Saturday, March 30, 2013

Receiving the Munay-ki ... Nine Rites of Initiation


The Nine Rites of the Munay-KiThe nine Rites of the Munay-Ki are initiation rites, actual energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past – one's karmic & genetic inheritance. They transform and upgrade one's own luminous energy field by re-informing one's DNA, thereby enabling one to grow a new body – one that ages, heals, and dies differently. The Munay-Ki is an invitation to dream an entire new world into being.

Pink Rose Petals HeartThe Munay-Ki comes from a Quechua word that means 'I love You.' The Munay-Ki are the nine rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom and power; one who has accepted the stewardship for all creation. These rites are derived from the great initiations from the Hindus Valley and were brought to the Americas by the first medicine men and women who crossed the Baring Straits from Siberia during the glacial period some 30,000 years ago. These courageous travelers were the Earthkeepers of the old; the ancient Inca lineage of Earth keepers and Light body healers are now directly transmitted by the Q'ero (Laika) shamans from the high Andes in Peru. The Q'ero are known as "Children of the Sun" and have been the guardians of ancient knowledge of the inner worlds and the energetic realms for many hundreds and thousands of years.

Traditionally, many of these rites known as 'Karpays' were only gifted shaman to student during the rigorous years of initiation and training on the medicine path of a healer or wisdom keeper.  Some rites could only be received directly from nature and spirit.  Today, because of the rapid changes on the earth, and the urgent need for us collectively as humans to make a shift in our consciousness, the Q’ero elders, have come forward to offer the 'Munay-Ki Rites' to all those who feel called to them. 

The rites are traditionally offered for free.  They are a gift from those who are outside of time ... our ancient lineage as well as our future selves.

People receiving the rites have a range of response, from subtle to profound.  Some experience immediate shifts in perception, awareness, insights, etc.  The rites are gifted as 'seeds' and must be cultivated by the recipent with fire, attention, and intention. 

As one receives and cultivates the seeds of the nine rites, one's chakras will have the opportunity to become clear and glow with their original radiance; one will acquire what the Earth keepers know as the rainbow body.

The nine rites are as follows:

Rite One: 
The Healer Rite (Hampi Mesa Rite) ... 
hands holding puppy - one week old english bulldog puppy on white background - stock photoConnects one to a lineage of luminous beings; medicine men and women from the pastthrough time and space, who come to assist us in our personal transformation and healing.

It awakens the healing power in one’s hands so that everyone who is touched, is blessed. There is tremendous spiritual assistance available, and these luminous ones work in our sleep to heal the wounds of our past and those of our ancestors. 

They make themselves available to us when we open sacred space to do personal healing or to offer healing for another.  When we receive this rite, we become aware of the shared healing journey we are on, and receive the help of the many luminous healers from many traditions, who have gone before us.

Rite Two: 
Bands of Power Rite ... 
Pink Rose Petals HeartFive luminous belts of different colors, each representing a different element ... earth, water, fire, air and Spirit, are woven into the luminous energy field (LEF) for protection.  They act as filters, breaking down any negative energy that comes toward the person, into one of the above five elements, thus serving as a powerful form of protection, while at the same time, supporting our energetic connection to the natural world.. These energies then feed one’s LEF instead of making one sick.  Installation of these luminous bands of protection in the energy field forms a rainbow fountain of light around our physical body and allows one to be more present and available for life; instead of wasting one’s energy in fear, doubt or worry.  Over time, our former fear based armoring and protections dissolve away as our rainbow body strengthens.

Rite Three:
The Harmony Rite (Ayni Karpay Rite) ... 
Seven powerful, universal archetypal energies are transmitted as seeds in each of the  seven major chakras.

Chakras one through four receive the power animal archetypes:  serpent, jaguar, hummingbird and eagle; chakras five through seven   receive the energies from therealms of the archangels – Huascar, the Keeper of the Lower World and the unconscious is transmitted into the fifth chakra (the throat); Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent God of the Americas, and keeper of the middle world (our waking world) goes into the sixth (the third eye); and Pachakuti, the protector of the upper world (our super-conscious) and keeper of the time to come goes into the seventh chakra at the crown.

These rites assist one in creating balance in all areas of one’s life and support one's chakras to shine with their original light as one acquires a rainbow body. 

Rite Four:
The Seer Rite (Kawak Rite) ... 

beautiful eye photo: Beautiful Eye EYE.gifallows us to perceive the invisible world.  Extra-cerebral pathways of light are installed that connect the visual cortex with the third eye and heart chakra. This awakens the inner seer and one’s ability to see ourselves and others with the eyes of compassion and to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit.

