Thursday, October 11, 2012

Feather Fetish and Objects in My Smudge Fan

Made this Feather Smudge Fan myself ... Just finished it today!

My first love for feathers came when I visited my Mom's maternal grandparent's family; it was in a small town cole to the foothills of the Himalayas.  A distant neice of hers allowed me to pluck colorful feathers off of a vase.  The next day I plucked some more and showed them to my Mom; I got scolded by her and my feather fetish ended there.  Until recently, I wouldn't even pick up a fallen feather because I was afraid they would contain germs. 

When I got more involved with energy work, I started smudging, but used no feathers; curiously looked at a few, but they seemed too expensive (the one I made myself turned out to be even more expensive; but I could pick and choose everything that went into it). It was during my shamanic class that they urged me to start using a feather.  Soon after that I went on an unrelated shamanic journey to ask the spirits what fetishes I should have ... and immediately feathers were shown to me.  I understood why, from yet another unrelated journey. I spent the next few weeks gathering feathers... some I ask from others, some I found in the yard and some I purchased.

Across the Earth numerous cultures embrace the energies and beauty of birds. Some use feathers to adorn their clothing (earrings, hair pins, etc. in modern days), some in ceremony, some may be used in the quivers of arrows, whilst others are used as sacred prayer messengers and smudge fans.
In the culture of the American Indians People and other aboriginal cultures, bird feathers have profound meaning and significance in the spiritual life of their people. The type of bird the feather comes from, the color of the feathers has deep meaning.

You may be familiar with the term 'smudging, or smudge feathers', a practice that dates back centuries… The feathers used for smudging range from Turkey, Pheasant, Eagle, Goose, Hawk, Condor … the list is endless. Yet each feather has a different meaning, and each feather has within it the energies of the bird it comes from. The most  commonly used feathers in smudging are Turkey, they are regarded as having cleansing and healing properties.

The feathers held in highest esteem by many cultures are the Eagle, closely followed by the Hawk and Condor. These Raptors are awesome predators, flying highest in the sky, some can soar and plummet at speeds and with an agility we can barely imagine. To be in possession of these feathers was, and still is regarded as a great honor. To work with bird energies is to love them, respect them, honor them.

Different feathers carry different meanings and energies. Smudge feathers were often left in plain sight, near the entrance of the home, it is said that the occupants will be protected from harm whilst the feathers remain on display in a place of honor. Others believed that the feathers should be kept wrapped in a special bundle, away from prying eyes.

Traditionally smudge feathers are used to cleanse, purify, heal oneself, another person, a space, special or sacred objects such as crystals, drums, healing tools etc.

Traditionally, smudge feathers are used in conjunction with different types of dried plant, in America this is the Sage family. The type of Sage varies according the the habitat of the tribe. In other countries different dried plants, herbs and resins are used, and different feathers from local birds. Again the type of Sage used has significance, whilst all Sages are cleansing and healing, some have additional properties. In addition, other plants and resins can be used in conjunction with Sage, Sweetgrass, Copal, Juniper, Elk Leaf etc, and these plant people add their energies to the magic that is smudging.

Are you a healer? … Do you have bird/animal/spirit guides that you are already working with? … are the feathers naturally fallen feathers?

Some call Smudging “Spiritual House Cleaning “ It is used to clear negative energy and to find your “Center”. Focus on “the now” and keep positive thoughts while smudging. Light the sage and use the feather to fan the smoldering sage towards the East, then the West, North, South, to the sky, the ground, and in a circle around yourself. Next fan toward your heart, head, down your body, giving thanks for all the good in your world. This is not the only way to sage. There are many different ways and you get to choose the one best for you and your belief system.

I have found that feathers usually pick the person rather than the other way around. Trust your intuition and you will be found by the right feather, the energies that are right for you at this time, and the symbolism that most suits your needs.

