Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sacred Geometry ... Metatron Cube

The Merkaba and Metatron hexagon are contained in the flower of life Sacred geometry. text-align: center; text-autospace: none;"> The centre circle is at the heart, the bottom, at your feet or lower / earth chakra, top circle at Soul Star chakra?

Picture ...

Where is the Metatron cube?  ...Earth Element ... have to draw extra points in space.

Where is the tetrahedron? ... fire element ... you have to make the triangles 3-D

Where is the octahedron? ... Air element ...

Icosahedron? ... Water element ...

Dodecahedron? ... Hexagon in 3-D ...

Star tetrahedron? ... the star in 3D ... is the Merkaba ... 

The Platonic Solids: Left to Right: Tetrahedron, Cube, Icosahedron, Dodecahedron, Octahedron.

                                   Star Tetrahedron

The Star Tetrahedron istwo platonic solids (tetrahedrons) interlocking to form a star tetrahedron.

Star tetrahedron? ... the star in 3D ... is the Merkaba ... the balance of male and female energies, balance of left and right brains ... the tetrahedron pointing upwards to heaven is female; it rotates anti-clockwise and funnels earth energy to the heart center. The tetrahedron pointing downwards towards Mother Earth is the male; it rotates clockwise and funnels heaven energy to the heart center.

(Images courtesy of Drunvalo Melchizedek and the “Secrets of the Flower of Life”)

The Flower of Life is the female spherical version of the male 64 tetrahedron grid: the fundamental scalar-fractal geometry of the fabric of the vacuum of space...


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