Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Journey to ask My Ancestral Guides for a Healing

Went down to lower world, met horsey and asked to meet my ancestral guides, both Maternal and Paternal so I could ask for an ancestral healing ...
My ancestral guides showed up... One was bright as moon, Maternal and Paternal was darker with a mixture of hint of purple in grey.

My paternal guide did most of the healing.  I was turned to green and red vegetables; by now, I had learnt that it was normal for our guides and healers to turn us into other stuff while they give us a healing or to open us up while they work on us.  I've been turned into a Mushroom, a Mermaid and now I was turned into bunches of green / red leafy vegetables. So, I relaxed, took it in and dropped off to sleep.  I woke up after a while; the drum was still beating and I was being pulled out of a pot of boiling hot liquid and my paternal ancestor was pulling out dark balls from my body, energetically, as if by a magnet.  I noticed that my Maternal ancestral guide was standing close by and watching.

Soon, the call back beat of the drum sounded and I returned.  I was exhausted and I went off to sleep.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Family, Mr. Bob-cat

I had a Bob-cat in my backyard;
I knew it had come to meet me.
I smiled, because Bob-cat had come to see Me!!!

Just like the snake had, 
just like the rabbits and Squirrels have;
so, a few others will.

It ate our pet Lizard, it ate some of my herbs,
It drank some water and it chased some birds;
It behaved just like my own family would.

Then it lay down on the patio
and I watched it in curious wonder;
As our eyes met and our spirits hugged.

As I gazed into its eyes, and I adored him, quietly;
Our souls were united and it felt like
He was a part of me; my very own Family.

I loved its beauty, I loved its power;
I loved its wildness, and at that moment, 
I wished I could be like Jane, the Tarzan wonder.

I wanted its spirit to flow through me;
And, for a moment, I felt like it did;
As I gazed into his eyes, and he gazed back into mine.

It stayed a little longer, And then, it went away.
I'd wish it back, but I don't like 
to see the birds run scared.

So, I just rejoice in the memory of the moment
When our eyes met and our spirits touched;
And our Souls danced, the infinity dance, in a land far away.

_  Ranjana Paul

Copyright 2011-2012 ... Ranjana Paul ... All Rights Reserved Worldwide ...