The  Healer's rite, Bands of Power, the Harmony Rite and the Seer / 'Kawak Rite' are the 'Foundation rites'.  

Rite Five: 
Day keeper's Rite (The Mosok Rite) ... links one to the time to come and to who we are becoming as homo luminous.  One connects to a lineage of master healers from the past.

Day keepers are able to call on the ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the earth, call on the sun to rise each day, and bring humans into harmony with mother Earth.  

The Daykeeper Rite is the rite of the Divine Feminine.  It helps one begin to heal one’s inner feminine, step beyond fear, and practice peace.  Whether we are women or men, this rite helps us heal and balance our feminine energies, and aligns us with the sacred feminine powers, rhythms and cycles of the earth in relation to the cosmos. 

As one joins the lineage of Day keepers, one awakens to one's roles as ceremonialists, keepers of sacred altars, attendants to life’s milestones and passages.  They are the midwives, herbalists who help to maintain balance and beauty on the earth in a sacred way, guided and supported by the luminous ones who now reside in Spirit, yet make themselves available to us.

Rite Six:
The Wisdom keeper Rite (Altomesayok Rite) ... 

connects one to the Divine Masculine and  helps one to begin to heal one’s inner masculine, to step outside of time and space and taste infinity.

One connects to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and the future.   Legends say that the ancient wisdom resides in the high mountains.  The Wisdom keeper learns to source directly from the mountains and becomes part of a lineage of Wisdom keepers who defeated death and stepped outside of time.  These rites will help one to protect the wisdom and the medicine teachings and share them with others when appropriate.  

Rite Seven:
The Earth keeper Rite (‘Pampamesayok’ Rite) ...
makes one a steward for the Earth as well as for the ebb and flow of the seasons, life and death.  

Plant in hand on white background Stock Photo - 9479243This rite connects one to a lineage of archangels, who are guardians of our galaxy.  
The Earthkeepers, who are stewards of all life on Earth, come under the direct protection of these archangels and can summon their power when they need to in order to bring healing and balance to any situation.   

It helps one learn the ways of the seer and dream the world into being ... with intention, energy and prayers, an earth keeper helps create a healthy and beautiful planet that supports all life; seeking to serve the good of all. 

Rite Eight: 
The Star keeper Rite (Kurak Akuyak Rite) ... anchors one safely to the time after the great change that is said to occur in or around the year 2012.  

Click on image to close this popup windowUpon receiving this rite, one acquires stewardship of the time to come and of all future generations.  As a Star keeper, one steps into the role of stewards of the universe and of all time.  One can journey forward in time and bring back what is needed to help a situation occurring now.  

Upon receiving this rite, one’s physical body begins to evolve into that of Homo luminous ... the aging process is slowed down, one’s DNA is re-informed, and one become more resistant to disease. 

Rite Nine: 
The Creator Rite (Titanchis Ranti Rite) ... Pink Rose Petals Heartawakens the Creator-light within and brings forth a sense of stewardship for all creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies in the universe.  One would be able to step into the place of Creator and envision the world into being.

Dancing across the Universe

                                            Once attained only through direct transmission from Spirit, it is now possible to transmit from one person to another.

To hold the energy of this rite, we need to have prepared and grown all the seeds of the previous rites in our luminous body, as well as our physical and mental bodies.  As we journey through the rites, healing the issues of duality and fear, we become free from the energies that confined our ability to hold the Light.  As we become clear, more of our soul energy can actually be sourced through our being….and we shine from within like the sun.
These are the Nine Great Rites of the Munay-Ki, gifted to us by the great  Q’ero medicine men and women of the high Andes in Peru.  We receive them as the seeds for cultivating our rainbow garden of beauty and transformation, to support our journey ... so we, in turn, can support the beauty and becoming of our community, our planet and  our cosmos.

I got really excited when I found someone close to home who could gift me the ‘Munay-Ki’ rites.  The rites were gifted in a course of three months as a series of bi-weekly transmissions.

