Sunday, February 24, 2019

A spontaneous journey initiated by baby Makhan Chor.

 1)    Journey to Mount Kailash and a spontaneous journey initiated by baby Makhan Chor.

Today is Tuesday, December 11, 2018. I had a healing this morning from the Pacos. There was a lot of clearing.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I went around and offered my puja to his family, Ganesh, Kartikeya, Parvati and Lord Shiva. Then I offered a pot of butter to baby Makhan Chor. For some reason, I touched his feet in reverence. As soon as I did that, the ground split and I was thrown down the cliff. It was pretty dark there. Baby Makhan Chor followed in front of me and as I fell, he was getting smaller and smaller; I see this happening to me when I’m merging into Lord Shiva sometimes. I haven’t been on this kind of journey with Baby Makhan Chor before; so I couldn’t say what was going on.

After a long while of falling, I was taken through a dark tunnel. I was not with any of my protecting or helping spirits. So I returned and requested Lord Shiva to join me.

At this time, I had to return and resume the journey from where I had left off. This would be the second track of my drumming CD.

I merged with Lord Shiva and we went with Baby Makhan Chor. We followed the same path and entered the dark tunnel. The tunnel was very short and very soon we were in front of an ocean on the West side of lower world (West side in Andean Shamanism is about ancestors and past lives). This ocean has always been about ancestors for me.

I was merged with Lord Shiva. I could not see Baby Makhan Chor. The water was very black and thick like a black or dark smoothy with sand (like the planet Mercury mix in a earlier journey); it was black, but not oily or sludgy (no intrusions or attachments, simply very heavy emotions). To the right side of this ocean, (Northwest) there was a pretty big residential lot with houses built pretty close together, like in the case of modern day condos and town homes. This residential establishment was surrounded by a cement wall all round. The wall was colored pale yellow and all the houses had the same pale yellow color and red terracotta roofs. The atmosphere was twilight blue to medium grey.

The healing needs were two fold. One was to heal and clear the waters of this ocean and the second would be to release those residents.

I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the waters of this ocean.” I watched as the texture of the water soon changed to regular water texture. It was still dark though. The atmosphere had cleared up to a cloudy grey color.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

2)    I repeated the above journey in another one to two days: Journey to heal and clear the waters of this West side ocean.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the waters of this West side ocean.” I was merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

We followed the same path and entered the dark tunnel and very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world (West side in Andean Shamanism is about ancestors and past lives). This ocean has always been about ancestors for me. The color of the ocean and the atmosphere had not changed after the last journey. The ocean was still dark and blackish and the atmosphere was a cloudy grey color. This time around, there was an empty L-shaped multi-stored parking lot at the mouth of the ocean with the head of the L protruding outwards towards the beach. Inside the garage, it was very dark.

I watched. Soon the atmosphere outside and the water of the ocean cleared up. Next, Lord Shiva focused on the parking lot. At first the darkness inside the parking lot began to clear. Then one by one, each of the levels of the empty parking lot was demolished; the structure just broke into itself and was finally gone, as if it had just evaporated off.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

3)    Journey to heal and clear the residents –

I returned the above journey in another one to two days: Friday, December 14th, 2018.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

We followed the same path and entered the dark tunnel and very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world (West side in Andean Shamanism is about ancestors and past lives). This ocean has always been about ancestors for me.

At this time, the intention of the Journey was to heal and clear the residents from those housed in the north side of the ocean. The ocean was still looking clear and the atmosphere over the ocean was sparkly and bright. However it was a different atmosphere that surrounded the colony. There was a darkness prevailing over the colony; it was almost dark as night.

Lord Shiva appeared over the colony and I made an intention for those residents to pack up and gather outside to leave. No resident came out of the houses where my attention was fixed; but I watched the street from across the other side.
I saw lots of women or people in black burkhas or robes gather quickly in the center and they gradually disappeared. Lord Shiva was standing there and he grew tall and seemed to absorb them in or make them disappear. The atmosphere here was still dark like night.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 22, 2018.

4)    Journey to heal and clear more of those residents –

I returned the above journey in another one to two days: Sunday, December 16th, 2018. This time, Lord Shiva wanted me to return to this journey.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

We followed the same path and entered the dark tunnel and very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world (West side in Andean Shamanism is about ancestors and past lives). This ocean has always been about ancestors for me.

