeweed, Solomon’s Seal, St. Joan’s Wort, Tamarind, Tobacco, Tonka Bean, Walnut, Witch Grass, Witch Hazel, Yew
In particular with Saturn herbs, it is highly recommended to check in with a good medical herbal book before ingesting any. Learn which herbs are poisonous, since one of the magical signatures of Saturn is toxicity. Saturn was known as the planet of death once, so unless you literally want to learn that lesson, don’t ingest any.
The best day to do Saturn rituals is Saturday, which is, of course, Saturn’s day in the magical days of the week. Only fitting that the traditional last day of the week is the day of Saturn. Typically Saturn is a night of fun and partying for many in the western world, before the day of worship on Sunday. This night is reminiscent of the Saturnalia, the Roman festival at the Winter Solstice, in honor of Saturn. As a festival of merriment, things are turned upside down, and slaves were often waited upon by masters. Normal societal rules were reversed.
The yearly Saturn period, at least for those in the Northern Hemisphere is the last 52 days of the Zodiac year, from January 27 to approximately March 21. This timing gives us again the image of Saturn as old man winter. Your personal Saturn period is the 52 days before your birthday, signifying an end to one year, one cycle, before beginning another. This is an important time to reflect spiritually on your life, and release all that doesn’t serve you. Yogis say that it is terribly important to maintain a daily spiritual practice, avoid gossip and live with the highest integrity, but that advice can be given for the entire year.
Try this Saturn ritual when you are confronted with the confusion of life’s problems and seek to know the reasons why. Simply anoint yourself with myrrh oil when standing before your altar or other magical work space. Draw the glyph of Saturn, the cross with a crescent, looking much like the lowercase letters t and h combined, and ask with heartfelt honesty, by the power of Saturn, to have the lessons of the situation revealed to you, with clarity and understanding. Burn or bury the paper with the glyph and then listen. The answer may not be immediate, and may not come through the typical mystical means, but it will come. Listen to your friends and family and seemingly random messages that might have significance. Listen to the small still voice within, and find your answers.

Karma and Astrology
Here is an explanation of the way Saturn influences Karma and how we can interpret its meaning to us as individuals. Portions of this Karma topic are extracted from a number of Farley Malorrus' shows on K-FOX (93.5 FM, 12 noon in Los Angeles) during 1987 and 1988.
The reason that each of us inherits a unique natal chart is that the higher self selects a particular Astrological imprint, to experience certain events, and learn specific lessons. From this, an evolution occurs by processing karmic situations for optimum benefit. Situations, people and events in our life catalyze karmic growth, but the Karma lies within oneself, inside the Soul. The Soul is destined to be pulled to a particular birth, time and place. It will not control what type of job you get like a stock trader that also does options trading education, or truck driver, or even the president. These things are physical things, astrology and Karma come from a mental level, once you get your signs from the mental it is up to you to figure out the physical side of it.
The body is like billions of tiny solar systems. When you are born, every cell in your body adheres to the frozen picture of the planets at birth. It's like a circuit imprint that's formed at birth to be a reflection of one's Dharma (purpose and destiny) and Karma (debt).
So when you are born into any particular lifetime, you are born with a particular cosmic charge. This occurs upon inhaling that first breath, and reflects the planetary locations (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto), and the zodiacal sign that is rising in the East from your birthplace. These elements are the things that Astrologers can examine in a your chart and identify what your Karma is. For example, any square aspect you have, when planets are at right angles to each other, indicates your karmic debt.
Planetary placements that involve squares (right angles), oppositions (180 degrees) or inconjunct (150 degrees) and by house position will reveal a lesson area, an area where pain maybe experienced showing a pay back of karmic situations. The Karma that you have with yourself may concern money, love, relationships, career, business, goals, health, home, security of self, independence, enemies and all kinds of things. If you have squares in your life, this implies a debt, so the challenge is to overcome certain lessons we failed to learn in previous lives. Oppositions mean that you are born into a situation where you can create unrealistic goals, or, show catalyzing situations where you would create people in your life that may also manifest pain and karmic growth for you.
Understanding Astrology, by getting your chart produced, and tuning into things such as Karma and learning what the words square and opposition means, will help you understand which area of pain may focus the hardest with you. Your biggest Karma may be childhood, just fighting your way out of it, or trying to get along with brutal parents. This could be a way to understand where the peace needs to be made, and subsequently processed. It could be with your emotions, with your mother, friends, or with all of your relationships. It could also be with goals, career, communication, and finances. Astrology will help to identify your own personal map of Karma and it is a great way to rebirth into the Spirit.

