Sunday, January 15, 2017

Journey to offer a stuck part of me to Lord Shiva.

For a week prior to this journey, I did a lot of reiki on different age groups in my life. In the first run, I chose an approximate seven to eight-year interval. I offered reiki to myself from conception to age seven; then from ages eight to sixteen; ages seventeen to twenty six; ages twenty seven to thirty four; ages thirty five to present (longer range here due to time constrains). I repeated it with both Karuna reiki energy (fire) and SSR (water) energies. During the first run, I called in Lord Shiva / Shiva plus Parvati / Hanumaan ji (depending on the day of the week. On two of the sessions, I also used Lord Shiva plus Angel Cupid energies. In the start of the session I’d call in the desired energy along with myself and mother earth. I intended to offer reiki to all, including Lord Shiva or anyone else I’d called in for the purpose. Then I’d start the energy flow and and wait momentarily in shamanic space in Kailash. A soul part representing or belong to the chosen age group would show up. Then I continued with the reiki.

For the session, for ages of twenty-seven till thirty-four, a part of me showed up that was from just a year after my divorce. It was my first morning or second day of stay of that trip to Las Vegas. I had travelled here to get out of the freezing east coast winter in New Jersey. I know this was the soul part because I’d gone around and captured photos of me in the city strip almost on a daily basis during my five-week stay there. On this day, I was wearing my long brown winter coat.

So, I sent reiki to this soul part about three to four timesand there was definitely some stuck energy there; but nothing was releasing. In Shamanic reality, I saw that there was a movement from being at that totally stuck place. During that last reiki session for her, I went into Shamanic reality to check in. I had lord Shiva on his rock and goddess Parvati on another; they were both on the north side. I was sitting on a equally large rock facing them and I had Hanumaanji on a rock on the east side. There was a total disconnect even though she had started to move around. She sat by each one of us momentarily. She sat with me for the longest time. I realized that it would be hard for me to move this energy. It would take a lot more effort and reiki time for just this one part. So, based on a previous experience where I had given a Soul part of mine who was my hatred to Lord Shiva, I decided to give this stuck soul part of mine to Lord Shiva also.

I went to mount Kailash and invited in or produced this Soul part also. When we were both gathered by his side, I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, I offer her to you.”
Lord Shiva immediately disappeared and there was just this two inches oval shaped outline of bright white light left. Then, after some time, she was also pulled in or disappeared. Neither of them returned for the rest of the journey.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 24, 2016.