Thursday, November 23, 2017

Journey into my womb.

Journey into my womb.

a)    I went to my marble Shivling that he had shown me inside a temple. I started to do abhishek on it with milk, water and Bael leaves and as is usual at times, this Shivling started to move and change size. So I decided to just sit on the lower yoni portion of the Shivling as I poured my offerings of milk and water over it. I’d not gone with any healing intention in mind; I was just there to do abhishek. This just happened spontaneously along with a thought I had (it looks like a vibrator). I do not remember if it was I or if my soul part who likes to show me stuff had appeared. She / I started to play with the shivling. I put my yoni over the Shivling and let it slide through. When I was at the bottom with the shivling yoni base just about under me, the ling just spontaneously separated off from the yoni base of the marble Shivling and the ling travelled through my yoni. I travelled with it and followed it. Once it landed into my womb / uterus, it transformed spontaneously into Lord Shiva. I stood next to Lord Shiva and looked around. The walls of my uterus had cysts all over. I asked Lord Shiva to heal those and he sent some white light till all the cysts disappeared.

Just then, the sound of the return beat of the drum sounded. I let the ling of the Shivling remain there when I returned and I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, April 22, 2017.

b)    After I returned from this journey, I asked Lord Shiva to send his ball of light through all the holes in my body.

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