One of the main factors in distinguishing a karmic lesson is Saturn, as this planet is the lord of Karma. If Saturn signifies obstacles and limitations in life, it is because either your desired goal was incorrect, or a karmic reaction has been imposed. As such, Saturn's placement in your chart can indicate the areas in life that one needs to work on. Saturn's movement with time, through your natal chart, induces various scenarios to force growth in certain directions. When we ignore our real goals, certain crises' can occur in adulthood as Saturn orbits the Zodiac forming particular stressful aspects to the natal chart. Therefore, if you fail to conform to certain ways in this life, Saturn is always there to induce a karmic lesson, either immediately or in the future.

Saturn remains in one Zodiac sign for an average of two and a half years, so a whole karmic generation of Saturn people enter life during that two and a half year period. For example, people with major karmic lessons concerning Sagittarius energy and forces (meaning freedom happiness, philosophy, travel, sometimes sports, and animals) form a Karma here. 

It takes Saturn about twenty-nine years to circle the Sun, from our point of view, covering all twelve signs of the Zodiac. The type of Karma that each baby will have during the two and a half years of Saturn in any sign, although similar, will further depend on its aspects to other planets, the location of the house, and whether it's retrograde or not (Saturn retrograde tends to open up the energies of Uranus).
As an example; consider Saturn in the sign of Leo, positioned in the first house. Saturn/Leo is Karma with family, but Saturn in the first house is the most karmic position for this planet, particularly if this planet is intensified by being close to the Ascendant line. The first house depicts how you interface with the world, your appearance, self-esteem, and childhood. So an individual born with this placement would have childhood and self-esteem Karma. If Saturn has stressful aspects applied from other planets, there could be a very painful childhood and an inner security problem. This would be a result of some unfortunate action in a past life, where the person probably ignored forming a loving family bond, and directed his/her attention to selfish matters such as career.

There are all kinds of Karma that a person can have in a lifetime which may be revealed when examining the birth chart in general. Astrology allows for an analysis to understand ones' passion, pain or pleasure-pain syndrome. By zeroing in on what sign and house Saturn is in, and what types of aspects are formed from other planets, a significant karmic picture can be generated. Aspects between Saturn, and the Moon, Rising Sign, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Sun, under square and opposition, are going to have more of a severe significant effect Karmically. Of course aspects between other planets can signify Karma, but Saturn tends to be generally more prolific. The key for the symbology behind Saturn is that if necessary, it contracts situations, events and opportunity.

To understand some specific meanings, let's first examine the twelve houses, and what it means to have planets in these houses for a chart under stress. To find the houses in a natal chart look at it as if it was a clock. Locate the nine `o' clock positions (the far left part of the wheel). This is the horizon line, or Rising Sign. Now go counter-clockwise, starting at that nine `o' clock point, and label the pie sections one through twelve, as near to the center circle as possible. Note the planets you have within each house so you can understand the following information.

The First House is the rising sign house and the childhood house. Planets in this first house under stress (square opposition or inconjunct to other planets), Saturn, or planets in Aries, will often reflect a Karma with yourself or with childhood. Anything to do with the self, meaning self-esteem, appearance, even vanity. There could be a personality Karma, a character Karma, or an identity Karma, especially during childhood, leading to unprocessed experiences. As soon as we become conscious, we realize that we are in negative territory. That is why we are forced to grow up quickly with planets in the first house, in Aries, and especially Saturn, which magnifies this effect.