At this time, the intention of the Journey was to heal and clear the residents from those housed in the colony on the north side of the ocean. The ocean was still looking clear and the atmosphere over the ocean was sparkly and bright. However it was a different atmosphere that surrounded the colony. There was a darkness prevailing over the colony; it was almost dark as night.

It was a pretty big residential lot with houses built pretty close together, like in the case of modern day condos and town homes. This residential establishment was surrounded by a cement wall all round. The wall was colored pale yellow and all the houses had the same pale yellow color and red terracotta roofs.

I made an intention for those residents to pack up and gather outside to leave. I urged baby Makhan Chor to help. No resident came out of the houses where my attention was fixed; but on other side I watched the block behind on the side across from the street. I saw lots of women or people in black burkhas or robes gather quickly in the center and there were a lot more people today. It was sort of crowded. Lord Shiva appeared over the colony and they gradually disappeared. Lord Shiva was standing there and he grew tall and seemed to absorb them in or make them disappear and during this process, I was feeling energy release from different parts of my body. It started with a flat heaviness on my upper chest to shoulders and after a short while it moved up to my forehead and crown and then lifted up and disappeared. I felt small from a few other areas.

The atmosphere here was still dark like night. I looked behind and noticed Lord Vishnu with his Sudarshan chakra; he was hovering above the ocean and facing the colony and keeping an eye over it.

The colony was huge and only a portion of the two blocks had been cleared at this time. Also from the sides of it, a layer underneath was beginning to be visible. This layer was pitch dark like night and there were streetlights lighting up the outer edges. There were a couple of coconut or palm like trees at the location that was becoming visible. I was looking at one multi-stored building here. It was long and a few stored high.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 22, 2018.

5)    Journey to heal and clear more of those residents –

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

Very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world. This ocean has always been about ancestors for me.

At this time, the intention of the Journey was to heal and clear the residents from those housed in the colony on the north side of the ocean. The ocean was still looking clear and the atmosphere over the ocean was sparkly and bright. However it was a different atmosphere that surrounded the colony. There was a darkness prevailing over the colony; it was almost dark as approaching night.

It was a pretty big residential lot with houses built pretty close together, like in the case of modern day condos and town homes. This residential establishment was surrounded by a cement wall all round. The wall was colored pale yellow and all the houses had the same pale yellow color and red terracotta roofs.

I made an intention for those residents to pack up and gather outside to leave. I urged baby Makhan Chor to help. Lord Shiva appeared over the colony and they gradually disappeared. Lord Shiva was standing there and he grew tall and I was still merged into him. Very soon, the darkness over the colony cleared and I could see that a lot of people, mostly men, had gathered on the far northeast side of this colony. Very soon, these people began to disappear. Lord Shiva seemed to absorb them in or make them disappear. Soon after this, the houses began to disappear as well. It was as if they were evaporating off. When most of the houses had disappeared, the land began to get flooded with water. I could not see where this water came from; perhaps from the ocean. Soon all the houses were gone and a few more women in dark robes also came out and they disappeared as well. Then this layer of sand and earth just crumbled into the layer underneath.

The layer underneath was still dark as night.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 22, 2018.

Layer Two
6)    Journey to explore the second layer on the northwest side and heal and clear residents there.

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

Very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world. This ocean has always been about ancestors for me. The color of the ocean and the atmosphere had changed after the last journey. The ocean was dark and blackish and the atmosphere was like nighttime.

The layer underneath was now beginning to be more visible. This layer was pitch dark like night and there were streetlights lighting up the outer edges. There were a couple of coconut or palm like trees at the location that was becoming visible.

Lord Shiva appeared and I watched through his eyes as the darkness cleared over the ocean first and then over the colony.

I was looking at one multi-stored building here. It was long and a few stored high; perhaps about six to eight stores tall. It was a pretty big residential lot and the rest of the colony looked like the layer above, with single family or town houses built in rows like in the case of modern day condos and town homes. Each house sat on a small plot of land and did not have its own wall surrounding. This residential establishment was surrounded by a cement wall all round. The wall was colored pale yellow and all the houses had the same pale yellow color and red terracotta roofs.

