Sunday, February 19, 2017

Journey to ask Lord Shiva to bring the spirit of baby Makhan Gopal to communicate with me and give me a healing. ... 3.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I handed my baby Makhan Gopal into his hand as I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Shiv Thakur, could you and please make him talk?” Nothing happened as Lord Shiva held the brass statue idol in his hand. I said to Lord Shiva, “Could you please bring in the spirit of this statue to talk to me?”

Baby Makhan Gopal showed up as a kid. He was dressed in Bright golden yellow and purple eggplant colored Garments. I was sitting on my small rock next to Lord Shiva and baby Makhan Gopal stood close to me in front. I stated my journey intention to receive healing from him. I asked him if I could kiss him, he is such an adorable kid. Then I brought my face near his. Immediately, I was taken to another scene. It was a bright and sunny day in the middle of nowhere. It was a vast land and had some greenery like grass and some short shrubs perhaps. There was this same rock I was sitting on somewhere on this vast land. I was still sitting on it and baby Makhan Gopal was still in my arms. I was about about to kiss him, but the face was that of a old woman in white and with two rows of white teeth showing as if I was going to bite him. The old woman looked like a witch dressed in white and was showing as somewhat separated from my body at the hips. I was still there and this thing had appeared as a second being and still partially attached to my body. Baby Makhan Gopal released it. I didn’t see it go, but it was gone.

After this, we returned to mount Kailash to the original scene. I was sitting on my small rock next to Lord Shiva and baby Makhan Gopal stood close to me in front. I asked if we could merge. We merged for a short while.

Very soon, it was time to return. So, with the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

//Saturday, February 18, 2017.

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