The Second House would be a Karma concerning money (nine times out of ten), value, self-worth, love, or what is important in this life-cycle. These individuals sometimes appear agnostic to the world and do not appreciate the real meaning of love. There can also be obsessions with the material so the spiritual side is of often lacking.
The Third House would show a Karma with the mind. Planets in the third house under stress, in Gemini, sometimes indicates mental instability, psychological Karma, or mental illness if one is not strong enough to handle this kind of Karma. Some of the communication problems could be with brothers, sisters, neighbors, or even teaching. It is either that they're not heard right or they don't hear things the way they should. This extends to relating things to other's that is wrong.
The Fourth House planets or afflicted planets in Cancer can show Karma with the mother, feelings, residence, and security. Saturn is detriment in Cancer, so any tendency to have an emotional wall will be further strengthened. The fourth house also signifies past lives, so when you get your button pushed and have no idea why you react the way you do, it could be from a past life.
The Fifth House planets or afflicted planets in Leo would be a Karma with the family or creative endeavor, with power, and authority. In Leo, any Karma will be with the father, or no children, but in the fifth house it is with creativity, pets, enterprises and children.
The Sixth House planets or afflicted planets in Virgo, epitomize major Karma concerning work situations, health if you don't maintain it, and service due to a lack of it. It may also affect your judgment, and analytical ability.
The Seventh House planets or afflicted planets in Libra would epitomize lessons in love or relationships. A lack of balance between yourself and partners indicates another type of Karma too. Some of the problems that can manifest here concerns the obsession to get married, but often find themselves getting divorced. A heavy Karma could indicate a persecution complex.
The Eighth House planets or afflicted planets in Scorpio would show a major lesson in life concerning sensitivity, deep emotions, love, sex, intimacy and transformability or lack of the ability to transform, change, or metamorphosize. As with other water signs, the emotions can be contracted, and restricted. It's easy for these people to be celibate. There may be jealousy and obsessions with death or problems dealing with others dying.
The Ninth House planets or afflicted planets in Sagittarius would show Karma concerning philosophy, freedom, religion, justice, travel or lack of it, and sometimes being anchored to ones' life, work, job, family, home and responsibilities. Sometimes lessons concerning happiness—a contraction of happiness—are shown, Karmically speaking. That's why these people tend to get very moody and depressed.
The Tenth House would show a Karma with external aspects of life. Planets in the tenth house under stress, in Capricorn, would epitomize Karma with ones' career, authority, practicality and ambition.
The Eleventh House planets (under affliction) or planets in Aquarius or at least two in either signs or house would epitomize the Karma concerning groups, friends, goals, organization and direction in life. Also humanity or lack of it.
The Twelfth House planets or afflicted planets in Planets in Pisces would epitomize a Karma with oneself, in being you're own worst enemy. It is a very emotional Karma, indicating self-destruction and hidden events. Hidden events are not readily visible and can effect your life in the long term, because a decision or commitment was not made when it should have. Also there can be Karma with enemies, mankind, institutions, and hospitals. Saturn in Pisces or the twelfth could be a Karma with people that definitely identify themselves as your enemy, and who would also want to hurt you. It's also a lesson in emotions.

The essence of this subject is of course to identify ones' Karma.

Understanding the planets is important, as there is a karmic derivation for all of the planets, individually and in combination of course. The combination of the planets in your natal chart equal your individual uniqueness.

