Monday, September 3, 2018

Journey to get me out of a big chord to my third chakra.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I was still offering my puja to the Shiva family when a white light was focused on me like when a helicopter focuses light during a search operation. I was shown a very thick and heavy black chord all around my stomach from front to back like a noose and clawed in tightly. I was shown as my soul part, my power part who was psychically attacked about a year or two earlier.

I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please release this thing from me?”
Lord Shiva stood up. He had his trident in his right hand.

I demanded to know who was on the other side of that chord, who is chorded into me. A really beautiful woman appeared. She looked very goddess like. Prior to this, very recently, I had been told by Atreya that a Grandmother of mine was chorded to me at my third chakra and she was going to remove it. I assumed she was that Grandmother I was looking at.  Now Lord Shiva was looking down at a heavy black and sticky smoke at the bottom and south cliff of Mount Kailash. He had been working on this for quite some time now as far as I was concerned and I was feeling pretty miserable. I screamed at that woman, “You are not supposed to chord into me! You are supposed to send it to Mother Earth. Why are you chording to me!” All this time, I was struggling to get out of it and I vain while she was also watching me with no response whatsoever on her face. Seeing that Lord Shiva was not making any visible progress what so ever, I (the stuck soul part that was chorded) desperately called on Lord Vishnu, “Lord Vishnu, could you please come and release me from this chord?” Lord Vishnu immediately appeared in his full god form and with one hand he slightly lifted up the chord and made enough space for my soul part to slide out of it. Lord Shiva continued to work on the heavy black and sticky smoke and I was sent into the water to cleanse myself.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, May 19, 2018.

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