Wednesday, December 5, 2012

List of Archangels ... Archangel Names

Angels & Archangels

 What are Angels?
 Angels are high spiritual beings that act as messengers or intermediaries from God (or Source). 

Angels live in the 7th dimension, often referred to as the ‘7thHeaven’. Humans generally live in the 3rd dimension and as we evolve spiritually we are able to work in the 4th dimension and then 5th and so forth, gradually ascending.
Angels act on behalf of God and therefore they do not have free will like humans do. They act with divine will, or the will of God. When we want angels to assist us, we usually need to ask them to do so. They only occasionally intervene or act without request from us in ways to steer us when an event or occurrence may interfere with the Divine Plan. However, angels have ‘appeared’ in human form in order to influence people when this has been considered the most effective way to intervene or help a person/people.
When we pray for help from the angels they work for God and therefore we are asking for his assistance. There are many types of angels such as angels of peace, happiness, laughter, love, healing, romance, but when we ask for assistance we do not need to specify a type as the right ones will assist when we ask. There are also many Archangels who work directly with God and have many angels working with them on their specific rays.

The Angelic Realms
They have the essence of PURE LOVE & maintain a pure vibration of divine energy. They sing with a pure voice, surrounding and praising God the Creator.
Guardians of the stars and heavens and they are the angels of WISDOM.
They look after the planets, e.g. Lady Gaia oversees the Earth. They transform divine wisdom into acceptable format for humans to understand and live and work with.
Acting as channels of MERCY. They oversee the angels below them and guiding humans to achieve ascension.
They are sending huge beams of light onto our planet to help the shift in consciousness that is now taking place in order to create the new Golden Age.
These include the angels of death & birth. Also the 7 Lords of Karma that are in charge of the Akashic Records. 
These oversee anything from a country to a town, large companies, schools or organisations.
They oversee and are responsible for the angels below them, including our Guardian Angels. These angels can be with many people in different places simultaneously.
These are the lowest ranking angels and include our Guardian Angels. They bring messages to us from God and help and guide us in our daily lives. They keep our personal records and are with us always throughout however many lifetimes we serve on Earth or any other planet.
Elemental Kingdom
These are the beings that are invisible to us and live in the ethers. They are ‘ethereal’- made up of only one element. These include the realms of the fairies, mermaids, gnomes, elves etc.

 List of Archangels ... Archangel Names

... These are the most popular Archangels.

Michael . Raphael . Gabriel . Ariel . Azrael . Chamuel . Haniel . Jeremiel . Jophiel . Metatron . Raguel . Raziel . Sandalphon . Uriel . Zadkiel

and some of the Divine counterparts are: Faith, Christine, Charity, Hope, Mother Mary, Aurora, Amethyst

Archangel Ariel
Ariel's name means 'Lion or lioness of God' and this archangel is associated with lions and animals. Ariel is involved with healing and protecting nature and that includes the animals, fish and birds, especially the wild ones. Environmentalism.  Patron Angel of Wild Animals

Archangel Azrael
Azrael's name means 'Whom God helps'. Azrael's role is primarily to cross people over to heaven at the time of physical death. Azrael comforts people prior to their physical death, ensures they do not suffer during death, and helps them to assimilate on the other side. Call upon Azrael for support and comfort. Grief Counseling. Assists Newly Crossed Over Soul. Compassion, peace, transition and comfort. Patron Angel of the Clergy

Archangel Chamuel
Chamuel' name means "He who sees God' or 'He who seeks God'. Chamuel is a powerful healer leader in the angelic hierarchy known as the 'Powers' who protect the world from fearful and lower energies. Call upon Chamuel for comfort, protection, and intervention in world events. Love, tolerance, gratitude. Call upon Chamuel if you need to find items, soulmate, etc... unconditional love and strengthens relationships. Patron Angel of all who love God.

Archangel Gabriel
Gabriel's name means 'God is my strength. Gabriel is the Angel of child conception or the process of adopting a child. This archangel also helps anyone whose life purpose involves art or communication. Defender of the Element of Water and of the West. The Angel of resurrection, mercy and peace and benefactor of " messengers". Purity, rebirth, creativity, prophecy, purifying your thoughts, body and emotions.Communication & the Arts. Patron Angel of all who work in the field of communications. postal workers, and clergy.