I picked up my first feather (since my childhood) when a bird crashed on the glass window and lay dead and had left a single black and white feather near by.  I could not help it but pick it up; it was so enticing.
I got my peacock feather from my friend; went to his house, found it and asked him if he'd give it to me; and he did, bless his kind heart. Soon, another one, much smaller, came my way from a stranger
Parrot feathers were shed by another friend's pet parrot. I got to pick them up.
A Macau feather was donated to me by one of my classmates, she had received a huge lot from someone.  I did not use it here because it did not match.
Turkey feathers are very cleansing and although I'm not much into turkey feathers, I decided to use them when I had a dream in which I'd seen my shamanic helper use it on me.
I met a new person in class and found out that she had made a beautiful fan which had a few rooster feathers.  I asked her if she'd bring me some and she did.
I picked a lot of Quail and Dove feathers from the yard.  When I saw a pair in the backyard, I actually asked if they could leave a few feathers for me, and they did; everyday, till I said enough. I had found one or two before that. 
The Duck feathers, Amherst feathers and Scottish Hawk feathers I purchased. My sincere thanks to everyone who contributed feathers for my smudge fan and my special gratitude to the beautiful birds themselves.

The Italians call Smudge Feathers 'Happiness Feathers' and I think that is rather a fitting name. One thing I know for sure, is that if you choose to connect with our winged friends, the prayer messengers, you will forge a bond that is rather wonderful, to feel with every fibre of your being a connection to a bird who has soared high in the sky and wishes to help us send our prayers to the heavens, now that is surely a gift from heaven.

Sacred herbs and resins: Sage, Copal resin, Angel sage, Cedar, Nettles and these plant people add their energies to the magic that is smudging.

Birch: Sacred to Cerridwen and represents new beginnings and births. Used for protection, fertility, purifications and blessings.

Cotton (Gossypium barbadense): Feminine. Moon. Earth.
Luck, Healing, Protection, Rain, Fishing Magic. Place cotton on an aching tooth to take away pain. Planted or scattered in yard, it keeps ghosts away. Burning cotton causes rain.

Willow: Love, Divination, Protection, Healing

Red cotton chord (hidden) to tie Birch twigs (hidden) together. 
Red symbolizes physical vitality. Also courage, good fortune, and life.

Honey Opal (Oregon Opal): Metaphysical Properties: Stone of transformation, dreaming, and imagination. Enhances psychic abilities and visions. Cleanser and purifier. Helps one strengthen positive emotions and release negative emotions. Corresponding Chakra: Crown, 7th Chakra.

Turquoise stone for protection. 
Metaphysical Properties: Communication, protection, grounding. Spirituality, connection between physical and spiritual planes.ChakrasAttunes all chakras. Blue-Green turquoise is good for use at the 2nd Chakra. Blue Turquoise is good for the 5th Chakra.                           
Clear quartz crystal point on backside is an energy amplifier and enchances psychic awareness.
Metaphysical properties: Clear quartz crystal is the universal stone. Everyone should have one! It corresponds to all zodiac signs, and is a pure and powerful energy source. It receives, activates, stores, transmits, and amplifies energy. Stimulates brain functions and activates all levels of consciousness. Excellent for meditation. Brings harmony to the soul.

Deer--- Understanding emotions, understanding the physical and the spiritual, the connection of heart and soul. The power of gently inspiring others by touching them without pushing them to change.(When a large herd of deer move during the day-they will be in sight of each other, yet spread out.-As night falls the deer will form into single file, nose to tail and move together by following the white tail that is in front of them.) Trust your instincts to lead you, yet know when it is time to follow. Native American Totem Animal for "Gemini"
Deer/Hart's Wisdom Includes:

  • Gentleness in word, thought and touch
  • Ability to listen
  • Grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance
  • Understanding of what's necessary for survival
  • Power of gratitude and giving
  • Ability to sacrifice for the higher good
  • Connection to the woodland goddess
  • Alternative paths to a goal