At this time, the intention of the Journey was to heal and clear the residents from those housed in the colony on the north side of the ocean in the lower, second layer. I made an intention for those residents to pack up and gather outside to leave. I urged baby Makhan Chor to help. Very soon, I watched as lots of women or people in black burkhas or robes appeared at the balcony of that multistoried building and quickly receded inside.

The atmosphere was pretty bright and shiny all around.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 22, 2018.

7)    Journey to heal and clear residents from the second layer on the northwest side.

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

Very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world. This ocean has always been about ancestors for me. The color of the ocean and the atmosphere had changed after the last journey. The ocean was dark and blackish and the atmosphere was like nighttime.

The layer underneath was now beginning to be more visible. This layer was pitch dark like night and there were streetlights lighting up the outer edges. There were a couple of coconut or palm like trees at the location that was becoming visible.

Lord Shiva appeared and I watched through his eyes as the darkness cleared over the ocean first and then over the colony.

I was looking at one multi-stored building here. It was long and a few stored high; perhaps about six to eight stores tall. It was a pretty big residential lot and the rest of the colony looked like the layer above, with single family or town houses built in rows like in the case of modern day condos and town homes. Each house sat on a small plot of land and did not have its own wall surrounding. This residential establishment was surrounded by a cement wall all round. The wall was colored pale yellow and all the houses had the same pale yellow color and red terracotta roofs.

At this time, the intention of the Journey was to heal and clear the residents from those housed in the colony on the north side of the ocean in the lower, second layer. I made an intention for those residents to pack up and gather outside to leave. I urged baby Makhan Chor to help.

At first, the building rose in height and many more stores came into sight. It took a few sessions or repetitions of the drumming journeys to fully evacuate this building. I repeated on consecutive drumming tracks of my CD. At first, nothing seemed to happen.

At each journey I merged with Lord Shiva and I made an intention for those residents to pack up and gather outside to leave. I urged baby Makhan Chor to help as well each time. Very soon, I watched as lots of women or people in black burkhas or robes appeared at the bottom of that multistoried building. Then they disappeared; it was as if Lord Shiva was absorbing them into himself or making them disappear. Then Lord Shiva had much of the building covered in earth and a portion of it was still visible.

The atmosphere was pretty bright and shiny all around.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 22, 2018.

8)    Journey to heal and clear the remaining residents from the second layer on the northwest side.

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

Very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world. This ocean has always been about ancestors for me. The color of the ocean and the atmosphere had not changed after the last journey.

Lord Shiva appeared and I watched through his eyes. It took a few sessions or repetitions of the drumming journeys to fully evacuate this colony. I repeated on consecutive drumming tracks of my CD. It was Christmas evening and I had almost the entire night to do it.

I could see that the houses on the far northeast side of this colony began to disappear. It was as if they were evaporating off. Soon after this, a lot of people had gathered. Very soon, these people began to disappear as well. Lord Shiva seemed to absorb them in or make them disappear. When most of the houses had disappeared, the land began to get flooded with water. I could not see where this water came from; perhaps from the ocean. Soon all the houses were gone.

The building was still standing although a big portion of it was under a big mound of earth. I called Lord Ganesh to help and he did some dance or jumps on the cleared portion of the land and the land gave in and yet another layer was visible under it. I was looking at another multistoried building. This one was facing me or facing the south and had a few light bulbs all around to illuminate the balconies in the darkness of the night. It was dark inside and all over this colony as well. This was a third layer to be dealt with.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 29, 2018.

Layer Three
9)    Journey to explore the third layer on the northwest side and heal and clear residents there.

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

Very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world. This ocean has always been about ancestors for me. The color of the ocean and the atmosphere had changed after the last journey. The ocean was dark and blackish and the atmosphere was like nighttime.

The building facing west on the second layer was still standing although a big portion of it was under a big mound of earth; and once the land gave in and crumbled the remaining portion of that colony, I was able to see the structure that was visible under it. This building had continued on to the layer underneath it.

On the second layer, I’d noticed that there were a few other multistoried buildings on the far southeast corner of that colony that had disappeared; but these seemed to have resurfaced on the third layer. I also found that these ones were not in my direct line of vision and every time I tried to pay attention that way, they seemed to move further away to the corner of my field of vision.