Archangel Haniel
Haniel's name means 'Glory of God' Haniel helps us to recover lost secrets of natural healing remedies. Haniel also helps us enjoy more grace in our lives. Call upon Haniel to add beauty, harmony, and the company of wonderful friends to your life. Moon energy, clairvoyance and grace

Archangel Jeremiel
Jeremiel's name means 'Mercy of God' In addition to being an archangel of prophetic vision's, Jeremiel helps newly-crossed over souls to review their lives. He helps those still living to take an inventory of their life, to be able to make positive adjustments. Visions, life review and psychic dreams.

Archangel Jophiel
Jophiel's name means 'Beauty of God'. Jophiel helps us to think beautiful thoughts and to therefore create, manifest, and attract more beauty into our lives. Illumination, wisdom and perception. Thoughts of beauty and love. Patron Angel of Artists

Archangel Metatron
Metatron is a fiery, energetic angel who has a special place in his heart for children, especially those who are spiritually gifted. After the Exodus, Metatron led the children of Israel through the wilderness and onto safety. He continues to lead children today, both on earth and in heaven. Unity, education and truth. Children Issues. Owning your own power. Patron Angel of Small Children.

Archangel Michael
Michael's name means 'He who is like God' or 'He who looks like God' His chief function is to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins associated with fear. Michael gives guidance and direction for people who need help or assistance in their life's purpose or career path ... to clarify or to make changes. Defender of the Element of Fire and of the South. Leader of the Archangels, he is the Angel of protection, justice & strength.  Protection, courage, power and strength. Archangel Michael gives you protection, and encourages you to make life changes that are required for your spiritual growth.  If your space needs clearing call upon Archangel Michael.

Archangel Raguel
Raguel's name means 'Friend of God' His chief role in heaven is to oversee all of the other archangels and angels, to ensure that they're all working together in a harmonious and orderly fashion, according to Divine order and will. If you need help in creating  harmony and resolving conflicts, call upon Raguel.

Archangel Raphael
Raphael's name means 'God heals' or 'God has healed' based upon the Hebrew word, Rapha, which means 'doctor' or 'healer' Raphael is a powerful healer of physical bodies, both for humans and animals. Defender of the Element of Air and of the East. He is the Angel of Love, Joy and Laughter, custodian of the Tree of Life and of Healing Powers. He helps you heal your mind, thoughts, body, and soul. Those suffering from addicitions would benefit asking Archangel Raphael for assistance. Patron Angel
of all those in the field of Medicine

Archangel Raziel
Raziel's name means 'secret of God' because he works so closely with God that he knows all of the secrets of the universe, and how it operates. Raziel can help you too understand esoteric material and increase you ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance. Alchemy, divine magic and manifesting. Patron Angel of Law Makers and Lawyers

Archangel Sandalphon
Sandalphon's name means 'brother' in Greek, a reference to his twin brother, the archangel Metatron. The twins are the only archangels in heaven who were originally mortal men. Sandalphon's chief role is to carry human prayers to God, so they may be answered. Patron Angel of music

Archangel Uriel
Uriel's name means 'God is light' 'Gods light' or 'Fire of God' because he illuminates situations and gives prophetic information and warnings. Perhaps because of his connection to Noah, and the weather elements of thunder and lightening, Uriel is considered an archangel who helps us with natural disaster. Call upon archangel Uriel to avert such events, or to heal and recover in their aftermath.  Defender of the element of earth and of the north. Angel of nature, visions and instruction and the custodian of prophecy. Peace & ministration, spiritual understanding, students with their test and studies and problem solving. A patron angel of literature and music.

