Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ancestral Healing

This is one very fascinating branches of healing that at present gets very little attention. A significant part of our life patterning stems from our genetic inheritance. 

The Importance of the Ancestors

In many cultures, both sophisticated and primitive, a great deal of attention is given to the ancestral family; ancestor worship is one of the most widespread of all religious belief systems. In Ancient Egypt, specific requests were made to the ancestors to help resolve daily problems. The ancestors were seen as having a direct link with the spiritual world and therefore in a position to bring positive benefit to the family. It was perhaps also intuitively realised how directly their energies affected the world of the living family.

Modern cultures have forgotten much of this inner knowing.  How many of them think about or remember their grandparents or great grandparents?  Only some do; but it is more in terms of their achievements, prestige and position in society and the like.

At a spiritual level, time and space impose no restrictions so, in one sense, your ancestors are living concurrently with you. This can be a hard concept to take on board, for the Western mind has become conditioned into thinking only in linear terms. 

Revering our ancestors
Most indigenous cultures believe that their ancestors are a vital force in their lives. This is especially true among Native Americans and the Aborigines. For example, the Navajo honor the perspective of seven generations of their ancestral lineage when making a significant decision that affects their family or community. Even though the ancestor's body is no longer alive, that person's soul is thought to be very much alive.

In his book, Karma and Reincarnation, Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, says:
"The parent/child connection manifests as one link in a long chain of ancestral karma that stretches back through time. Your link to your family allows you to be born into that specific line - it is a link that needs to be understood and respected. In this modern scientific age it is very difficult for people to accept the fact that they are responsible to their ancestors, that they are actually liable for the actions of their ancestors if the resulting karma has not yet been dissolved. Many find it absurd to think that the actions of an unknown ancestor could possible have anything to do with what is happening to them today. But time and time again when investigating someone's karma, I find problems that stretch back generations. Their spirit is not just an individual entity, it is also part of the family spirit that births and nurtures it."

In my Indian culture, every male member is supposed to do a ceremony, any time during his lifetime he has to visit Goya and do a 'Pindi Daan' for fourteen ancestral members ... seven generations; but now, you try to ask your parents about your ancestors, nobody knows anything or they are not interested; or don't want to talk about it.

Ancestral Healing
Ancestral Healing involves Healing your ancestors' unresolved emotional issues, problems or trauma. In so doing, it releases you from any energetic patterns that link you to them - patterns that can have an inhibiting or disruptive influence on your life today.

This Healing process is important because we are impacted by emotional and energetic patterns from prior generations in our family. Some of these can create obstacles in our lives, blocking our pathway to joy, abundance, authentic power and unlimited possibilities.

Since energy is never lost, but simply changes form over time, emotional issues or problems that were not dealt with by your ancestors, or not fully resolved, can 'hover' in your energy field today, creating an imbalance or roadblock - also known as a Healing opportunity.

Ancestral Healing can transform energetic patterns that are not in your highest good, or are preventing you from carrying out your soul's mission and life's purpose. If you are experiencing recurring patterns where things get in the way of feeling satisfied, enriched or successful, then ancestral Healing may be the missing link that can free you to attain personal fulfillment.

We carry in our bodies the stories, illnesses, tragedies, pain, and grief of our ancestors. Oftentimes we are unconscious of how the energy of old family wounds informs how we think and act in everyday life. This is why we see patterns of abuse, incest, addiction, poor health and many other traits passed down through generations. From a shamanic perspective, these traits are seen as energetic imprints in our Luminous Energy Field (read Illuminations) which need to be cleared so the ancestral pattern ceases to inform our behavior or health.

Many people with traumatic family histories may need ancestral healing for personal healing to occur.
Ancestral imprints may manifest as:
  • A debilitating belief or emotion (eg., patterns of grief / sadness, aggressiveness, betrayal, etc.) which you share with other members of your family lineage.
  • A particularly destructive behavior such as substance abuse, addiction, incest, stealing, etc. which runs through your family
  • Health problems, accidents or episodes that appear in “themes” along a male or female lineage. For example: men of the family having heart attacks in their mid 40’s or back injuries that befall women of the family at a particular age.
  • Patterns of being abused, hurt, unsupported, unavailable or betrayed in relationships.
Clearing Your Ancestral Blocks

Ancestral Patterns
The concept behind this form of healing is quite simple. It suggests that where traumas, problems or strong types of behaviour have occurred with one or other of your forebears, the energy from this experience gets passed on to future generations. This is so even if the experience happens after the direct offspring have been born. Conversely if you heal one of the ancestral patterns it becomes immediately available to your own offspring. The reasons why this should happen is I believe based on 'resonance'. We carry at a genetic level the resonant patterns of our forebears which, like a radio set tuned to our ancestors, allows a transfer of energy or information to take place. Healing this type of situation can be carried out in exactly the same way that you would apply 'distant' healing. You do not need to have a clear picture in your mind of the way that your ancestors looked for the healing to be effective.

