Sunday, December 27, 2015


Devon Ke Dev Mahadev - Sati to impress Lord Shiva through her dance

Ravan's Song in Devom ke dev mahadev

Journey to the lower world to explore a Wounding of the Primal Collective “The One” Soul ... Separation from spirit.

I went to my sacred Garden, called in my helping spirits. Then I stated my journey intention to Angel Cupid, “Journey to discover and explore a Wounding of the Primal Collective “The One” Soul that is present in all – humans, plants, animals, rocks, ...”

Then we went to lower world, crossed over the river and met Hades, Lord of the lower world. As before, two gold coins appeared in my right palm. Angel Cupid was by my side. I turned to Hades and handed him the two coins, one for me and one for angel Cupid and then I stated my journey intention to him. I said to Hades, “I want to Journey to the Chamber of Contracts and explore the contracts around the issue of ‘Separation from Spirit.’

All three of us appeared at the entrance to a cave. Lord Hades unlocked the gate as we waited to enter.  I entered and was greeted by a huge ball of white light. I merged with it. Momentarily, I found myself in the drivers seat in a red car. I was in a huge parking lot. There was a pickup truck parked next to me. As I noticed it, it drove further down and a little further away from my red car. The truck was old and dirty. When it moved away, I noticed that the parking lot was full of other cars, newer and more beautiful than the old pickup truck. 

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality and back to my room.

I interpreted it as I had connected to other souls and beings (cars) in the universe.

// Monday, September 7, 2015.