My attention in this third layer was on a different building. I was looking at another multistoried building. This one was facing me or facing the south and had a few light bulbs all around on the balconies to illuminate the balconies in the darkness of the night. It was dark inside and all over this colony. This building was right at my face and I was able to look directly at it.

The layer underneath was now beginning to be more visible. This layer was pitch dark like night and there were streetlights lighting up the outer edges. There were a couple of coconut or palm like trees at the location that was becoming visible. It was too dark to see the colors of those single-family houses or the roofs; but the structure looked similar. There were streetlights to illuminate the colony from over. Still it was too dark to see that much. The houses in this layer however looked and felt older than those in the upper two layers.

I requested Lord Shiva for a healing and clearing and Lord Vishnu had appeared just behind when I turned back to peek over my shoulder on the left side. I watched through Lord Shiva eyes. There was no change. I watched for the entire length of the journey and there was no change.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

I did a few sessions or repetitions of the drumming journeys over a few days and still there was no change; the darkness over the ocean and over the colony would not budge.

// Saturday, January 12, 2019.

10)Journey to heal and clear the remaining residents from the third layer on the northwest side.

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony in layer three in the previous journey.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

Very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world. The color of the ocean and the atmosphere had not changed after the last journey. The ocean was still dark and blackish and it was still nighttime over the colony and over the ocean.

I requested Lord Shiva for a healing and clearing and Lord Vishnu had appeared just behind when I turned back to peek over my shoulder on the left side. I love seeing his Sudarshan Chakra. I watched through Lord Shiva eyes as the clearing happened.

I was tranced out for most of the night and in and out of sleep as this happened. I did a few sessions or repetitions of the drumming journeys over a few hours through out the night. My drumming was set on repeat.

At first, I saw water flood the entire colony. The water was pitch dark as I peeked at the bottom through the darkness of the nightlight inside the colony. Then the single storied houses disappeared this time, a lot at a time.

Then, the multistoried building in front of me began to crumble. When it was totally gone, one floor still remained and my vision zoomed in into this one. There was a man sitting in the balcony and reading his newspaper. He sort of reminded me of Dad; but I could not say for sure if it was Dad. Then I was asleep again.

Then, I returned to the journey; it was still dark all over and this had not changed at all.

It was my feeling that Lord Vishnu was doing much of the healing this time; right from the time when the flooding began to happen. I was merged into Lord Shiva for protection and I was watching through his eyes.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 12, 2019.

Before doing any further clearing on this, I did a few other journeys in the order presented, but not in the same session. These had nothing to do with this journey, but could have helped it.

11)Journey to the crystal cave of amethyst to help me with my inner struggles.

I went to mount Kailash and stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please take me to the crystal cave from that previous journey to help me with my inner struggles.”

I was taken to my usual cave. It lies partially hidden behind a waterfall. This time I showered in the waterfall and entered the cave.  Rich violet colored clusters of amethyst lined the entire cave from floor to ceiling. I went inside with Lord Shiva. I lay down on the amethyst crystal cluster floor inside. I slowly merged with the amethyst crystals there. I felt releases from my eyes and head and my right ear and a few other areas; but it was mainly from the upper part, head and shoulders area. I stayed merged with the amethyst clusters for the rest of the journey.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 12, 2019.

12)Journey with Angel Cupid to merge with the waterfall from the sacred three rivers.

I went to mount Kailash and offered my pujas to Lord Shiva family and to baby Makhan Chor. Since I offered them food, I decided to go and bathe in the waterfalls below while they ate. I stated my intention to Lord Shiva, and then I jumped into the waterfall below. They always throw me into this waterfall anyway.

Once in the waterfall below, I invited Angel Cupid and then I merged with the water and then with angel Cupid. I was shortly taken to a different scene and with a water garden and fountains and since I could not figure out what was happening, when I came back to the journey, to the waterfall. I was still merged in the water or with Angel Cupid or both; but at this time it was night. There was a glow above the waterfall as it was lit up by a bright led streetlight. Every thing else was dark like the night. I was asked to ride out the night. I just stayed and enjoyed the river and waterfall in the night view. Then I was shortly tranced out again and when I came back to it shortly after, it was daylight again.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 12, 2019.

After doing this journey, I went on to repeat the journey below to clear the remaining residents from the third layer on the northwest side.