In his book "Healing the Family Tree" Dr. Kenneth McAll recounts a case of a woman in her early thirties who suddenly developed a fear of water. Researching into her family patterns she found that an uncle had died in the Titanic disaster. A healing service was carried out in which the uncle was "committed.... to the Lord". Healing this ancestor freed the woman from her phobia. In most cases it is only necessary to deal with your direct ancestors, that is your parents, grandparents and great grandparents, but in some cases, such as the one just cited, healing another relative may also be appropriate.

Sometimes the traumas carried by our ancestors can be very powerful and in these cases it can be beneficial to work with a therapist or friend. 

Ancestral Myths
In the Ancient Egyptian story of Isis and Osiris, his brother Set cut Osiris into 14 pieces. This is a curious number that does not find echo in other traditions. However, it is worth noting that 14 is the sum total of your ancestors back to your great grandparents generation. Adding your parents (2), to your grandparents (4) and your great grandparents (8) gives 14 ancestors in all. It could well be that part of the symbolism of this myth is to do with healing our genetic patterning, through our forebears. In the myth Osiris is reconstructed by Isis which relates to the "love" principle within.

Many of this cleansing and integration is done in an involuntary and unconscious way, but it take up a diverse range of life experiences, and often many incarnations, to be fully cleared up.
When this is done, the karmic residues, stagnated energies of old contracts and dense energies of basic fears and feelings such as guilt, unforgiveness and resentments can get released and healed permanently. 

Making peace
Ancestral Healing is based on the belief that what happened in your family, before your current life, is present or alive in your energy field today. Accordingly, any unresolved conflict your ancestors had - including unhealed emotional wounds, damaging judgments and other limitations - may be in your energetic grid, since this is part of the larger energy pattern of your entire family.
Ancestral Healing allows us to make peace with the members of our family, going back many generations. From Lily's experience, ancestral Healing usually starts in the 3rd generation, or two generations before your current life - at the grandparent level.
Occasionally Healings involve 10 or 15 generations of family members, dating back hundreds, if not thousands of years.

How the process works
If you are feeling held back, stymied or blocked in some way, and usual methods for clearing or opening up the congestion have not worked, Lily will check to see if any one of your ancestors is 'calling out' for help. If she gets a confirmation of this, Lily will ask you to call in your Higher Self along with the Higher Selves of your ancestors who wish to be healed. Having the intention to co-create this Healing experience is key to its success.
Since energy is not constrained by time or space, it is possible to connect with the Higher Selves of ancestors who have crossed over, even if they have since returned to this side, or reincarnated.

With Ancestral Healing, you can break any energetic cords or patterns that are no longer serving you, and turn your life around in a most positive way.

Ancestral healing involves clearing the imprint from our body by integrating several different shamanic healing methods. Generally this requires several sessions which would include an Illumination, extraction, soul retrieval and the spirit releasing of deceased relatives. Ancestral healing helps us step out of the patterns we have lived so we can walk our path with clarity and make peace with our family histories.

Spiritual Intrusions & Extractions:
Spiritual intrusions are caused by negative thought forms, such as anger, grief or other unresolved feelings, that we have taken into our bodies in response to hurt or a projection from someone else. An intrusion can also begin from chronic self abuse and negative self talk or from a physical injury. The expression of being “stabbed in the back” is more than a simple metaphor. In the shamanic perspective, these are psychic darts and arrows that we encounter when negative thoughts and feelings are directed towards us. An Intrusion can manifest as localized pain in the body, illness or depression. Left untended an intrusion can turn into a chronic illness. Intrusions often appear in situations where our Spirit has been weakened and made vulnerable by soul loss or power loss. A spiritual extraction involves removing and releasing the intrusion, clearing the affected area and is generally followed with a soul retrieval.

