Friday, May 18, 2012

Bell Rocks Anchored Me

He told me that I had lived there several life times ago as a medicine woman. We then started descending, returning back to the car. We talked and I asked about my soul purpose. He said that it is my soul path to do energy healing work; I could do it as a hobby, part-time or as a full-time profession; that would be my choice.
My walk back was a happy one … Bell rocks had spoken to me! Bell rocks had told me that I belonged there. This was 'Big' for me. I had been struggling with this feeling of not belonging anywhere since my childhood. Bell rocks had also told me that I'd get better and things would be just fine. I'd been sick for some time now.
For all my readers who do not know me that well, let me elaborate. When I was in kindergarten, the teacher would say, “class, go to the bathroom”; but I wouldn't go because I didn't think she was including me. This continued for quite some time and my mom had to ask the teacher to tell me in person. Once my teacher told me in person, I felt included. Even now when someone talks to me in a group, I've this part of me that doubts as to whether the person is talking to me or to someone else. My head knows that the person was talking to me; but there is this part of me that says / feels, 'No' that is not true; he was talking to someone else, probably to someone behind you; there is always this confusion and denial.
On top of this feeling of not belonging, I tend to get thrown out of places. Once I was asked to leave a go-go bar for refusing to drink; I was asked to leave after an hour. I had seen what I needed to see, so no regrets there. Then one day I got thrown out of an Indian should temple run by an American woman, this because of a Jewish guy from New York, who got interested in me. Then, there were these guys at the option trading class that I was attending; they kept telling me to stop coming to class. They said, “go, do something else” … go where, do what?
Now, probably you can imagine how ecstatic I'd felt when the giant rocks on the mountain vortex at Bell rocks made me feel that I belonged there! I sang all the way, "I belong here." I took a few more pictures on the way, then walked back to the car, humming.

A few months after that, I went back to Bell Rocks...  

Went hiking alone, bare feet. Next time l'd try to get a back pack, not shopping bags, to climb the larger rocks. Loved lying on the rocks.  Forgot to take the camera batteries on the hike; photos of after hike...

My feet look fine!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Platonic Solids in Metatron’s Cube

Platonic Solids in Metatron’s Cube

  Geometric Elements in the Metatron Cube 
Where is the Metatron cube?  ... Earth Element ... have to draw extra points in space.



               Where is the octahedron? ... Air element ...            


Where is the Icosahedron ... water element?

Dodecahedron... Hexagon in 3-D ...
Where is the Dodecahedron?

Star Tetrahedron

The Star Tetrahedron is two platonic solids (tetrahedrons) interlocking to form a star tetrahedron.

Star tetrahedron? ... the star in 3D ... is the Merkaba ... the balance of male and female energies, balance of left and right brains ... the tetrahedron pointing upwards to heaven is male and the tetrahedron pointing downwards towards Mother Earth is the female.

(Images courtesy of Drunvalo Melchizedek and the “Secrets of the Flower of Life”)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sacred Geometry ... Metatron Cube

The Merkaba and Metatron hexagon are contained in the flower of life Sacred geometry. text-align: center; text-autospace: none;"> The centre circle is at the heart, the bottom, at your feet or lower / earth chakra, top circle at Soul Star chakra?

Picture ...

Where is the Metatron cube?  ...Earth Element ... have to draw extra points in space.

Where is the tetrahedron? ... fire element ... you have to make the triangles 3-D

Where is the octahedron? ... Air element ...

Icosahedron? ... Water element ...

Dodecahedron? ... Hexagon in 3-D ...

Star tetrahedron? ... the star in 3D ... is the Merkaba ... 

The Platonic Solids: Left to Right: Tetrahedron, Cube, Icosahedron, Dodecahedron, Octahedron.

                                   Star Tetrahedron

The Star Tetrahedron istwo platonic solids (tetrahedrons) interlocking to form a star tetrahedron.

Star tetrahedron? ... the star in 3D ... is the Merkaba ... the balance of male and female energies, balance of left and right brains ... the tetrahedron pointing upwards to heaven is female; it rotates anti-clockwise and funnels earth energy to the heart center. The tetrahedron pointing downwards towards Mother Earth is the male; it rotates clockwise and funnels heaven energy to the heart center.

(Images courtesy of Drunvalo Melchizedek and the “Secrets of the Flower of Life”)

The Flower of Life is the female spherical version of the male 64 tetrahedron grid: the fundamental scalar-fractal geometry of the fabric of the vacuum of space...


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Love, Love, Love!!!

I love my 3 y old inner child; but I've a huge blockage when it comes to my 7-11 y old inner child.

I couldn't love her or feel any compassion for her; she felt so dead.  So I used ... to do some healing for her, made her feel somewhat better, before I sent her to Katie.  Now she wants more fun.  My 7-11 y old inner child complained to Katie, she is not having fun ... people do mean stuff and I don't do fun stuff . I don't know how to give her fun without getting into trouble myself!

I gave my 3 y old inner child a human friend to play with, it was not fun, but it was good company that we shared and learned from; then Katie gave them all animals to play with.  I sent the human friend away several times, with lots of love; but he always shows up when I'm doing something exciting (always shows up in my Angel classes).  Previously, he'd show up with my 3 y old inner child and hide behind her, with a shy smile, then he'd compete for my love.  So I had to send him love every time I sent her some.  He is very innovative, lively and ... quite lovable indeed!  

Invoking Goddess: Living Enchanted

C. Invoking Goddess: 

Photo ...

By scent and color, elements and flowers this spell has begun, for the good of all, bringing harm to none.

I do claim my feminine powers from now on;
Women's magic, cast by candlelight.

Lilith, goddess of lust, sexuality and desire,
Hear my call and answer gently from above …

A white candle representing the fire element, for unconditional love of self;
Fragrant petals and herbs, crystals and gemstones do add their special powers;
My favorite scents add even more magic and power.

Godless Lilith, hear my request in this hour.

As the scents of Lilac and rose wharf around, no more self-doubt and sadness will be found.

As this candle burns away, I let my inner light shine;
I see myself for who I am, a goddess divine.

As I claim my feminine power on this Friday night, 
I will be confident, of that there is no doubt;

Lilith, come to me, let my charm now begin to bloom;

May I become more desirable and attract a man I'll love … May he be my husband of my desire.

Lilith, come to me; may I become more lusty and filled with grace and charm.

Lilith, please hear my call and answer gently, from above.

Fragrant petals, herbs and gemstones do add their own powers; and my favorite scents add more magic and power.

Goddess Lilith, please hear my request in this hour.

My personal power is now magnetized.

I close this spell with the power of three times three,
For the good of all, causing harm to none; by fire's bright magic, this spell is done.