Saturday, July 28, 2012

View Pages on My ... Water Becomes Mermaid Blog

Water Becomes Mermaid Blog

My Journeys

Color Codes: 

Journey not Done

Repeat Journey
… Got Disturbed

Write-up is Incomplete

Need to do more journeys Surrounding this Issue

Journey to Heal and Release Stress, Struggle, Powerlessness and Helplessness

Journey to the Spirit of the Rainbow and Ask for M...

Photos of Rama and Lightning in AZ


Journey to Heal Me Around Issues of Betrayal - 2

Journey for Ancestral Healings Around Hopelessness...

Journey to ask My Guides: What Happens After the S...

Journey to Experience the Void

Journey to Heal and Release My Hopelessness

Journey to Upper World to Meet ‘Hopelessness’

Journeys to Meet What I hold in the Darkness Insid...

Horse Photos

4 winds photos

What were the Lessons in My Relationships? Journe...

Shakti Sri Lalita Kamala, Lakshmi Phot...

The center face is of Maa Kali. Face left to Maa K...

(Untitled post)

Shadow Work

Journey on This New Moon Night

fire photos

The Destroyed Feminine - the Root of Women's Suffe...

nice photos

Love, Soft and Gentle

Journey Question: What was the Lesson in My Relat...

Journey Question: What was the Lesson in My Relat...

Journey Question: What is the Lesson in My Relati...

Journey to Heal Me Around Issues of Betrayal

Journey to receive healing for when I was in my Mo...

Ask your power animal or teacher what gift it woul...

Journey to receive the Flame of Creativity

Journey to Find and Release a Core Belief System.

Journey to Ask my Creator what gift She would like...

Journey to Upper World to Receive Gifts and Blessi...

dJourney to Heal My Soul Wounds Around Relationshi...

Journey question: What is the core attitude or bel...

nice lines

Journey question: How do I break a habit (of depre...

Ask your power animal or teacher for a gift, one t...

Journey question: What gifts, talents, and strengt...

Journey question: What would bring passion and mea...

Journey to Heal and Release what a Fucking Bastard did ...

Journey to Heal a Past Life that's Affecting / Cau...

photos of Cupid and Psyche

List of Archangels ... Archangel Names

Journey to Receive My Perfect Gift from Cupid

Journey to Heal, Cleanse, Shield and Protect me fr...

Shamanic Healing with Divine Orgasms

'Ancestral healing around the Issues that affect m...

Journey Topic Ideas

Journey to the Spirit of the Moon

Journey to Ask Cupid To Help Me Feel His Love

Journey for Cleansing, Shielding and Protection

Journey to Ask Cupid To Help Me Raise My Vibration...

Journey to heal My Ancestral line and Me on issues...

Journey to Adjust, Prepare Me so I can Hear and Se...

Journey for Ancestral Healing around 'Sadness, Gri...

Ancestral Healing

Journey to Change My Soul Contracts

Journey to Meet the Spirit of the Serpent

Journey to Heal, Cleanse, Shield and Protect my Lo...

Journey to Heal, Cleanse, Shield and Protect my Mo...

Journeys to the four Directions and Heaven and Ear...

Journey to Heal and Release my Soul Wounds surroun...

Journey to Embrace, Hold and Retain Youth.

Journey towards becoming a hollow bone in Shaman w...

Journey to Balance the Four Elements within My Bod...

0 Journey to 'Heal and Adjust Me so that I can Emb...

Journey for Ancestral Healing around 'Betrayal'

Journey to Heal, Adjust, Prepare me for Shamanic C...

Chords in Love and Hate Relationships

Journey to Heal My Soul Wounds Around Love Relatio...

Journey to 'Embrace and Hold Money, Prosperity and...

Journey to Heal My Poverty Consciousness and My So...

Journey to Heal and Cleanse My Blood

Journey to the Spirit of the Crow -Raven

Journey to the spirit of Chrysanthemum

Journeys into my Throat Chakra

Journey into my Crown Chakra

Journey into my Third Eye Chakra

Journey into my Heart Chakra

Journey into my Solar Plexus

Journey into my Sacral Chakra

Journey into my Root Chakra


Journey to Embrace and Hold

1 Journey to Be 'Whole' right now.

0 Journey to Embrace and Hold 'Good Luck and Mirac...

Journey to Heal My Skin

0 Journey to Meet the Fire Spirit

0 Journey to Meet the Air Spirit

0 Journey to Meet the Water Spirit

0 Journey to Meet Earth Spirit

0 Journey to Embrace and Hold Innocence

1 Journey to Embrace and Hold Peace

1 Journey to Embrace and Hold Loyalty to Myself

Journey to meet my new Power Animal, Mr. ...


Journey to find me a female Seichim Reiki Teacher ...

Journey to upper world to find me a female Teacher...

Journey to upper world to find me a female Teacher...

Journey to Heal My Soul Wounds around Relationship...

Journey to a direction (South) and meet a Guardian...

Journey to find a power animal for Terry

Journey to meet my new power animal, Mr. ...

Stupid stuff 2

Journey to heal my Soul Wounds around Rejection


Journey to Heal, adjust, Prepare Me so that I can ...

Journey to the Spirit of My Bear Claw

Free from the Shamanic Voice
CHAKRAS and Essential Oils

Journey to Heal 'Whatever is Behind My Need to Sho...

