Monday, September 16, 2013

The twelve chakras and the archangels 
The Earth Star chakra
Archangel Sandalphon, the twin flame of Archangel Metatron of the Stellar
Gateway, works with this chakra. The universal angel Roquiel and his twin flame
Joules, takes the Earth Star understandings to a deeper connection with Lady
Gaia. Archangel Joules works deep in the oceans and one of his tasks is to govern
the alignment of the tectonic places.
The Earth Star chakra is black and white.
The base, sacral and navel chakras

Archangel Gabriel and his twin flame Hope are in charge and have developed
what used to be one chakra in humans until it has differentiated into these three
chakras. At the fifth dimension the base chakra is platinum, the sacral is tender
pink and the navel is bright orange.

The solar plexus chakra

Archangel Uriel and his twin flame Aurora absorb negativity, strengthen your
confidence and bring back your wisdom. At the fifth dimensional frequency the
solar plexus chakra is deep gold with rainbow lights.
The heart chakra

Archangels Chamuel and Charity open your heart to its deepest levels. This is a
central junction and all archangels link into the heart centre.
At the fifth dimensional frequency the heart chakra is white.
The throat chakra

Archangels Michael and Faith help you strengthen this chakra of mastery, strength
and truth. At the fifth dimensional frequency the throat chakra is royal blue.

The third eye chakra

This chakra is in the charge of Archangel Raphael and his twin flame Mary. When
the veils are removed at the fifth dimension this chakra is a crystal ball.
The crown chakra

Archangel Jophiel and his twin flame Christine hold this chakra, which is at the
top of the head. Christine brings in the Christ light. The thousand petalled lotus
is crystal clear at the fifth dimension.
The causal chakra

Archangel Christiel and his twin flame Mallory, the Keeper of Ancient Wisdom,
help to anchor this chakra, which is above the crown chakra, to the back of the
head. It requires feminine energy to do this task. This chakra is white.
The soul star chakra

You are prepared by Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst to enter this chakra. When
you are ready Archangels Mariel and Lavender introduce you to a deeper understanding.
We discuss them and the initiation journey into this centre in Chapter
19. This chakra is magenta.
The Stellar Gateway chakra

Archangel Metatron looks after this, the highest chakra. There is a stage between
the Stellar Gateway and Source. The Seraphim Seraphina is in charge of this and
she works at a higher frequency than Archangel Metatron. This chakra is deepest gold to orange.