Monday, September 9, 2013

The West Medicine Wheel ...

Much of the South was about shedding friends and relations which were uncomfortable or lacked integrity or something; and a beginning of re-kindling those that matter.

After the South Class, the West of the Medicine Wheel came and went.   I decided to do this closer to home and it was so wonderful to be with the community.  Even the food was much better.  Our co-ordinator had hired a Ayurvedic cook and she was fabulous.  We had all finished or archetype fire ceremonies before taking the class; this was a requirement. 

I had to take three stones to the West class, ones that spoke to me.  They had to be one yellow, one black and one red.  The yellow and black stones that I had picked to take with me were two small roundish ones that I had picked from the Niagara river.  The red one was a Shaman stone, ruby in kyanite.  I used the three stones for past life healing, ancestral healing and some Shadow work.  

The West class was dear to my heart because it involved a lot of past life and ancestral work among other works.  

After the class, we'd be required to do our homework and one fire ceremony for the 'Pampamesayok' rite that we had received.  

1. Building an Ancestral Altar...

During my growing years, I didn't get to know my paternal side of the family.  My grandparents had been killed and my mom was not close to the rest of the family.  While doing ancestral healing journeys last year, I'd the opportunity to meet my Grandpa in spirit and a hole was filled.

My mom, as always, decided to ignore my requests; she is always overwhelmed with sickness or whatever.

I had my Dad send me names of my Paternal ancestors; he's still trying to get the names of the females from his side.  I don't know how, but surprisingly, he has the Chatterjee blood line and the guy changed his name several generations back.  I couldn't understand how that could have happened on the guy side; but I think that this is the reason why my dad looks so gorgeous and handsome!

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