Friday, October 25, 2013

The North Medicine Wheel

Stepping into the Magic and Enchantment of Life

The North is a complete shift in the Medicine Wheel. Previously, you were skating along the edge of the wheel, doing the stripping and cleansing work of the South and West.  Remember, one must go through the South and West to even get to the North. Blessed, necessary work, and no shortcuts.

This deer family welcomes us to the North!  

To start the North, we took a journey where we walked out to the center of the medicine wheel and sat down.  From there, you looked back at the South, took stock, and closed that door. Then you looked to the West, took stock, and closed the door to the West.  You can always go back to those directions anytime, just be sure to do it consciously. If you find yourself working through an issue of a personal story, or working through some family karma piece, do it consciously!  Say to yourself, OK, this is a West (or South) piece, and work it in your mesa, then be complete with it and return to the center.
Then, in our journey, sitting in the center of the medicine wheel, we grounded and anchored ourselves.  Anchored to Pachamama.  Then we intentionally walked out to North direction and sat down.  We opened our eyes, stood up, and opened Sacred Space and for three days did the work of the North.
And the work of the North continues.  It will always continue. It is a living experience that you can choose to live into. Or not. The North wasn't just a three day event that has passed.  It is a set of timeless teachings that live in your conscious awareness.  How do they live with you?
Are you still anchored in the center of the medicine wheel? Have you gotten spun out to the edge at the South or West?  Did you forget about this? Are you sitting calmly at the center? It matters not. Just go there now in your mind's eye.
Go to the center and sit down. Feel the stillness and peace there.  Know that place is your true home. You already claimed it.  

This is a medicine gift of Hummingbird:  stillness in the midst of chaos. Freedom. Surrender.  Calm at the center of the storm. The calm from which we expand and recognize our souls' journey.  So that we can write in our blank book of life - to write that who we choose to be. So we can explore the unknowable.

Your three North stones hold the essential North teachings:

Invisibility means allowing your ego to dissolve which means revealing your essential self, and having nothing to hide.  Only then is your inside completely congruent with your outside. Not making ripples. Not projecting.  Don't worry if you have not mastered this in four weeks! I've been working at it six years and feel that I've barely scratched the surface.  One could live one's entire life devoted to mastering Invisibility, and it would be time well spent.

It is to be expected that many of you are feeling challenged. Allowing the ego to dissolve is challenging work. If you are feeling challenged, please allow us to offer a few reminders:
  • You already know that you need to work at the mythic and energetic levels. That's the level of ceremony and the "thy will be done" level.  Prayer, meditation, chanting - if done with a pure heart can work miracles.
  • You know to watch carefully how the mind wants to wrap itself around everything. The mind will make you crazy if you let it.  To pass that test you must ALLOW yourself to be with not knowing, not understanding.
  • Throw yourself on the ground and ask Pachamama to help you heal.
  • Practice non-attachment and non-suffering. South practices.
  • Take long walks in Nature and daily practice the breathing and chakra clearing work.
  • Don't "concretize" around what happens. Just allow it to be.
Keeping a Secret implies there is an inner remembering of our soul's origins amongst the stars, but we forget. Then we remember, then we forget. An so on. The phone rings, the bills are due, the dog must be walked. Life on Earth asserts itself into our consciousness and we forget.  How do we hold this duality?  By keeping it at the Sacred.  Each time we step into the Sacred, we remember. By opening Sacred Space. By doing our breathing practice. By engaging with life in ceremony - however that might express itself in your life. Fire Ceremony. Journal. Sand Painting. Open Mesa, hold Kuya, breathe.  Despacho.

Mastery of Time is actually easy. Never mind all the mathematical formulas P=M x V and V = D / T. That was just to help you see that this is real: you can step outside linear time just as easily as taking a deep breath and relaxing your mind. When you experience infinity, the grip of time (and death) relaxes and you can go sailing on the ocean of time. The shamans see time as a lazy river flowing to the sea, and they learn to navigate it. More importantly, they learn to follow the invisible current below the surface that takes one back upstream to the Source. You are one of those shamans, remembering your Self.

One of the biggest pieces that happened at the North came next.  Once you had learned these three teachings, and had blown them into your stones, you went out to your sand painting. You tracked and released your attachment to all the roles you play in life.  Remember? You weren't releasing the roles - you were releasing your attachment to them. Then you worked with your Keeping a Secret stone and tracked, and released, two or three high destinies. From the past . . . . . into the future. High destinies. And you released attachment to them.

Then the person standing there was truly free.

After dinner, you dropped your Mastery of Time stone into a personal fire, and made your vows to Spirit.

Then you came to the group fire and took your seat with the lineage... and that became sanctified as you received the Alto Mesayok Rite and received your lineage stone. 

Energetically, this was a HUGE INITIATION.

Now let's talk about how it is going with you since then. 

If you have held that space and lived into it - Bravo!  Normally, what happens in life, is that when we receive a high initiation such as this, what immediately comes up are issues and patterns that hold us from stepping into the clearing created by the initiation. 

Your experience may be different, but that is what happens for many people. Stuff comes up to test the initiation. What has shown up for you?
The trick is to realize that when that stuff comes up, it is actually a gift from Spirit that has been perfectly orchestrated so you can develop your new muscles.  
Your Invisibility muscles.  
Your Keeping a Secret muscles.  
Your Mastery of Time muscles. 
Your Vows to Spirit muscles. 
Your stillness in the midst of chaos muscles.

"You are not your thoughts!........ just wanted to reminds us all of this helpful little truth. The north asks us to step up into the infinite sun of our greatest becoming, its also a time when the ego will go wild as it realizes its grip is loosening on you. So as your ego throws one last tantrum on its way to its proper place in your life, remember this, you are not your thoughts. I truly Love and honor each and every one of you even as we throw tantrums".

Everything that is happening to you right now is a perfectly orchestrated opportunity to step up. To answer the call from Spirit - to step into your soul's calling. Whatever that might be!

What times we are in! The celestial influences are impelling us to leave our old identities behind, and catapult us into who we are as multi-dimensional beings. This reminds me of a writing I first heard many years ago, called "Hopi Elder Speaks" in which he says:  ". . .   This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. . . . "

Bibliography and Photography:

Tomas Bostrom and Pacha Tucson Alluyu members

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