Saturday, July 21, 2012

Journey to ask my Guides 'Why am I here in a Shamanic Journey Group'

Purpose: Journey to ask my Guides or Power animal(s) ... 'Why am I here in a Shamanic Journey Group'.

I lay comfortably on the floor with a pillow under my head. I then closed my eyes and visualize walking to the garden in my backyard. I found a hole in the ground close to my favorite tree. I walked into the hole and followed the roots down to an opening underground, to my sacred garden, intending to meet my power animal. I met him in my sacred garden and he brought me back to the room.  Here, I watched the sun in the crimson sky.  It was beautiful, but went on and on.  I was confused ... I'd invoked Cupid, but he hadn't shown up yet.  ... am I here in a group to just watch the sun set?  

Sun Set Twilight Zone
The Sun is setting; the crimson sky looks haunting.
It is dark all around, except for the twilight surround.
As the sun goes down;
Shadows and darkness surround.

Is it beautiful, the sun and the sky?
Or is it scary?... for it is an end to this story.
Is it scary to watch, as the darkness is coming?
Or is it beautiful, because the wildness is blooming? 

When the sun goes down, the earth opens up;
and I walk down, back into the womb.
I sleep there, in peace;
The peace that betrayed me when the sun was shining.
                                                     - Ranjana Paul

Copyright 2011-2012 ... Ranjana Paul... All Rights Reserved Worldwide..

Then Cupid showed up and showed me something ... 
a big, bright diamond ... that is Me!!! and ...

The Sun Rises in the East

I looked out the east side window;
I looked at the eastern sky;
The Sun had risen and it was day light.

I stood in the middle of the room;
As Cupid held my hand 
and asked me to dance.

The room got brighter 
and there was more Sunshine;
Ever so gently, as he held my hand.

I felt peace and bewilder;
We stood still, hand in hand,
As I gazed at him and around him, in wonder.

I'm still in sweet wonderland, 
holding hands and ready to dance;
As I look at the brightness around us and wonder...

                                                        - Ranjana Paul

Copyright 2011-2012 ... Ranjana Paul... All Rights Reserved Worldwide..

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