The Rising Sign reflects a Karma of what you have become as to how others see you. An important aspect here is the Rising point degree which is the Karma of self. The value of the degree may often influence your choice of friends and lovers, particularly those with similar value.
The Sun sign or the Sun itself, is always the Karma of the Soul, Karma of the identity, and where the Sun has come through its path in the Universe.
The Moon reflects emotional Karma, and the exact reward or punishment for what you have lain out emotionally previously to this lifetime, or what your emotional lessons may be. Moon in Scorpio is in one of its worse signs as it's in fall, they are the most sensitive, vulnerable, passionate, frightened, and most extreme of all the Moons. So there is a major Karma involved with everyone whose Moon is in Scorpio.
Mercury is the planet that rules psychological Karma, mental illness, and communication. How it is aspected tells of stability or lack of stability and some of the mental Karma that we lay upon ourselves.
Venus reflects Karma that we have with ourselves concerning money, women and the feminine factor in our lives.
Mars represents the Karma we have concerning our overall life energy force and health of the body—the temple of the Soul. Mars also represents the male factor or Karma we have with ourselves concerning men.
Jupiter the philosophical Karma, the freedom factor. This lets us know what we've done in past lives as far as good is concerned, and sharing of knowledge, power, and consciousness. Also travel or mobility Karma.
Saturn is the Lord of Karma and the planet that represents the major Karma force in life. It's a very important planet to understand, as to why you were born and your generation (where Saturn was for two and a half years). The Planets further out and beyond Saturn allow for spiritual development through experiences that are beyond Saturn's limitations; the effective path towards spiritual growth.
Uranus is a planet that is metaphysically karmic, it's like a slap in the face, it's an awakener, shocker. So when ever you have anything knocking in you life, it's probably a Uranian factor in your chart. It rules accidents sometimes, and what John Lennon would call instant Karma.
Neptune is a planet that concerns a higher part of ourselves and a connection to the spiritual levels, the higher-mind. This means if we don't have a clear concept of communication from the higher mind, then it can often show us being negative, extra hard on ourselves or self destructive. Neptune is the Spiritual factor that can allow us to evolve beyond our highest good, and escape some of the pain of karmic retribution.
Pluto is a very transformative planet. It asks us to serve or suffer. If a strong Pluto is present and you are being too stubborn, not letting go, and holding on, this planet will infer change, re-birth, or become very persuasive in bringing about change. It can represent anxiety that lasts for a long time, or instant freedom, through transformation, peace and re-birth that can be wonderful when you eventually learn to let go.

Note that whenever it says square in your chart, that shows Karma with your self, you are your own worst enemy, with this trait in your personality. Squares are just us holding ourselves down, it's no one's fault but our own, we made the mess ourselves.

The opposition aspect as a Karma in your chart is usually that you create people in your life that can make you miserable, or at least take away some of that joy. (Oppositions have the effect of creating other people in our lives that create Karma)

With Saturn, conjunct, square, or opposite the Moon or Sun, there can be a fear of criticism, of being wrong or inadequate which often leads to a fear of trying anything new. There is an inheritance from a past life which can be related ones' current situation or from over-exerting ones' will or emotions. The opposition aspect can result in individuals projecting and even manifesting their fears onto others.

With Saturn conjunct, square, or opposite Mars, there can be a fear of sex, asserting oneself, or taking risks in general. These individuals may appear cruel, egotistical, stone-hearted and cynical in which they cover up inner fears. In extreme cases there can be sexual problems to either impotence or harassment.

With Saturn square, or opposite Mercury, there is a significant importance with intellect and knowledge. These aspects generally indicate slow-thinking individuals who have a fear of being thought of as slow witted, or stupid. These individuals will often work harder at learning certain skills to overcome any speaking, reading or writing impediment. Unfortunately, they can be carried away with themselves and become mentally arrogant, so they need to find a balance here. This aspect can also be a karmic legacy, where the individual took advantage of another's skill.

With Saturn conjunct, square, or opposite Venus, there can be a fear of allowing ones' emotions to be hurt. This vulnerability can result from exposure to a cold parent, a karmic legacy or tendency. The person often becomes the person they inwardly hate, which is the cold parent or figure. Sometimes a painful love experience can prompt the individual to re-examine ones' emotions more closely. Another form of love Karma here will be a pain and pleasure syndrome thing we put ourselves through.

The slower moving planetary aspects to Saturn tend to indicate more of a generation effect. These are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Therefore the identification Saturn's energies in a chart greatly assists in establishing those areas in which we are vulnerable and prone to. It is then that we can try not to be so obsessed. A person with Saturn in Scorpio might keep trying to make sex and romance work, but they have so much trouble and stress because they are obsessed with it. An obsession with money can create a negative force, because the moral ethics behind how the money was acquired, either by gambling, cheating, stealing, or manipulating people to sell them something, are things that can create a negative force of Karma, and it is always your Karma. Being more spiritual and less obsessed in any area, avoids Karma.

