Saturday, December 13, 2014

After the West Medicine Wheel

It is September and we are about a month away from our North Medicine Wheel. It has been a month of things ... electronics and machinery breakdowns! … Car starter, cell phone, computer charger, clothes drier, wall clock (temporary), cell phone again (temp), vacuum. 

First ... Personally, I'm having a lot of problems around women recently ... strangers just picking out at me, as well as at the work place and best of all, my mom! ... at this time I felt like this has been my life long story, on and off!  I've had life long problems with women; need big help with that. I don't know if it is ancestral / past life or some other pattern(s). 
Regarding the issue around women ... during the past few days I managed to do a sand painting and fire and 1-2 journeys.  I first did a journey after I got too triggered by this woman at work.  In the first journey, I saw a dagger in my third chakra.  It went away after the journey; but I kept bringing it back.  Even after the fire ceremony, etc., I was still bringing it back.  So, yesterday, I did several clearings to release people stuck to me ... all were men except for my mom.  I've to see if I still continue to bring it back. 

In the West class, I did:

a) Past life clearing journeys for three lifetimes:
·      A lifetime when I held great power and abused it
·      A lifetime when I held no power and was abused
·      A lifetime when I held great power and used it wisely

After the west class, I did a few past-life journeys and blew some of them into the stones... no gifts, I didn't get much info here; just had a few glimpses.

b) Ancestral clearing for three ancestors / close relatives who have passed on … my maternal and paternal grandfathers and my favorite maternal aunt; I’ve called her ‘Tatamashi’ since I was a kid. Using the 7, 7, 7 breathe, I go anti-clockwise and draw out the attachment from the primary chakra (and from the joints and organs where I hold them.

After the west class, I've continued to do a lot of ancestral work. I’d managed to get a name list of my paternal male ancestors, for the past seven generations, from my dad and I went through the list and completed the process.

Ancestral ... I think of an ancestor, blow him and his issues (traumas, heavy energies, bad experiences, blockages) into one of the west stones.  Then, using a pendulum, I find the chakra most strongly affected by this ancestor.  If the attachment is too strong, I use the khuya and a twig (that I put in an sand painting and then into an ancestral fire). Using the 7, 7, 7 breathe, I go anti-clockwise and draw out the attachment from the primary chakra (and from the joints and organs that I'm called to if I feel I have enough time / desire to do that).  
This is a good process and is OK to do with myself; it is recommend that you do this in conjunction with a daily practice of breath-work. 

I've also tried using the south method ... put the stone on the chakra and use a rattle to spin the chakra anti-clockwise.  Then, to finish it off, I journeyed to the individual ancestor and asked spirit to offer him a healing and asked the ancestor for a gift and brought it back with me in my womb; I didn't always remember to blow the gift into a khuya after I got back. 
Again, there is an inherent issue with doing that type of work on yourself - you can't effectively be the client and the shaman at the same time. It would be better for you to get a session with a Shaman - let them show you where your issues really are and they will show you how to work with them and your kuyas.

Secondly, this is a two week period when ancestors are worshipped in my culture.  So, I want to do something (at-least one journey) around ancestral healing if my ancestors agreed.  I used the journey method taught to me by Katie W for this.

c) Shadow work … the shadow process as we did in the West:
I made a list of three people who irritate me most, list three qualities in each, etc. … These qualities are all my shadow pieces.
I made a list of one person who I admire most and list three qualities in that person. … These qualities are all my shadow pieces too.

Try repeating the shadow process we did in the West: 
Make a list of three people who irritate me the most, list three qualities in each, etc. 

c) Shadow work … the shadow process as we did in the West:
I made a list of three people who irritate me most; list three qualities in each, etc. … These qualities are all my shadow pieces.
I made a list of one person who I admire most and list three qualities in that person. … These qualities are all my shadow pieces too.

Try repeating the shadow process we did in the West:
Make a list of three people who irritate me the most; list three qualities in each, etc. 

The only effective shadow work since the west was in a journey that I did… “Journey to heal and release a shadow piece that is ready to be healed.”  I didn't use my khuyas this time.

Shadow Work:  This journey was done soon after my Medicine wheel of the west direction.

I opened sacred space.  Then, I went to my sacred Garden, called in my helping spirits and asked them to hold sacred space.

Then I stated my healing intention to Angel Cupid; I asked him to "Heal any shadow piece that is ready to be healed.”  Then I got on my horseback with angel Cupid seated behind me and we rode north.  Very soon, we came across a temple-like building.  As I approached the structure, I found a part of me that was a toddler about a few months old to a maximum of eighteen months old.  She was turning blue and black.  I picked her up and flew on my horseback to Niagara-falls, to have her cleansed.  Soon after I put her in the river preceding the falls, she turned into a black fish.  At this point, my Mermaid helper appeared quite spontaneously.  She sat facing west on a rock by the waterfall and held the fish in her hand and cleansed it on a rock under the waterfall.  The black color changed to silvery white.  

My inner child fragment was returned to me.  Then, Lidia, my mermaid helper, swam off into the river.  I went into the river trying to follow her, but she was too fast for me and she disappeared and I returned back to my place of being.