Fox -- The Fox is seen as a sacred animal throughout the world. The fox is the cunning and stealthy messenger of the gods and the magical guide to the world between time and space often shape shifting on the journey, (sometimes into human form). The fox lives in the "In-between Time" on the edge of dusk and dawn and can guide the way into the Spiritual Realm. There are many species of fox, but they all share the cleverness and cunning from which comes the expression, "sly as a fox." For the fox learning to be invisible is an important skill in life. The fox shows how to develop the arts of camouflage, invisibility, and shape shifting. The fox teaches how to be unpredictable by mastering the ability of blending unseen into the surroundings. A creature of the night it is imbued with supernatural powers and is a totem of healing of body, mind and spirit. A basic lesson fox offers is to stay clear of complications, rather than getting involved in controversies, step back and observe differences from a distance. It is likely you do not need to take sides. The fox takes a neutral stand when he is not being threatened. The fox runs from trouble, preferring not to get in the mix of conflicts.
  • Arctic Fox--- Benefits coming from a different colored wardrobe for each season. (An arctic fox will sometimes tease a polar bear by darting in to nip at its heels in hopes of distracting it from its prey.) Playing a dangerous game.
  • Fennec Fox--- Amazing what you can hear when you take the time to listen, retaining fluids
  • Gray Fox -- Represents shape shifting, being invisible and the female magick of camouflage. Gray Fox's power cycle is dawn, dusk and at night. A long positive history of magick. A symbol of good luck
  • Red Fox--- Associated with the female in folktales and legends. Sexual energy and the freeing of the creative force. For a woman it is a sign to bring home and children back into focus. A winter spirit.
Fox's Wisdom Includes:
  • Shapeshifting
  • Cleverness
  • Observational skills
  • Cunning
  • Stealth
  • Camouflage
  • Feminine courage
  • Invisibility
  • Ability to observe unseen
  • Persistence
  • Gentleness
  • Swiftness
Dove: Luck in Love. Love, Peace & Gentleness. 
Dove feather brings energies of peace and prophecy.            
Dove/Pigeon- Understanding peace and love. Gentleness. Warning. Laid back. Speed and agility in air. Community. Strong partner bonds. Travel.
Dove/Pigeon's Wisdom Includes:

  • Brings peace and love
  • Understanding of gentleness
  • Spirit messenger
  • Communicates between the two worlds
Duck: Good Luck. Wealth. 

Hawk: Messenger. If you see a hawk, look around, there is a message for you in what is also going on around you.

Hawk- Far sightedness, observation, memory, guardianship, seeing the larger picture, courage, truth, overcoming problems.
Hawk,-- Hawk is the Messenger of the Great Spirit, the protector and the visionary; delivering omens, spirit messages and blessings from the Creator in order that you may see the larger picture. It holds the key to higher levels of consciousness. This totem awakens vision, recalls past lives and inspires a creative life purpose... Be careful not to become caught up in the details; fly higher so you can see the big picture, the overall view. Observe and study your surroundings and work on accepting things the way they are, rather than forcing change. Soar high above the mundane and everyday problems and be reminded of the great responsibility of diligently working to fulfill your soul's purpose.
Hawk's Wisdom Includes:
  • Clear-sightedness
  • Being observant
  • Far-memory
  • Messages from spirit
  • Guardianship
  • Recalling past lives
  • Courage
  • Wisdom
  • Illumination
  • Seeing the larger picture
  • Creativity
  • Truth
  • Experience
  • Wise use of opportunities
  • Overcoming problems
Parrot: Mimic, Ostentatiousness                                                                                                 Parrot and Macaw feathers bring sharp vision and spiritual perception, new sunshine and healing. 
Parrot,-- A bird of the sun and its bright colors and sunshine aspect are what gives it its magic. It is a teacher of the power of light and colors and its feathers can be used for healing and to invoke the energies of the Sun. Some parrots have been taught to mimic human speech and can, on one hand be linked to learning language. On the other hand a parrot can be a sign of insincerity; speaking another's words without meaning them. When Parrot appears, look to your left.
  • Cockatoo -- Rain Magic. Travel. Joy. Crying with Joy. Emotional Freedom. Spiritual Freedom. Finding Spiritual Truths. Your Inner Fire. Creativity. The Muse. Inner Beauty. Inner and Outer Wealth. Preserving What You Care For.
  • Macaw,-- Language, mockery, bringer of rain
Peacock: Pride, Vanity 
Peacock feathers for vision and wisdom.
Pheasant: Confidence 
Pheasant:,A hardy bird that symbolizes warning and concealment. It teaches about fertility and sexuality as symbolized by its tail plumes. 
This is symbolic of creativity, sexuality, influence and magic.
The pheasant feeds on grains and grasses and anyone with pheasant energy benefits by incorporating more grains into their diet.
  • Golden Pheasant -- Preferring to hide one's beauty, the understanding of trees and their wisdom, taking refuge away from others, personality and presence that fades under the spotlight, avoidance of prestige and glamour, understanding the cold and lonely places, being exploited for your beauty, elusiveness, hiding your true nature.