Spirit Releasing & Clearings:  (Cutting Chords)
Severe grief or trauma at the time of death can leave a soul confused, angry, or disoriented. Rather than moving into the light these suffering beings remain on the earth plane attaching themselves to people (possession) or places (hauntings).
  • Symptoms of possession may include:
  • Depression
  • Inexplicable mood swings or personality shifts,
  • Substance abuse, binges, or uncontrollable addictions
Spirit releasing compassionately helps these souls move to a place of peace and frees the client from the influences of the suffering being.

Our physical body is surrounded by a Luminous Energy Field (like an aura) which is an invisible matrix that holds the imprint of all our karmic, personal and ancestral memories, traumas and wounds. These imprints can become activated to mirror a personal history that repeats itself by compelling us towards behaviors, relationships, accidents or illnesses that replicate the original trauma. An Illumination is the shamanic clearing of the negative imprints in our Luminous Energy Field, it is an ancient energy healing technique that comes from the Q’ero shamans of Peru, the descendants of the Inca.
An Illumination is helpful when:
  • You feel stuck in a behavioral pattern which continues to repeat itself
  • You are struggling to heal from traits (health or emotional) that are part of your ancestry
  • Emotional traumas of your past continue to haunt you and do not respond well to other healing modalities
In the Inca tradition of Illumination, the imprints to the Luminous Energy Field appear as sluggish energy around the chakras. During the healing, the heavy emotional energy of the imprint is drained through the chakra, then the imprint itself is erased through the use of focused intention and breath. When the imprint is erased, we are no longer informed by the wounds of our past or ancestry.

Taken from the book Healing Your Family Patterns

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Journey into my Crown Chakra

Crown chakra journey

“Kay Gillard completes our chakra journey series, with journeying track of rattles, chimes, singing bowls and voice to open the crown chakra and connect in with high vibrational divine source energy. Make sure you use the call back and close down to close yourselves down safely!”

Journey into my Third Eye Chakra

Third eye chakra journey

“Kay Gillard continues our chakra journey series, with a journey to draw in psychic perception & allow energy to flow into the third eye.”


Chrysanthemums: Not Just For Beauty… Try Healing With Them

The Chinese have utilized herbal remedies made from the chrysanthemum for thousands of years. The herb has been used as a medicine and as a beverage for centuries in China.Chrysanthemums are a joy to look at in the fall and there’s more to them than meets the eye. 
Chinese scientists have found that an extract of Chrysanthemum flower  could be a powerful cancer treatment. In a series of studies, a research team headed by Professor Zong-fang Li has reported that Chrysanthemum indicum extract (CIE) possesses antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects and, it can also kill human cancer cells through a process known as apoptosis.( World Journal of Gastroenterology 2009, September issue).
In fact, chrysanthemums have some powerful properties that can make big changes in your health.
CIE interferes with the growth cycles of malignant cells, ending the rapid spread of the cancer cells in the body. The extract reprograms cells to die instead of grow by rewriting their mitochondrial code.

When given enough time to spread from cell to cell, CIE destroys the cancer completely.

CIE does all of this without harming healthy human cells. In fact, it had no effect on healthy cells surrounding cancer cells, leading scientists to conclude that CIE could become a very promising future treatment for cancer.

Traditional healers in numerous cultures have long used parts of the plant and its flowers to treat dizziness, headaches, fevers, inflammation.

Chrysanthemum tea is very effective in reducing sinusitis pains. It also clears the head colds. This can be due to the fact that chrysanthemum is a rich source of vitamin C.

Due to its antiviral properties it is very good in relieving head congestion, which are caused by viral infections.

In addition to its fever fighting properties, the chrysanthemum flower can be a benefit to your vision. It’s known to help improve eyesight and help to soothe tired eyes.

In today’s world when we spend so much time on the go and staring at screens,chrysanthemums are the perfect solution. And while this flower is good for the eyes, there are also some people who swear by its ability to improve deafness. It’s overall good for the senses.

If you have high blood pressure, you may also want to give chrysanthemum a try. The herb is known to help lower blood pressure. The exact mechanism for this isn’t known at this time. It can also improve the function of your liver.

The liver is such an important organ in the body because it detoxifies it. When your liver is functioning the way it should, you’ll enjoy more energy and you’ll even find yourself losing excess weight.