Ancestral Healing ... for Edit

Ancestral Healing

* Journeying to the

Journey to Meet Earth Spirit

Journey to Meet the Water Spirit

Journey to Meet the Air Spirit

Journey to Meet the Fire Spirit

* Journeying to the Mother Crystal

Shaman's Medicine Bag

The Magic in a Journeying Drum

The Magic Wand

Rattles ... Rattles remind me of fancy, wooden bab...

My name is lydia, and I heard it means pretty in s...

Journey to Embrace and Hold my Sexuality

Journey to embrace and hold my Power

Journey to Accept Myself Completely, Right Now

Journeys to My Creator

Journey to Embrace and Hold My Sacredness

1) Journey to Heal, Adjust, Prepare and Help Me to Forgive Myself ....

Journey to Heal My Bones

Stupid stuff

Journey to be Centered in My Being

Journey to Heal My Soul Wounds Around Disrespect in Relationships ...

*Journey to Heal My Relationship with my Parents

The Important Stuff ...

Re-organizing and Realigning your Soul Imprint aro...

Journey to Heal My Soul Wounds Around Relationships and Betrayal of Self ...

Destiny Card Reading ... Cool!!!

Journey to Heal My Soul Wounds Around Relationships and Betrayal ...

Journey to Heal My Soul Wounds Around Relationships and Betrayal of Self ...

Destiny Card Reading ... Cool!!!

Journey to Heal My Soul Wounds Around Relationships and Betrayal ...

Hurt People Hurt People...

Heal soul wounds around power, sexuality, and embr...

Journey to find a Power Animal for Stephen Wardoff...

Journey to heal / Improve Carol's relationship wit...

Adjust me So I can be more Creative

Big Bonfire in the Yard

Coral is a red or pink gem made from the skeleto...

Feather Fetish and Objects in My Smudge Fan

*Journey to Balance My Male and Female Sides

Journey to the Crystal Cave of Healing to receive ....

Journey to heal my Soul Wounds around Power and Se...

Journey to heal and improve my relationship with myself Part II...

Adjust me so I can quiet my mind and release negat...

Journey to adjust Me so I can hold Gifts and Mirac...

Journey to Heal, Prepare / Adjust me so I can hold my Power...

Even though moon is in good sign, it's sitting wit...

Karma and Astrological Signs

From Healing Mantras by the late Thomas Ashley-Far...

*Journey to Meet My Shamanic Self

Discover the healing benefits of shea butter, bees...

*Prepare Me / Adjust Me so that I can access / rea...

Prepare / Adjust Me to attract more / higher payin...

* Journey to Heal My Relationship with Men

*Journey to Meet My Shamanic Self and Absorb her K...

*Journey to Send Healing to Terry

*Journey to Ask How Diana Could Help Weeping Mothe...

*Journey to find Another Portal for Shamanic Journ...

*A Shamanic Journey from My New Portal

*Journey to Retrieve a Power Animal for Mary Star...

*Journeys to Heal my Male and Female Sides

*Journey to Ask Jaguar and Horsey to give me a Hea...

*Journey to Ask Cupid to Deepen Our Relationship

Journey to Meet / Find my Power Objects

* Journey to release harmful energies from my bone...

Series of Journeys to Heal My Loneliness and Empti...

*Journey to Wish Happy Birthday

Journey to Heal Emilliano's blocks, his heart and ...

*Journey to find a new job

Merging with Cupid

White light healing journey

Watch a Fire Ceremony 

Journey to find ... What is My Animal Spirit

The People I have envied 

Removing a Mask: A Healing from My Shamanic Self:...

Journey to ask My Ancestral Guides for a Healing

Journey to Ask What I Should Have in My Medicine B...

Journey to Heal My Relationship with Women

Journey to Forgive and Let Go

Journey to Let Go of Need to Control and Go with t...

Journey to heal My negative Thought forms

Journey to Heal My Relationship with Myself

Butterflies at work

Butterfly Eats my Bugeens Away

Butterfly ... To help Me Fly

My Family, Mr. Bob-cat

Bell Rocks, My Love ...


View Pages on My ... Water Becomes Mermaid Blog

My Thoughts on Karma

What a bummer, I can't eat him ...

Journey to ask my Guides 'Why am I here in a Shama...

I AM A Diamond in the Sky

Violet Flame

The Sun Rises in the East

Sun Set Twilight Zone

Invoked Spirits

Reiki Hand Positions

Fire Bowl for Fire Ceremony

Journey to meet my Spirit Guardian / Teacher from ...

Journeys to the four Directions and Heaven and Ear...

I live in bliss in the Kingdom of Absolute Glory and Unconditional Love

Bell Rocks Anchored Me

Fire bowl for Fire Ceremony

My Shamanic Journeys

Power Animal retrieval ... for others, in person

General healing for others ... in person and distant

Journeys to lower, middle and upper worlds for self healing

Journeys to the four directions and to heaven and earth

Shape shifting to the elements in shamanic reality

Journey to meet my Spirit Guardian / Teacher from Upper World ... for self healing and journeying

Journeys to the four Directions and Heaven and Earth

Journeying into your womb ... to meet your goddess

Journeying into your body and organs

Journeying to meet your shadow selves

Journeying to your Sacred space

Journeying into the womb of mother earth

Journeying for Ancestral Healing
-Paternal Ancestors
-Maternal Ancestors