Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Continuing the Work after the South Class ... Part II


For the past few days, there has been an entity in my sixth chakra.   This is in addition to another one that I'd come across in my South class.  I'd been triggered by this one in class; but realized the nature and location only about ten days after the event.  The story is as follows...

One evening, as I was waiting to speak to my teacher, this woman just came up to me and triggered me big time ... she asked me if I was tired and I replied that I was fine.  In a mean tone she said she was going to just take my energy and walked away.  I'd never even noticed her before that.

Issues List ... Stories that came up for me:
People just take what is mine
People threaten me and make me feel unsafe
It is not safe to be around people
I don't like people
People dump their shit in my garden
People dump their shit in my river
People try to put their words in my mouth
People try to bully me and pick fights with me for no reason
People take from me without my permission
My life is in danger
I'm in danger from her; I should stay away from her and keep her away from me.
People just grab and take from me and leave me to die.
People are mean, etc., etc.

I left for dinner intending not to be anywhere near her for the rest of my stay.
About ten days   after I came home, the memory still triggered me big time one evening and work on it (People just take what is mine, they just grab it and take it without my permission ... only one issue) with my Mesa bundle.  This was a visitor / entity / attachment issue and this one was stuck to my third eye chakra in a big way!  Unlike the first one that moved around from chakra to chakra (I'd uncovered in class), this one was stuck in one place  and any amount of Illumination on self did not seem to help.    

I finally attempted to work it out of my chakra system by applying what insight I had gained on attempts on clearing out my first visitor.  I used SSR chakra clearing with some Karuna symbols.  It took a few days; because it had moved from my sixth to my seventh chakra and in a few days, moved back to the sixth and had finally cleared out to my knowledge...  

Then it was back again and this morning, my heart, sixth and seventh chakras were spinning anti-clockwise and I felt under the weather all day.  
The last few days, I had one in my heart from attempting to work on another acquaintance who had heart related issue.  I finally worked on it this morning; a routine 'Illumination' on self did not help.  Then I used my extraction crystal ... during a crystal journey to this Mother crystal, this one had shown me its purpose.  I passed this crystal over my heart, sixth and seventh chakras and got the heart and seventh chakras to spin clock-wise once again.  The sixth chakra was still spinning anti-clockwise and any amount of clearing didn't help.

Tonight, I checked on it again and tried more chakra clearing with no results.  Upon moving my sensing hand over my sixth chakra, I sensed something really heavy and wondered if it was by Munay-Ki bands or an attachment.  Then I used reiki extraction technique, asked angel Michael to take care of it and ran my extraction crystal over the area in the aura plus, I used a space clearing solution.  It cleared for a moment, but came back again; at this time I concluded that the heaviness was a blockage or entity and not my bands, the aura had felt lighter momentarily.  As a last resort for the night, I used IET with angel Gabriel and it looks clear for now ... The morning after.

Meanwhile, I've asked my Munay-Ki gifter to take a look at it... and two days later, I had my first in-person session with a full Shaman ... (Continuing the Work after the South Class ... Part III)  

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