After the West …(cont’d) … Shadows and triangle of disempowerment in my mother / daughter relationship.

On receiving this email from Tomas Bostrom, my Medicine Wheel teacher, I thought back and remembered a time when I was walking with her.  I saw my teachers coming from the other side and I walked as far away from her as I could in an attempt to disown her. 

I was ashamed of being seen with her in public, outside of Bengali circles, because she would wear the traditional Bengali symbols of marriage, white conch shell and red coral bangles and sindoor.

On remembering this, I journeyed (described below) to heal the shadow side.

I journeyed with the intention to heal the shadow side that affects my mother / daughter relationship. 

I went to my sacred Garden, called in angel Cupid.  Then I stated my journey intention to Angel Cupid, “journey to heal the shadow side that affects my mother / daughter relationship. 

I came to a forest.  My power animal, Jaguar, showed up.  As I watched, I noticed a thick black smoke rising from something like a vent in the floor of the forest.  It was on one corner.  I asked jaguar to help me with the healing and the black smoke began to subside.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

Was this a shadow issue?  Or was it a triangle of disempowerment issue (described below)?

d) Triangle of Disempowerment: 
Try to see where you are a victim, or a perpetrator, or rescuer, and really own those pieces.  My sense is you will benefit a lot from working with the Triangle of Disempowerment. 
Try to see where you are a victim, or a perpetrator, or rescuer, and really own those pieces.

Triangle of disempowerment issue…
I wanted to keep my husband as far away from her as I possibly could.  I was being my man’s rescuer here and a bully (perpetrator) to my mother.  I was trying to save him from her because I truly believed that she would take him away from me; and that is what ultimately happened!  Now, I was the victim.

Friday, February 14, 2014

On a Full Moon Night

I sing to the Moon, I sing to the Stars;
I sing to you, Oh my Angel, 
I sing to you, my love.

Oh Grandmother Moon, 
Shower your blessings on Me;
Bless me that I can see my Angel, my Love.

Star brothers and Star sisters,
Thank you for watching over me;
As I open up to my Angel's Love.

On a Full Moon night 
I toss my angel ring into the shimmering pool;
It is the call of my wild, wild heart.

Under the stars, as I wait
My Angel appears with his ring;
My heart sings, Oh my Angel, Oh my Love!

Then I fall into a deep, deep sleep
As I feel held in your arms. 
Thank you for being mine; Oh angel of Love.

I sing to you again; 
My Angel, I yearn for your touch. 
Oh My Love! Oh My Love!!! 

_  Ranjana Paul ... 02/ 14/14
Copyright 2013-2014 ... Ranjana Paul ... All Rights Reserved Worldwide ...

Photos copied from the web.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Photos ... Earth Points

Apu Acuncagua ... Tomas's Earth Chk #1

Apu Illimani ... Keeper of Lk. Titicaca ... Tomas's Earth Chk #2
Apu Salkantay ... Undomesticated Feminine ...
Tomas's Earth Chk #3

Apu Salkantay ... Undomesticated Feminine ...
Tomas's Earth Chk #3
Apu Popocatépetl, Mexico ... Tomas's Earth Chk #4
Apu Popocatépetl, Mexico ... Tomas's Earth Chk #4
Mt Shasta ... Tomas's Earth Chk #5
Mt Shasta ... Tomas's Earth Chk #5
Mt. Logan ... Tomas's Earth Chk #6
Mt. Mc Kinley (Denali) ... Tomas's Earth Chk #7
Haleakala Crater ... Earth Gate Chk
Haleakala Crater ... Earth Gate Chk

Photos copied from:

Calling the Mountain Spirits

Mount Ausangate, Peru

APU Ausangate...  Hampuyai Hampui 
Bandeira Bandeira
Mount Illimani ... Bolivia
Mount Ausangate, Peru
Mount Ausangate, Peru

APU SALKANTAY  Hampuyai Hampui 

Bandeira Bandeira 
And through it all I can hear the Bear speaking. Bear medicine (Black Bear) runs strong. That most intuitive of animals, most deeply connected to the Earth Mother, is saying rest now, and let your spirit  merge into me as I, the wild and undomesticated feminine of the Salkantay, roam free. 

Collpa Ananta, the main summit of Callangate

Photos copied from:

APU Ausangate ...  Hampuyai Hampui 
Bandeira Bandeira

APU SALKANTAY  Hampuyai Hampui 
Bandeira Bandeira

APU Huana Kauri ...  Hampuyai Hampui 
Bandeira Bandeira

APU Sacsayhuaman ...  Hampuyai Hampui 
Bandeira Bandeira

APU Macchu Picchu ...  Hampuyai Hampui  
Bandeira Bandeira

APU Huayna Picchu ...  Hampuyai Hampui
Bandeira Bandeira

APU Huaman Lipa ...  Hampuyai Hampui
Bandeira Bandeira

APU Huacan Wilca ...  Hampuyai Hampui
Bandeira Bandeira

APU Illimani ...  Hampuyai Hampui
Bandeira Bandeira

APU Pacha Tusan ...  Hampuyai Hampui
Bandeira Bandeira