Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer Winds Over the Desert Wash ... by Ranjana Paul

Summer winds
Winds wild and Strong
churn the soil under the desert wash.

Summer winds
Winds wild and Strong
Blows dust over the desert wash.

Willow bows and Cottonwood blows
Lavender Flowers and snow-white cotton
Settle on the dust floor.

... by Ranjana Paul
July 2013, Today.

Look, I Brought the Sun Home with Me! ... by Ranjana Paul

Morning sun, the golden plays
Crimson and Lavender over blue.
Golden rays over farms and trees
Wild red; are they cherries or berries?

Birds of the feather spread their wings
Mountain tops, silver and white;
Against the blue sky 
Look grand and wise.

Tall trees hide the sun,
Cedar and pine whistle in the wind.
Come mid-day, the sun shines high;
Wild birds wind by the river side.

Silver rays through tree tops
 Light the ground under the trees.
Silver rays of the Shining ball
Takes a few last peeks through the leaves.

As the sun goes down,
A crimson ball hides behind the peaks.
Hiding behind the Tetons and the Grand ones, it whispers,
Peek-a boo, let's all go to sleep!

... by Ranjana Paul
June 2013

Songs of Serenity ... by Ranjana Paul

Green apples, purple violets
Amazing blue skies over lush green valley
Tall trees that whistle in the wind.

A roaring stream winds downhill;
Cascading waters roll over rocks.
The songs of the wild over the roaring falls.

Pretty flowers on river stones
Baby birds, cute!
Come, fly with Me!!

... Ranjana Paul
June 2013

Archetype Photos Collection

Serpent Archetype

Jaguar Archetype

Humming Bird Archetype

Eagle / Condor Archetype

Huascaar Archetype

Quetzalcoatl Archetype

Pachakuti Inca Archetype

Spirit Walk ... by Ranjana Paul

I close my eyes and watch the purple light
It spins clock-wise in the dark.
I watch as eyes appear; single eyes and pairs.
Like a slide show, eyes just appear and disappear.

Eyes with fear, eyes with a tear;
Eyes half closed and eyes too scared;
Eyes that are shocked and eyes in prayer.
Just eyes; faceless eyes appear and disappear.

Who do they belong to?  Past lives? or ancestors?
I send healing to both and watch for more to appear.
Rarely, a face appears; eyes closed in prayer.
Serene and centered; am I there?

... Ranjana Paul
May 2013