Monday, September 3, 2018

Journey to release what is ready to be released at this time.

1)    Journey to release what is ready to be released at this time.

The solar eclipse of 2018 was just around the corner. Pluto was retrograde along with a few of the other planets. This was supposed to be a major event. It was also just around the summer solstice.  This was a great time let go of stuff that was ready to release. I informed my group about this. The group did not have enough time; they wanted to do a different journey. So I went on my own journey.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please help me release whatever is ready to be released at this time?

I was thrown into a waterfall formed from three rivers, like the triveni (three rivers joining) in Varanasi. It is considered very auspicious. They just produce it out of nowhere. The land on Kailash parts and they throw me into this waterfall. Sometimes, I just merge with the water and sometimes I just sit under the waterfall or under the river. They do not give me any directions as to what I am supposed to do.

Today, as usual, they threw me into the waterfall. I merged with the water and then I returned and sat under the waterfall.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, while I was returning, I saw that I was wearing a ladies black cowboy boot on my right foot and the shoe had got caught among the rocks and I had to just slip it off my foot to release myself. Then I came back to normal reality, back to the center of our circle.

// Tuesday, July 10, 2018.

2)    Journey to release what is ready to be released at this time.

The solar eclipse of 2018 had just passed. The Lunar eclipse of 2018 was just around the corner. This was supposed to be a major event. There was a combination of the Moon with Mars and Ketu energies on one hand and the influence of Uranus and Venus energies on the other hand. The group wanted to do this journey and I decided to repeat what I had already done the last time.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please help me release whatever is ready to be released at this time?

I was thrown into a waterfall formed from three rivers, like the triveni (three rivers joining) in Varanasi. It is considered very auspicious. They just produce it out of nowhere. The land on Kailash parts and they throw me into this waterfall. Sometimes, I just merge with the water and sometimes I just sit under the waterfall or under the river. They do not give me any directions as to what I am supposed to do.

Today, as usual, they threw me into the waterfall. I merged with the water and there was a lot of black oily sludge that was all over the place where I was merged.  Usually, this separates and I leave by the time the return beat starts; but today, it was not yet separated.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I just left the black sludge behind and came back to normal reality, back to the center of our circle.

// Tuesday, July 24, 2018.

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