Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Love, Love, Love!!!

I love my 3 y old inner child; but I've a huge blockage when it comes to my 7-11 y old inner child.

I couldn't love her or feel any compassion for her; she felt so dead.  So I used ... to do some healing for her, made her feel somewhat better, before I sent her to Katie.  Now she wants more fun.  My 7-11 y old inner child complained to Katie, she is not having fun ... people do mean stuff and I don't do fun stuff . I don't know how to give her fun without getting into trouble myself!

I gave my 3 y old inner child a human friend to play with, it was not fun, but it was good company that we shared and learned from; then Katie gave them all animals to play with.  I sent the human friend away several times, with lots of love; but he always shows up when I'm doing something exciting (always shows up in my Angel classes).  Previously, he'd show up with my 3 y old inner child and hide behind her, with a shy smile, then he'd compete for my love.  So I had to send him love every time I sent her some.  He is very innovative, lively and ... quite lovable indeed!  

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