13)Journey to heal and clear the remaining residents from the third layer on the northwest side.

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days; that was this morning.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the remaining residents from that colony in layer three.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

I also invited Lord Ganesh if he wanted to do his dance like on the earlier layer and Maa Devi for her light.

Very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world. The color of the ocean and the atmosphere had not changed after the last journey. The ocean was still dark and blackish and it was still nighttime over the colony and over the ocean.

I requested Lord Shiva for a healing and clearing and Lord Vishnu had appeared just behind when I turned back to peek over my shoulder on the left side. I watched through Lord Shiva eyes as the clearing happened.  

Very soon it got a little brighter and most of the colony was gone; I could say all of it was gone. The floor was still solid. I saw Lord Ganesh at the far north end of it. He was kicking on the sandy floor. The wall was still intact. Lord Vishnu was doing the healing it felt like and I watched as this layer of floor was just slowly slid over to further north to reveal an entirely new layer of residential colony. This was going to be layer four. This layer was as dark as the previous layer number three. Then, suddenly, there was a big thing of dust blowing a lot of sand on the north side at the spot where Lord Ganesh was previously standing. He was not visible any longer; but there was like a tornado of dust that rose from the bottom of layer four and then it disappeared into thin air.

My attention was not on any one residence or building at this time. I just noticed the darkness and the dust rise and subside.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 12, 2019.

Layer Four
14)Journey to explore the fourth layer on the northwest side and heal and clear residents there.

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony in layer four in the previous journey.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

There were streetlights to illuminate the colony from over; still it was too dark to see that much. The sand floor of the fourth was still almost intact except for over the middle portion where it had cracked and broken off and sloped into the fourth layer as it broke down. This layer was pitch dark like night and there were no streetlights visible on the outer edges. The ocean was dark as well. It was too dark to see the colors of those single-family houses or the roofs; but the structures looked similar. The houses in this layer however looked and felt older than those in the upper two layers. I did not notice any multistoried buildings here; all of them were one-storied single family homes.

I requested Lord Shiva for a healing and clearing and Lord Vishnu had appeared at the scene. I watched through Lord Shiva eyes. At first, I saw water flood the entire colony. The water was pitch dark as I peeked at the bottom through the darkness of the nightlight inside the colony. There was no other change. The sand floor of the third layer was still almost intact and sloped into the fourth layer as it broke down. I watched for the entire length of the journey and there was no change.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 12, 2019.

I did a few sessions or repetitions of the drumming journeys over a few days and still there was no change; the darkness over the ocean and over the colony would not budge. So I did a different journey before repeating again.

15)Journey to a crystal cave to help me with releasing residents and cutting chords.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I went around and offered my puja to his family, Ganesh, Kartikeya, Parvati and Lord Shiva. I offered bael leaves to Lord Shiva and touched his feet in reverence. As soon as I did that, the ground on which Lord Shiva and I were sitting began to grow in height. The same thing has been happening when I go to Lord Ganesh; but today I managed to fast forward through Lord Ganesh to come to Lord Shiva. I just sat there and offered the bael leaves one at a time and he accepted them one by one. After a while of doing this, I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please take me to a crystal cave or find me a crystal to help me with releasing residents and cutting those chords.”

I was taken to my usual cave. It lies partially hidden behind a waterfall. I showered in the waterfall and entered the cave. I saw that colorless clusters of crystal lined the entire cave from floor to ceiling. I went inside with Lord Shiva. Then I asked Lord Shiva if he could make the crystals grow bigger. A big crystal appeared on the south side of the wall. It was somewhat yellowish to tan in color and it was on the wall. I requested Lord Shiva to get a few large ones in the center so I could lay on them. A few giant sized crystal points, yellowish tan in color, appeared on the floor of the crystal cave at the center and I lay down on the crystal point on the floor inside. There were a few around my legs and sides as well. I lay on the crystal point, surrounded by other points and clusters for the rest of the journey.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 12, 2019.

16)Journey to heal and clear the residents from the fourth layer on the northwest side.

I returned to the above journey after visiting the crystal cave.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony in layer four in the previous journeys.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor. Lord Shiva had already begun to grow really tall and huge. I invited Lord Ganesh and Goddess Parvati or Durga as well.