How Can We Connect with Angels?
 The best way for any human to connect with angels is to behave and act in ways that would be considered ‘angelic’ – with love and peace in your heart. Angels act with total and complete love and compassion and are only able to act in these ways. They are ‘Unconditional Love’. They welcome requests but will not interfere with another person’s free will on the instruction of another human. Permission is always sought from a person’s higher self before they intervene at the request of another person.
As humans evolve and become more ‘angelic’ and pure through positive and loving acts of compassion and unconditional love for each other, we develop energy type wings in the etheric. These can be felt in the aura by others.
Eating organic and natural foods and drinking plenty of fresh water can assist in purifying the body for better connection to the angels and beings of light. Regular exercise and spending time in nature will also assist the process as will plain old practice!
It is worth bearing in mind that things can also hinder the process such as eating meat and dairy products, processed sugars, chemicals, alcohol and drugs, smoking, caffeine intake.
The ego can also act as a barrier to connection, particularly when you have a lack of confidence in your ability to connect and you feel afraid or anxious. If you are angry or judgemental this will also cause a block to their guidance as will the feeling of your own self-importance or superiority.
Any extreme emotion will generally impede progress and a successful connection as it will keep you firmly in the third dimension, unable to connect with those of the seventh dimension.
Feeling the energy of angels
Every human being will have at least one Guardian Angel with them. This is irrespective of the type of person that this human being is – good or bad. 
You can invite your Guardian Angel to touch your aura. You may feel a physical touch or just be aware of a subtle change of temperature or have an overwhelming sense that somebody is there. Often people feel flooded by an energy of love. There may be a particular smell associated with your Guardian Angel/s.
People with psychic ability may be able to see them.
Breathing the colour gold and staying calm will enhance the ability to feel their presence. If a person is distressed or emotional then it may be difficult to feel any sensation at all. It is more difficult for angels to touch a person in that state. If you cannot feel anything, don’t worry – just know that they are with you.
Finding out the name of your Guardian Angel
For some people, this is just given and there is a strong sense of ‘knowing’. However, most people will find out the name of their Guardian Angel/s during meditation.
It is not essential to know the name/s of your Guardian Angel/s but it does assist in building a personal relationship with them. If you call their name it will also help them to be able to enter your energy field faster and easier with the increased vibration of their name. Knowing their name/s also provides a psychic link.
When trying to find out the name, it is important to not try too hard. Open your mind and accept what is given to you. Be relaxed and receptive, opening the right side of the brain. During meditation or quiet contemplation it is important to accept the first name that is given to you. If you receive more than one name then there may be more than one angel working with you. It could also mean that you have been given the name of one of your guides in addition to the name of your Guardian Angel/s.
How can I ask for help?
As mentioned above, your personal angels are with you all the time. However, if you want their assistance you must ask as they cannot intervene without your instruction. You have free will. Even in times of distress they must stand by helpless unless you ask them to help you.
You can call on any angel for anything.   The right angel will respond. But remember, an angel will only act with love and compassion. They will not respond to demands from the ego.
Sit calm and centred (in a quiet space if possible) and ask for assistance. Ask for your prayer to be answered for the highest good. Be clear about what you are asking for, giving specific details and timeframes if necessary.
Can I ask for help for somebody else?
You can ask for intervention on behalf of somebody else. Your requests create grace and allow the angels to form a bridge of light to the other person or people. They can then direct their energy to where it is needed.
You do not need to worry about whether the request you are making is against a person’s free will as the angels work within the confines of Divine or Spiritual Law. Before they can help a person they seek permission from the person’s higher self. This is the same for situations and places.
If the person will not allow their help then they will wait until such a time that their help will be accepted. If this does not happen then the energy will be used to form a pool of light that can be drawn on by higher forces when needed.
Signs from the Angels
The most common sign is a small white feather
Hearing angel songs or music at a crucial time
Shapes of angels in the clouds, trees, rocks, mud etc
Pictures of angels – TV, magazines, etc at crucial times
Birds flying close by and other feathers
Rainbows appearing
Ways in which Angels can help
Angels can help with healing:
They can help heal YOU, Others, Situations, Problems etc
Talk to the angels about the issues that you would like their assistance with. Be specific and then release these issues and requests to them. They may not answer your prayers in the way that you would expect but be sure that they will be working hard to solve the problem for the highest good.
Remember, angels can heal over distance and time! There are no obstacles that can stand in their way but they will only act in line with Spiritual Law.
They can help us to heal situations that are occurring in the world right now such as wars, famines and disaster zones.
As well as healing they can also help to improve and strengthen relationships and situations by promoting harmony, peace and unconditional love throughout.
You can ask them to enhance relationships and situations by invoking happiness, fun, laughter, understanding, respect etc