Sunday, July 17, 2016

Journey to Lord Shiva for Bonnie’s brother, Jim / Jamie

This journey was done in our Shaman circle. Bonnie’s brother, Jim / Jamie had lost his job of twenty years as an engineer and has been out of a job for almost a year now. He was let go because of internal politics and he has been unable to move on ever since. He is located in Kentucky, northeast of here.

We all journeyed for him to our helping spirits. I journeyed with Angel Cupid and Lord Shiva.

I went to my sacred Garden and invited in Angel Cupid and Lord Shiva. Then I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Journey to receive a healing for Bonnie’s brother, Jim / Jamie to help him with his situation and to help him move on and live his soul’s purpose in a joyful way.” That was the intention I put in for the journey. We each put in a similar intention, but each of us could have worded it somewhat different.

Angel Cupid, Lord Shiva and I showed up on a raised platform rock or cliff near my sacred garden and I looked towards the direction where he was located. It is a vast stretch of land between Arizona and Kentucky; but it is not so vast in Shamanic reality. Once I pinpointed a little stretch of land that represented Bonnie’s brother, Jim / Jamie’s location, I saw a man and almost immediately, the area where there was land was now a big stretch of ocean and Bonnie’s brother, Jim / Jamie was slowly sucked into it; only his hair floated on the top. I watched and it seemed like a long time; nothing was happening. Then I was spontaneously transported to the west side and I found myself on a piece of the mountain and there was ocean underneath. I moved slowly and placed myself on a safe spot. Then, I asked what I was supposed to do. I watched as a huge square like set of several pointed peaks appeared, hovered over in the air and settled down on the mountain land. I watched them for a long time and I hovered over a few of the peaks myself. 

Then I went back to where Lord Shiva was before I’d been relocated. It was almost time to return and Bonnie’s brother, Jim / Jamie’s hair was still floating on the vast ocean surface. Nothing had changed. So after a short wait, I asked Lord Shiva to continue and complete the healing and now, to fast forward to the end of the healing. 

Rapidly, things changed. A translucent white figure of a man rose out of the ocean and walked over the water towards Lord Shiva. The ocean then returned to being the original piece of land that was between here and Kentucky. Bonnie’s brother, Jim / Jamie was sent back to his residence in Kentucky.

Then, when ready, I came back to normal reality, back to the center of the circle and drummed.

// Saturday, July 16, 2016.