Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Thoughts on Karma

Why do we see so many great Men and Women of knowledge who have addictions to food, personal image, prestige, possessions, alcohol, etc.?

This is because addictions are Karma; addictions are both the effect and cause  of Karma and it follows in a cycle. This is why people say ... Karma ... what goes around comes around. 

Addictions are not just alcohol, drugs, nicotine, caffeine and sugars. Most of us are addicted to people ... we are all addicted to a special someone through a love bond and to some others through a hate bond; both of these create karma and hence, bindings and we tend to return to the same person (or type of person or behavior) over and over again, just like we visit the same favorite vacation spot ever so often and eat the same dish at this favorite restaurant every time we go there.

Karma causes us to be bound to the earth plane; it keeps us in form. Once you release the mind of karma, you have the ability to step out of time and form, into timelessness and formlessness. Time and form is born out of what is ego; the mind harbors the ego like an entity. The ego has fear for its very existence; the ego is afraid to die and so it desperately holds on to time and form.

I now realize why it is said, "give all your karma, even good ones, to God." ... This is because even your good karma too will keep you bound to your ego like an addiction; you will be re-born to negate your good karma, unless you do your good actions without attachments to results. ... This reminds me of this teaching from the Gita:

कर्मण्ये वाधिकारस्ते म फलेषु कदाचना
कर्मफलेह्तुर भुरमा ते संगोस्त्वकर्मानी॥
च २, ४७

In English transliteration:
Karmanye vadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachna
Karmaphalehtur bhurma te sangostvakarmani.
Ch. 2, 47

In short, it means:
Do not get attached to the fruits of your labor, give the fruits of your deeds to 

For a long time, this concept of Karma has eluded me.  All I knew is, you do good and you will receive good. Then, one day I heard this kid talk about karma; and every time I heard him talk, he kept talking about karma.  Now, I've never been interested in Karma; but hearing this kid from the US talk about it made me somewhat curious; I didn't think someone from the US would even know about it. However, I googled it.  His concept of karma was very different from what I'd learnt at home; to me it was more of something that got handed to you from a previous life time and it had more to do with your actions than with your thinking (and I'd add, feeling). That would explain to me why many of the good people around us are so suddenly struck by mishaps.

The thoughts and resulting feelings from the mental (male aspect) / emotional (female aspect) layers of our aura are stored here as thought forms and get transferred to the Karmic (i.e, spiritual layer) of our aura and this is where our past life karma is stored.

Why is the mind so important? ... This is how I understood it when my friend's mom explained it to me:  In Christianity, the mind is ruled by the element air and the ruler of the air is the fallen angel, Lucifer.  He is beautiful and enchanting in every possible way and is present everywhere; but his way leads to destruction of the soul and spirit. Hence, the importance of filtering out and eliminating the bad thought forms. Now, I'm not into Christianity and hell, I don't believe in sins and sinners in 99.9% of cases; besides, air is considered to be a very powerful element (then, so is Lucifer).

Good news is, Karma can be transformed or neutralized:
1)  Spray water in which you have dipped holy basil.
2)  Healing thought forms ... during Shamanic journeys.
3)  Violet flame to transmute.
4)  People use other energy methods like 'Prana'.
5)  Chanting mantras that release Karma

Accepting the thoughts and not ignoring them and stashing them away (like your shadow side) is helpful.

Reference: Jaguar Woman and the Wisdom of the Butterfly Tree ... Lynn V. Andrews. 

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