Chrysanthemum tea is famous for its cooling properties, which help to decrease the body heat and is recommended for people who are suffering from fever, sore throat and heat related ailments.

How To Make Chrysanthemum Tea


Dried Chrysanthemum ½ oz
Water 2 cups
Sugar 2 teaspoons

  • Rinse the dried chrysanthemum under running water and drain the water from the flowers.
  • Put the flowers in water and bring it to rolling boil. Let the water boil for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Towards the end of boiling time, add sugar and stir till the sugar dissolves.
  • Remove the tea from heat and let it cool.
  • Pour the chrysanthemum tea through a strainer and discard the chrysanthemum flowers.
  • Allow the juice to cool and then refrigerate. Serve over ice
If you are calories conscious, then you can skip sugar from chrysanthemum tea recipe.
Chrysanthemum parthenium leaves extracts can be used with confidence for acne treatment. The infections associated with Acne are resolved in 1 week of the treatment with and complete relief is effected in a week.
Directions For Use: Boil 5 to 10 Chrysanthemum parthenium leaves in a cup of water for 30 minutes to extract all the useful ingredients. Strain and drink 20 ml of this extract, twice daily for a week.
Want to know more about healing properties of chrysanthemums? Then, post your question @ 


Post date: 24.01.2011 8:13 PM
What's Your Reaction?
chrysanthemum-teaChrysanthemum tea acts as a natural coolant and has been talked about in the ancient Chinese medicinal science.  A person will benefit a lot by having Chrysanthemum tea every day.
The Chinese medicinal practice included the use of herbs as a major part of the treatment. The Chinese knew that a soothing cup of warm golden brown Chrysanthemum tea has remarkable health benefits.
Nutritional Information: This is an extremely potent herbal tea. Chrysanthemum tea has high amounts of B carotene which are present in the yellow part and the fruit. The B carotene is converted in Vitamin A in the liver[1]. This kind of Vitamin A is helpful in treating skin problems and increasing the immunity power. It also helps in postponing the aging process and age related blindness.
Chrysanthemum tea is also a good source of Vitamin Bs like choline, folacin, niacin as well as riboflavin. It also contains Vitamin C which reduces the risks of scurvy and protects theeyes.
Chrysanthemum tea also has minerals like calcium which is important for the teeth and bones, iron which helps in the transportation of oxygen through the blood, magnesiumwhich is required by more than three hundred kinds of bodily functions as well as potassium which is needed for proper cardiovascular functioning and stabilizing the blood pressure.
Chrysanthemum tea also has adenine, amino acids and glycosides.
The health benefits of Chrysanthemum tea: Chrysanthemum tea is not very famous amongst herb enthusiast that is because very few people know about its existence and benefits. Read on to know more about the benefits:
1. Chrysanthemum tea has Vitamin C[2] in which helps ease heaviness in the head during cold[3] and provide relief in sinusitis discomfort. This herbal tea also has antiviral properties and helps relieve congestion in the head which may be caused by viral infection. The heaviness in the head could also be caused due to bacterial pathogenic reaction. Chrysanthemum tea is anti spirochetal in nature thus it is really helpful in easing head congestion.
2. Chrysanthemum tea is naturally caffeine free, hence, it is free from all the side effects of caffeine like anxiety, tension, irritation, nervousness and confusion.
3. Chrysanthemum tea is a natural coolant and helps in lowering the temperature of the body when suffering from fever or even heat stroke. This herbal tea is also helpful in treating pimples and acne. It can also treat discomfort of high temperature such as headache, slight toothache and throbbing nerves in the gums.
4. Chrysanthemum tea is good for the detoxification of the liver and for lowering cholesterol[4] levels.
5. This tea helps in the treatment of coronary artery disease, blocked arteries and even varicose veins.
6. Chrysanthemum tea has stimulating property and helps in alerting the senses and rejuvenating the brain. It stimulates all your senses very quickly and also calms down the nerves.
7. It helps in easing giddiness.
8. Drinking Chrysanthemum tea helps in providing relief in sore throat, redness in the eyes, itchiness in the eyes, dryness in the eyes and dark sport in the eye area.
9. It makes the lungs strong and helps in providing relief in respiratory problems such as shortness of breath.
10. Chrysanthemum tea when taken with lunch or dinner especially with oily foods helps ease digestion.
Preparation: Chrysanthemum tea is obtained from dried chrysanthemum flowers. You can easily make it bye by adding hot water in 3 grams of dried chrysanthemum flowers, let the mix steep for 5 minutes.

