Sunday, November 11, 2012

Free from the Shamanic Voice

Teachings from the Web, 08 October 2012
"Self Care" 

Kay Gillard returns after her summer break, with a show focused on the importance of self care in turbulent times. Includes a shamanic journey and some restorative chanting.

You can download this show when you visit our podbean post.
Comments on this show? We want to hear from you! Leave a comment on our podbean page.

Practical Shamanism, 15 November 2012
"Honouring our energy"

Katie's show this month is a conversation about honouring yin energy, how to replenish our own energy levels, and activating the wise one internally.
You can download this show when you visit our podbean post.
Comments on this show? We want to hear from you! Leave a comment on our podbean page.

Practical Shamanism, 15 September 2012
Healing old soul traumas

In this episode Katie talks about how living in the modern world we enjoy an unprecedented level of physical safety and resourcing of our survival needs.  And how this may not lead directly to happiness, partly because not being in survival crisis and having leisure time allows space for us to process and release and heal from pain of the past, both from this lifetime and from other lifetimes.  Many souls' mission is to clean up pain and trauma that their soul has been carrying for a long time and being in the modern world with basic needs met is a great way to do that, but can create a very uncomfortable experience despite having much to be grateful for.

You can download this show when you visit our podbean post.

Root chakra journey

“Following a suggestion from one of our listeners, Kay Gillard and Magin Rose kick off a set of chakra journeying tracks. We begin with the root chakra, centre of stability, foundation and nourishment.”
Download this journey.

Sacral chakra journey

“Continuing the chakra journeys, Kay has recorded a drum and rattle journey into the sacral chakra.”
Download this journey.

Solar plexus chakra journey

“Kay Gillard continues our chakra journey series, with a powerful drum and voice journey to find and release blocks to expressing our true idenity, will and power.”
Download this journey.

Heart chakra journey

“Kay Gillard continues our chakra journey series, with a journey to connect with the heart.”
Download this journey.

Throat chakra journey

“Alison Arcehelizaga continues our chakra journey series, with a journey to connect with the throat chakra – seat of creativity, communication and expression.”
Download this journey.

Third eye chakra journey

“Kay Gillard continues our chakra journey series, with a journey to draw in psychic perception & allow energy to flow into the third eye.”
Download this journey.

Crown chakra journey

“Kay Gillard completes our chakra journey series, with journeying track of rattles, chimes, singing bowls and voice to open the crown chakra and connect in with high vibrational divine source energy. Make sure you use the call back and close down to close yourselves down safely!”
Download this journey.

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