Week 1: Healer’s rite and ‘Kawak' or Seer’s rite ...
On the first night, it was a big group.  I’d misplaced my email and so I’d not put aside any gifts; but I was carrying the perfect gifts in my purse.  Just a few days before this, I’d made a few Snowman and an infinity designs with small mirrors and mirrors are a perfect fetish for a Shaman.  So, I dug up three of these to gift to the person(s) who’d be giving me those rites.  There were four people giving the rites and a room full of people, receiving.  On this first day, we’d each be receiving two rites; first the ‘Healer’s’ rites and then the ‘Kayak or Seer’s’ rites. 

hands holding puppy - one week old english bulldog puppy on white background - stock photoThis first session began the series of transmissions with an overview of the nine rites and the gifting of two of the four foundation rites ... the Healer's Rite and the Kayak rite.  One must receive the rites in the order given.  First, we received instructions on the Healer’s rite and then, the transmission of the rite.

When the time came, I walked over to the person I wanted to receive the rite from.  I handed her the ‘Snowman’ and received the ‘Healer’s’ rites from her.  Then I came back to my seat and fed the seeds of the rite with fire.  We were told that the rites are blown in as seeds and it is our task to germinate them by feeding the seeds with our breath and fire.  She had instructed us on how to feed the seeds with fire before any of us got our first rites.

beautiful eye photo: Beautiful Eye EYE.gifNext, we received instructions on the Kawak rite, also called the Seer’s rite.  In a later class with the ‘Four Winds Society’ I learned that with this rite, once the seeds begin to germinate, one sees everything; the good, the bad and the ugly; there are no filters.  

In my case, Katie, my first teacher who had introduced me to Shamanic Journeying, had placed filters in my third eye when she did a healing journey to cleanse and open my third eye; it was so that I wouldn’t be overwhelmed when my third eye opened. 

When the time came, I walked over to the person I wanted to receive the rites from; I received mine from the same person.  I handed her a mirror ‘Infinity’ this time and received the ‘Kayak or Seer’s’ rite from her.  Then I came back to my seat and fed the seeds of the rite with light tapping and also the fire.  We were told that this rite is an installation and it is our task to germinate them by feeding the path with light tapping and fire.  She had instructed us on how to feed the seeds with tapping, before any of us got our rites. 

Next we received instructions on how to open and close directions, the Q’ero style.  There was going to be a two-week wait till the next rite.  During this time, we were supposed to feed the rites that we received with fire and also notice anything that might come up as thoughts, emotions and life experiences. 

beautiful eye photo: Beautiful Eye EYE.gifDuring this two-week period, I managed to do the fire ceremony on at-least on ten of fourteen days and so I felt happy and satisfied.

Week 2:  Bands of Protection and Harmony rites ... 
Two weeks later, we gathered together one more time to receive the remaining two of the ‘Foundation’ rites, namely, the Bands of Protection and the Harmony rites.  
First, we were given the Bands of Protection because these bands have to be in place before receiving the Harmony rites. This time, I got each of the rites two times from two different people.  I had gifts for each of the person that I received my rites from; this is a Q’ero tradition and everyone had brought gifts. 

When all of us had finished receiving the rites, we received instructions on how to feed our bands of power with our breath and all our seeds of the rites.  A specific type of breath is used to feed these seeds; it is called the ‘breath of Fire or the Fire breath’.  This path is called the path of Fire because the seeds of all the rites are fed with Fire to germinate them.  In a later class, which I took with the ‘Four Winds Society’ I learned that if one didn’t feed these seeds, especially during the first three to four months, one would lose them.

We did the fire breath three rounds; approximately six hundred breaths in all!  Each round is each alternating for Mother Earth Energy and Father Sun Energy approximately a hundred fast paced breaths and each breath is a fast exhale from the lower belly.  I got tired after the very first round, but I managed to keep up with the rest of the group.

There was going to be a two-week wait till the next rite.  During this time, we were supposed to feed the rites that we received with our breath and with fire and also notice anything that might come up as thoughts, emotions and life experiences.   After this, I drove home.

During this two-week period, I managed to do the fire ceremony on at-least on ten of fourteen days, but forgot about the fire breaths completely.

Week 3:  Day keeper's Rite (Mosok Rite) ... 
Two weeks later, we gathered together one more time to receive one more of the nine rites, namely, the Day Keeper rites.  

Before receiving the rite, we did a mini journey where we journeyed to a time in the past where we had been a Day keeper.  I journeyed with Cupid on my horse back.  Once there, I watched myself go about my day; when the call back beat of the drum started, I returned to the room.

This time, once again, I got the rite two times from two different people.  I had gifts for each of the person that I received my rites from; this is a Q’ero tradition and everyone had brought gifts. 

