Friday, April 6, 2018

Journey to the Moon on a day after the full moon night.

This time of the year, the moon is closest to the earth and so, this is considered to be a powerful full moon.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I was wearing a white dress and I sat on my small rock next to his. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, I’d like to visit the Moon during this full moon energy and ask for some healing and messages. I invited his wife, Goddess Parvati and Angel Cupid as well to accompany me. I stayed merged with Lord Shiva during the journey. On our way to the moon, as we flew up there, I found us sitting on a bright white duck with yellow beaks. It had mysteriously appeared. Next thing, we were all merged into this white duck.

After we arrived at the moon, we danced around the moon holding hands. Then we went inside and I asked the Moon Goddess to give me some healing. I received some very gentle healing as I lay under the moon light and on the moon’s surface in journey space.

I asked about the duck towards the end of the journey and also referred to the raven and I was told that this duck was the bird of the full moon while the raven is the bird of the new moon.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Tuesday, January 02, 2018.

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