Very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world. The color of the ocean and the atmosphere had changed after the last journey. As soon as we arrived, I noticed that it was day light now and the ocean that was still dark and blackish when I had left the last time was now sparkling bright. It was daylight shining bright over the colony and over the ocean.

I requested Lord Shiva for a healing and clearing and Lord Vishnu had appeared just behind when I turned back to peek over my shoulder on the left side. I watched through Lord Shiva eyes as the clearing happened. Lord Shiva had grown really huge and I could not see his head or face any longer.

At first, I saw water flood the entire colony. Then the sand floor of the third layer that was still almost intact and had sloped into the fourth layer as it broke down just vanished.
Then the single storied houses disappeared this time, a lot at a time. Now I was looking at the sandy floor of the fourth layer. A wind blew from the southwest and then this sandy floor also disappeared very soon and if appeared as if it just evaporated off.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 19, 2019.

17)Journey to the crystal cave to help me with releasing those residents and cutting chords.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please take me to the crystal cave from the previous crystal journey to help me with releasing those residents and cutting chords.”

I was taken to my usual cave. It lies partially hidden behind a waterfall. I showered in the waterfall and entered the cave. I saw that colorless clusters of crystal lined the entire cave from floor to ceiling. I went inside with Lord Shiva. The crystals had been left undisturbed from the last time I had visited. A few giant sized crystal points, yellowish tan in color, laid on the floor of the crystal cave at the center and I lay down on the crystal point on the floor inside. There were a few around my legs and sides as well. I lay on the crystal point, surrounded by other points and clusters for the rest of the journey and had momentarily merged with them as well.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 19, 2019.

Layer Five
18)Journey to explore the fifth layer on the northwest side and heal and clear residents there.

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days.
I returned to this journey this morning after visiting the crystal cave yesterday.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony in layer five.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor. Lord Shiva had already begun to grow really tall and huge. I invited Lord Ganesh and Goddess Durga as well.

Very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world. The color of the ocean and the atmosphere had not changed after the last journey. As soon as we arrived, I noticed that it was daylight now and the ocean was still sparkling bright. It was daylight shining bright over the colony and over the ocean.

I noticed that the ocean rose as if in high tide. It rose several feet above the walls surrounding the colony; but it rose up at a perpendicular angle and did not penetrate the colony. It would be true if there were an invisible was between the ocean and the colony. I left and returned to the journey the same way, repeating the merging and the same thing happened. I watched the ocean rose at a ninety degree angle several times the height of the wall surrounding the colony. The wall surrounding the colony was much taller than the height of the houses there.

Then some water got in from the southwest side from the floor of the colony. At first, I saw water flood the entire colony.
Then the single storied houses disappeared this time, a lot at a time. Now I was looking at the sandy floor of the fifth layer. Soon, this sandy floor also disappeared and it appeared as if it just evaporated off and I was looking down at layer six.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 19, 2019.

Layers five, six and seven were cleared out this morning in consequetive journeys back to back.

Layer Six
19)Journey to explore the sixth layer on the northwest side and heal and clear residents there.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony in layer six.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesh for some reason. Baby Makhan Chor came along. Lord Shiva had already begun to grow really tall and huge. I invited Lord Ganesh and Goddess Parvati as well.

Very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world. The color of the ocean and the atmosphere had not changed after the last journey. As soon as we arrived, I noticed that it was still daylight now and the ocean was still sparkling bright. It was daylight shining over the colony and over the ocean.

I noticed that a big reddish brown piece of something like a flat triangular metal piece flew in from the north or northeast or from somewhere and landed itself on the southwest corner of the colony and then it disappeared as if it evaporated off. I was watching myself through Lord Ganesh at this time. He had grown huge and was still continuing to grow. The single storied houses appeared to grow smaller and smaller and from where I was looking, they all appeared black on tan sand and appeared to be growing smaller and smaller in size.

Then I unmerged to merge with Lord Shiva and when I looked at it again, it was still Lord Ganesh. The single storied houses were disappearing fast; this time, a lot at a time. Soon all the houses were gone. Now I was looking at the sandy floor of the sixth layer. Soon, this sandy floor also disappeared and it appeared as if it had just evaporated off and I was looking down at layer seven. I would have continued; but the return beat of the drum began to sound. 

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 19, 2019.