People can really go through the wringer when Saturn and Uranus transit natal chart planets forming not only squares and oppositions, but "T" squares, grand squares, but maybe grand crosses. So Karma overload can become very intense with the latter three, and cause a lot of pain. Sometimes, a transit can hit, and hit us hard, we can end up with tremendous anxiety that I would call undiagnosed anxiety. Often, the cause of this is a Karma that has not been resolved, absolved or dealt with, that we're suddenly confronted with. This is when we find it harder to sleep, harder to balance and harder to center. That's what the Karma overload problem is all about.

Many of us who have not been Metaphysically and spiritually endowed, have pretended to be religious, or spiritual, and have made a number of mistakes, and created certain problems. You are not born with your particular Astrological chart by mistake. In other words, the chart you are born with is a chart of energy vibration that you qualify for, or you kind of deserve. The frozen picture or chart of birth is an area of space where the planets were positioned. The planets travel through what is known as the Zodiac signs Aries through Pisces. Each planet radiates different energies. For instance, the Moon represents emotions and Mother, the Sun your Soul and Father, Mercury your mind, Venus your values and your love factor. Mars your life force and sex factor and Jupiter your philosophies. Saturn your major debt in this lifetime. Uranus your awakening factor. Neptune the illuminating factor and Pluto the transformation factor.

If the moving planets create an intense situation for you, the Universe is telling you something. It's time to wake up and listen. If your chart is lit up with karmic indicators, the stress could be more intense. When karmic indicators strike, many people just refuse to rest. They may be involved in a heavy career activity, a major relationship problem or with whatever. Sometimes all that's required is rest, and meditation. This is one of the reasons meditation absolves Karma, it's because you are resting. You are telling your body to hold the horses here, and stop it.

With love and relationships there are three things to examine in the Natal chart. These are the Moon, Venus and Mars. A Moon with squares and oppositions may depict people with emotional Karma and emotional problems. Having an unafflicted Moon makes for a better catch in marriage, which is why these individuals seem to be grabbed up quickly. The Moon also represents balance from the mother. Sometimes we act like our mothers without our knowing. Emotionally this means that people have to love the mother that is inside of them, and where the lunar Karma comes from.

Venus is the planet of love/relationships and Mars is the planet of the individual or life-force. Venus also represents the female entry into our lives and Mars represents the male entry. So if your looking for women and you want to find the Karma you have with women you should analyze Venus in your natal chart. If you are looking for men and you want to understand your Karma with men, then examine Mars in your chart. This is why a man or woman can turn out Bisexual or homosexual. A homosexual man might have an very badly inflicted Venus and a blessed Mars (Venus with squares or placed in a mutable or fixed sign. Mars in a sign with trines and sextiles). This is why some people become homosexual or bisexual because the relationship would be a lot less painful. Not everybody with afflicted Venus or Mars is homosexual though. Many people choose to confront their Karma and try to absolve it. There may also be an indication of homosexuality with a Venus/Uranus aspect. If you have the Mars square Venus, that's the person with too much initiative and not enough patience. Most of their choices are too impatient and they get into trouble, and they can go through many marriages in no time. They have a lot of Karma with relationships and themselves.

A Venus square Jupiter is just someone who just totally goes after the wrong woman, and has a lot to learn about love. This is because Jupiter is an over-and-under action in stress to that planet of love. Venus will often create situations where there doesn't seem to be any balance, as this is another representation of Venus. Venus-Mars and Venus-Jupiter squares or oppositions can all influence any imbalance. Oppositions onto Venus may show that we are attracting women who are ridiculous challenges. People can set their goals too high for a woman they know they can't have, with for example married or involved women. Its a very dangerous and adulterous Karma. A Mars square Jupiter may create the over- or under-doing it with men.