Week 4: Wisdom keeper Rite (Altomesayok Rite) ...
Two weeks later, we gathered together one more time to receive one more of the nine rites, namely, the Wisdom Keeper rite.  

centaur female photo: Female Centaur centauress.jpg

Before receiving the rite, we did a mini journey where we journeyed to a high mountain and met up with the earth keepers.  I journeyed with Cupid to a snow covered mountain in South America.  When I reached there, I found myself in a forest clearing.  The mountain had parted and a few Centaurs (half horse, half human beings) met with me and took me into the mountain.  When the call back beat of the drum started, I rode back with Cupid on my white horse and returned to the room.

This time, once again, I got the rite two times from two different people.  I had gifts for each of the persons that I received my rites from; this is a Q’ero tradition and everyone had brought gifts. 

After everyone in the gathering had finished with receiving the rites, we did the fire breath together, three rounds; approximately six hundred breaths in all!  Each round is each alternating for Mother Earth Energy and Father Sun Energy approximately a hundred fast paced breaths and each breath is a fast exhale from the lower belly.  I got tired after the very first round, but I managed to keep up with the rest of the group.

There was going to be another two-week wait till the next rite.  As always, during this time, we were supposed to feed the rites that we received with our breath and with fire and also notice anything that might come up as thoughts, emotions and life experiences.   

After this, I drove home; I had plans to drive to Joshua Tree in California in a few hours for my ‘South’ class with the ‘Four Winds Society’.   I got about two to three hours of sleep before I drove again to the Joshua Tree retreat center for the upcoming South class.  

Week 5:  Earth keeper Rite (‘Pampamesayok’ Rite) ...

Two weeks after that, we gathered together one more time to receive one more of the nine rites, namely, the Earth Keeper rite.  

Before receiving the rite, we did a mini journey where we journeyed to a place in nature and met up with the earth keepers.  I journeyed with Cupid to a green, rolling meadow by the side of a lake.  When I reached there, I met the earth keepers, my four archangels.  I was turned into a baby and each of the four earth keeper blessed me and passed me around among themselves.  Then they returned my baby self back to me; we merged and I rode back with Cupid on my white horse and returned to the room.
Plant in hand on white background Stock Photo - 9479243This time, I got the rite one time only, because it was a much smaller group than usual; there were only a few people receiving.  I had gifts for the person that I received my rites from; I took the second gift back home. 

Week 6:  Star keeper Rite (Kurak Akuyak Rite) ... 
Click on image to close this popup window

Two weeks later, we gathered together one more time to receive one more of the nine rites, namely, the Star Keeper rite.  

Click on image to close this popup windowBefore receiving the rite, we did a mini journey where we journeyed to our becoming; into the future, a time outside of linear time and space.  I journeyed with Cupid to my future self and received a gift from her, a sparkly wand with a star on top; I brought it back with me and returned to the room.

This time, once again, I got the rite two times from two different people.  I had gifts for each of the persons that I received my rites from; this is a Q’ero tradition and everyone had brought gifts.  After each transmission of the rite, I fed the seeds of the rites with fire.

After everyone in the gathering had finished with receiving the rites, I drove home.

There was going to be another two-week wait till the next rite.  As always, during this time, we were supposed to feed the rites that we received with our breath and with fire and also notice anything that might come up as thoughts, emotions and life experiences.   

Week 7:  The Creator Rite (Titanchis Ranti Rite) ... 
Two weeks later, we gathered together one more time to receive the last of the nine rites, namely, the Creator rite.  
Before receiving the rite, we did a mini journey where we journeyed to ......; into the future, a time outside of linear time and space.  I journeyed with Cupid to ... and returned to the room.

This time, once again, I got the rite two times from two different people.  I had gifts for each of the persons that I received my rites from; this is a Q’ero tradition and everyone had brought gifts.  After each transmission of the rite, I fed the seeds of the rites with fire.

Dancing across the UniverseAfter everyone in the gathering had finished with receiving the rites, we had a small feast to celebrate our becoming.  We danced and ate; then, I drove back home.


Transmission of The Munay-Ki Rites ...

Pink Rose Petals Heart

There was going to be another few weeks wait till the next time when we'd learn to transmit these rites to others.  I'd have to wait till I got back from my trip to the east.  During this time, we were supposed to feed the rites that we received with our breath and with fire and also notice anything that might come up as thoughts, emotions and life experiences.   

It is my great honor to share the Munay-Ki rites with you, mentor you in working with the rites and teach you how to become a Steward of the rites by gifting them to others.