Saturday, July 21, 2012

I AM A Diamond in the Sky

You were shining in the mid-night sky;
You were shining bright and pretty.

As I looked at the mid-night sky,
You looked back at me;
Staring as if you had never seen anything like me.

I looked at my angel and he smiled back at me.
Can I have that?, I asked;
Can I have that beautiful Star, just for Me?

My angel plucked you from the mid-night sky,
and placed you in my palm;
You just sat there and I stared at you,
because I'd never seen anything like this.

My angel held my palm against my chest;
You jumped into my heart and stayed there, to this day.

Every night as mid-night draws, 
I peep into my heart and stare at you;
 I've never seen anything like you before, 
So bright and so pretty.

I take you out of my heart and place you on my palm;
So I can stare at you a little longer,
before I fall off to sleep.

As I feel you in my palm, glowing in the mid-night hour,
My heart begins to feel warmer; 
and I place you back into my heart,
and in peace I sleep, through the dark night hours;

Knowing, trusting, feeling your presence in my heart;
I know you'll be there when dawn comes;
and I'll wait for another mid-night, so I can see you glow 
and shine through my heart.

Every time I see you glow, I thank my angel for his gift;
I thank my angel, for he plucked a star just for me.
Off the mid-night skies, my angel plucked a star
and he placed it in a red, heart-shaped box, just for me.

He then wrapped a golden ribbon around my heart;
and I unwrap you every night, before I go to sleep.
You shine all night through my heart, as I sleep;
Bright and pretty, my angel plucked you, just for me.
                                         _  Ranjana Paul

Copyright 2011-2012 ... Ranjana Paul ... All Rights Reserved Worldwide ...

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