Healing Properties of Chrysanthemums
Answered by: Conrad Richter
Question from: Birdie
Posted on: March 24, 2007

What healing properties would chrysanthemums have? I have had allergies, respiratory and coughing problems all winter as well as an arthritis flair up. I have used camomile but recently found chrysanthemums in bulk form and wondered what the benefits were?

Chrysanthemum does indeed have medicinal effects. In Chinese traditional medicine, several different species are used. The most commonly used one is Chrysanthemum morifolium, the species from which decorative potted mums so widely grown in the West are derived. This herb is known as "ju hua" and its flowers help to increase blood flow by increasing coronary vasodilation. It also has antibacterial and antipyretic (temperature lowering) properties. In southern China chrysanthemum tea is very popular during the summer, probably because of its cooling effect. It is also widely taken form the common cold, headache, dizziness, red eye, swelling, angina pectoris and hypertension, according Kee Chang Huang, author of The Pharmacognosy of Chinese Herbs (CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida; 1999).

Other species of Chrysanthemum have similar properties. The flowers of Chrysanthemum indicum, C. boreale, and C. lavandulaefolium are known as "yao jiu hua". They have antihypertensive properties also, but the method of preparation is a little diffierent: the medicine is prepared with alcohol, not water as in the case of C. morifolium. Tablets made with these herbs are typically taken for hypertensive symptoms such as headache, insomnia and dizziness. And the herb is widely used for the common cold, like C. morifolium is, and is used for flu and meningitis.

I could not find any information that chrysanthemum has any useful specific effects on the conditions you describe, except perhaps for symptoms that may be associated with a cold or flu. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Free from the Shamanic Voice

Teachings from the Web, 08 October 2012
"Self Care" 

Kay Gillard returns after her summer break, with a show focused on the importance of self care in turbulent times. Includes a shamanic journey and some restorative chanting.

You can download this show when you visit our podbean post.
Comments on this show? We want to hear from you! Leave a comment on our podbean page.

Practical Shamanism, 15 November 2012
"Honouring our energy"

Katie's show this month is a conversation about honouring yin energy, how to replenish our own energy levels, and activating the wise one internally.
You can download this show when you visit our podbean post.
Comments on this show? We want to hear from you! Leave a comment on our podbean page.

Practical Shamanism, 15 September 2012
Healing old soul traumas

In this episode Katie talks about how living in the modern world we enjoy an unprecedented level of physical safety and resourcing of our survival needs.  And how this may not lead directly to happiness, partly because not being in survival crisis and having leisure time allows space for us to process and release and heal from pain of the past, both from this lifetime and from other lifetimes.  Many souls' mission is to clean up pain and trauma that their soul has been carrying for a long time and being in the modern world with basic needs met is a great way to do that, but can create a very uncomfortable experience despite having much to be grateful for.

You can download this show when you visit our podbean post.

Root chakra journey

“Following a suggestion from one of our listeners, Kay Gillard and Magin Rose kick off a set of chakra journeying tracks. We begin with the root chakra, centre of stability, foundation and nourishment.”
Download this journey.

Sacral chakra journey

“Continuing the chakra journeys, Kay has recorded a drum and rattle journey into the sacral chakra.”
Download this journey.

Solar plexus chakra journey

“Kay Gillard continues our chakra journey series, with a powerful drum and voice journey to find and release blocks to expressing our true idenity, will and power.”
Download this journey.

Heart chakra journey

“Kay Gillard continues our chakra journey series, with a journey to connect with the heart.”
Download this journey.

Throat chakra journey

“Alison Arcehelizaga continues our chakra journey series, with a journey to connect with the throat chakra – seat of creativity, communication and expression.”
Download this journey.

Third eye chakra journey

“Kay Gillard continues our chakra journey series, with a journey to draw in psychic perception & allow energy to flow into the third eye.”
Download this journey.

Crown chakra journey

“Kay Gillard completes our chakra journey series, with journeying track of rattles, chimes, singing bowls and voice to open the crown chakra and connect in with high vibrational divine source energy. Make sure you use the call back and close down to close yourselves down safely!”
Download this journey.