If Uranus is in opposition or square to the Moon, Venus or Mars, then often a partner doesn't know what the heck is going on. It can be like a lightning bolt effect, here today gone tomorrow. Moon-Uranus stress is unpredictable and noncommittal. Venus-Uranus stress is eccentric and fancy-free. Mars-Uranus stress can be intolerant, offensive and sometimes accidents or sudden shocks.

Neptune or Pluto square or opposition Venus will put you in another dimension with relationships. The question is that your not in strawberry fields but you'd like to be and sometimes a ridiculous dreamer or fancier concerning love, sex, relationships and intimacy. A Mars square Neptune is the fancier who has men made out to be something they never are. The Mars square Pluto or opposed Pluto is the person who will run to too many extremes in relationships, show too many sides, sometimes needing to transform and let go of old ideas and values that will hold them down. They could show some hang ups with romance and intimacy. Pluto also represents sex so a square/opposition to Mars or Venus will definitely show sex as a major evolution area, so an open mind is needed.
The Saturn Return cycle can be a significant event for some people and is where Saturn returns to the same location, in the Zodiac, as it was when you were born. This applies to individuals turning twenty-eight to thirty years old, and also fifty-seven to fifty-nine. This cycle is not a lot of fun for many of us, because a Saturn Return is so karmic! It is so incredibly karmic that usually what ever you've done wrong in your life will somehow either turn around and become corrected, or whatever you've done right in your life will be rewarded.
Now Saturn takes about twenty-nine years to complete a journey around the Sun, through all twelve signs of the Zodiac. So as we approach the age of twenty-nine and again as we near sixty this planet returns to its precise position at the time of your birth. So just like a solar return around ones' birthday, where the identity is renewed, Saturn returns are a Karma check, which is tested and reaffirmed. It's akin to slipping into the Akashic records for a two year period, finding out whether you did any of your homework for the last twenty-nine years and then coming out of the Akashic records to reaffirm what the next twenty-nine year Saturn cycle could be.

The Saturn Return can be the biggest test and lesson of your life. When you are twenty-seven, getting ready for the approach to your Saturn Return, then certain things start happening to remind you that something almost catastrophic is about to happen, to totally transform and rebirth your life, your values, judgment and everything. Many people make some serious commitments as they approach their thirtieth birthday. Some can end marriages, some can end drunkenness or alcoholism. Other's can make a commitment to marriage after a relationship which has lasted for many years. In other words many people will get married after twenty-nine or thirty, as a test for themselves. Certain people, especially men, would start a family at this time. Others might buy their first home. In the work environment many might assess their careers' and question their progress. If important changes are required, it's a good time at which to do so. In most cases they will not be too old to re-train, or feel that some additional qualification might help them. This is an excellent time at which to take a lower salary for awhile and study, which is what a lot of people do.

Now the influence is by no means easy, even though we are aware that in Astrology everything is good, as even the Saturn Cycle is a test. We often experience a difficult time during our first Saturn return, but decisions taken and changes made usually work out well in the long run and have a powerful bearing on the future. In fact, how you deal with your Saturn return—how you handle it—will dictate your next twenty-eight years. So if something good happens to you in the Saturn return and if you don't end up in a mental institution, prison, poor house or whatever and if you don't end up with hate, anger, avarice, greed and selfishness then there's hope for you. Individuals who are unable to let go, say goodbye, build self esteem, check the emotional balance and Spirit are those who experience tragedy or catastrophe in life. It is very important then that we become aware of how to handle a Saturn return.
As sixty approaches, we experience our second Saturn return. It's a time to begin to assess the next thirty years of our lives. Life doesn't end at sixty, as some people think, just because of retirement from full time work. Some consider developing those interests that were neglected because of work and children. The second Saturn return is less formidable than the first because we're more mature then.

Many Astrologers used to think Saturn was the planet of doom. Now it's seen as more of encouraging us to move forward, achieve our ambitious, aspire and leave the garbage behind.

From Healing Mantras by the late Thomas Ashley-Farrand