Friday, February 14, 2014

On a Full Moon Night

I sing to the Moon, I sing to the Stars;
I sing to you, Oh my Angel, 
I sing to you, my love.

Oh Grandmother Moon, 
Shower your blessings on Me;
Bless me that I can see my Angel, my Love.

Star brothers and Star sisters,
Thank you for watching over me;
As I open up to my Angel's Love.

On a Full Moon night 
I toss my angel ring into the shimmering pool;
It is the call of my wild, wild heart.

Under the stars, as I wait
My Angel appears with his ring;
My heart sings, Oh my Angel, Oh my Love!

Then I fall into a deep, deep sleep
As I feel held in your arms. 
Thank you for being mine; Oh angel of Love.

I sing to you again; 
My Angel, I yearn for your touch. 
Oh My Love! Oh My Love!!! 

_  Ranjana Paul ... 02/ 14/14
Copyright 2013-2014 ... Ranjana Paul ... All Rights Reserved Worldwide ...

Photos copied from the web.