Layer Seven
20)Journey to explore the seventh layer on the northwest side and heal and clear residents there.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony in layer seven.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor. Lord Shiva had already begun to grow really tall and huge. I invited Lord Ganesh and Goddess Parvati as well.

Very soon we were in front of the same ocean on the West side of lower world. The color of the ocean and the atmosphere had not changed after the last journey. As soon as we arrived, I noticed that it was still daylight now and the ocean was still sparkling bright. It was daylight shining over the colony and over the ocean.

Then I looked at it again. The single storied houses were disappeared this time, a lot at a time. Soon all the houses were gone. Now I was looking at the sandy floor of the seventh layer. Soon, this sandy floor also disappeared and it appeared as if it had just evaporated off and I was looking down at a body of water that had been sectioned off.

Moments after I saw the water, this whole area got replaced by a sandy beach and the vision moved to the east side of that mighty ocean of the west and a multilevel parking lot type of structure first appeared on the northeast side of it and then it changed to a beautiful grey cement building type structure with a dome shaped cement gate.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 19, 2019.

Parking Structure
21)Journey to explore the grey cement parking structure on the east side and heal and clear residents there.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony in layer six.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesh for some reason. Baby Makhan Chor came along. Lord Shiva had already begun to grow really tall and huge. I invited Lord Ganesh.

The east side of that mighty ocean of the west now had a multilevel parking lot type of structure. It had appeared on the northeast side of that western ocean beach. It was a beautiful grey cement building type structure with a dome shaped cement gate.

Nothing much visibly happened during the first few journeys. But the outer walls of that grey cement was dissolved and I was shown inside the structure. It was filled with parked cars of all colors. They were mostly compact cars. I did not notice any other type.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, February 23, 2019.

22)Journey to evacuate the grey cement parking structure on the east side and heal and clear residents there.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony in layer six.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesh for some reason. Baby Makhan Chor came along. Lord Shiva had already begun to grow really tall and huge. I invited Lord Ganesh.

The east side of that mighty ocean of the west now had a multilevel parking lot type of structure. It had appeared on the northeast side of that western ocean beach. It was a beautiful grey cement building type structure with a dome shaped cement gate.

This journey was led by Lord Ganesh. Lord Shiva was invisible and I watched as I was still merged in him. The grey cement parking structure stood there strong. It was filled with compact cars of all colors parked neatly. Lord Ganesh worked mainly on the top layer. When nothing was happening for some time, he thrust his trunk in one of the middle layers. Soon after then, all cars but one red compact one disappeared from the top layer. A flash of fire momentarily appeared at the top and northeast side of the lot. The red car still stood there facing north.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, February 23, 2019.

23)Journey to evacuate the grey cement parking structure on the east side and heal and clear residents there.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony in layer six.” I then merged with Lord Shiva. Lord Ganesh and Baby Makhan Chor came along. Lord Shiva had already begun to grow really tall and huge.

The east side of that mighty ocean of the west now had a multilevel parking lot type of structure. It had appeared on the northeast side of that western ocean beach. It was a beautiful grey cement building type structure with a dome shaped cement gate.

I repeated several rounds of this journey for several sessions and nothing seemed to change visibly. A portion of the cars had disappeared though and I could see a lot of empty parking spots. Lord Shiva did enter into the lower or seventh level one time; but I could not see him do anything.

Each time I returned at the sound of the return drum. It was Michael Harner’s multiple drumming playing repeats for this entire series of journeys. The cement structure was still standing there strong.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, February 23, 2019.

24)One last journey to evacuate the grey cement parking structure on the east side and break the structure there.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony in layer six.” I then merged with Lord Shiva. Baby Makhan Chor came along. Lord Shiva had already begun to grow really tall and huge. I invited Lord Hanumanji as well.

The east side of that mighty ocean of the west now had a multilevel parking grey cement structure. It had appeared on the northeast side of that western ocean beach. It was a beautiful grey cement building type structure with a dome shaped cement gate. It was now partially occupied. I think this journey was being led by Lord Shiva himself. Soon, layers began to just evaporate off and some of the floors of the structure began to give in and fall in before they disappeared.
At the end, there was a small block remaining and Lord Ganesh decided to toss it and play with it till he finally made it disappear.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, February 23, 2019.