    Amherst Pheasant:
    Turkey: Give away. Amerinds see turkey as a sign of generosity. 
    Earth Eagle (turkey) for connection with the Earth.Earth Eagle (turkey) feathers connect one                                      with the abundant energies of the Earth. Earth Eagle (turkey) feathers connect one with the abundant energies of the Earth.
    Turkey,(Wild Turkey) -- A symbol of sacrifice and a giver of life. Native American peoples saw the turkey as a sacred bird because their great abundance provided a source of good meat. It gives its life so others may live. The turkey symbolizes the harvest bounty and honoring of the Earth Mother. Wild turkeys were almost eliminated because they were taken for granted and the turkey teaches a need to remember that nothing is an endless resource and that all gifts that come from the Great Spirit must be honored. When 3 turkeys cross your path a strange and eerie encounter lies ahead.

    •  Pheasant- Ego. Pride before a fall. the use of ritual. Beauty. Polyogamous. Self awareness. aggression. camouflage, sexual aggression, Using color to heal, self awareness, Understanding the use of ritual. Today's domestic turkeys are not the,birds of the Native American peoples. While wild turkeys can fly for short distances, farm raised turkeys are bred to be so stout that they cannot fly. Domesticated turkeys have been genetically altered to grow twice as fast and twice as large, as their ancestors. Although this rapid growth poses a serious threat to the animal's health and welfare, the turkey industry continues pushing to grow bigger birds. Respiratory ailments and influenza are responsible for almost half of,the deaths of turkeys who don't make it to slaughter. Turkeys are debeaked by slicing off,one third of the beak with a red hot blade when the bird is about five days old. After 4 months, turkeys,have reached the right size,and are sent to the slaughterhouse.
      Pheasant's Wisdom Includes:
      • Movement through ego
      • Using color to heal
      • Expansion of self awareness
      • Understanding the use of ritual
Quail -- Living close to the Earth, group nourishment and protection. Seeing danger and finding peaceful alternatives. Having courage in times of hardship. (Quails have an intricate system of communication, and much of is revolves around avoiding danger. Quails have an uncanny sense of their surroundings, and are masters at eluding predators. They stay grounded, preferring the comfort of tall grasses over open skies. This reminds us to keep ourselves protected.) When Quail comes to call, be smart, communicate your hesitation clearly and be mindful to stay out of harm's way. 
Rooster: Pride. Braggart 
Rooster -- Roosters are considered sacred symbols in Japan, calling Shinto followers to prayer with its morning crow at dawn. The Rooster is considered a time-keeper and is a sign of time passing in our lives. Hearing a Rooster's voice may indicate we need a wake-up call, and need to pay attention to some circumstances in our lives. A solar symbol, symbol of sexuality, vain, likes gifts and attention, rising to meet the Sun, drives off evil spirits of the darkness
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