Monday, September 3, 2018

Journey to heal my mental-emotional layer.

1)    Journey to explore the health of my mental-emotional layer.

The solar eclipse of 2018 had just passed. The Lunar eclipse of 2018 was just around the corner. This was supposed to be a major event. There was a combination of the Moon with Mars and Ketu energies on one hand and the influence of Uranus and Venus energies on the other hand.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please show me my mental-emotional layer.” Everything looked clear and bright except for two dark spots on the two ends of the layer.

Next, I merged with Lord Shiva and dropped into the dark spot on the right hand side of my mental-emotional layer. It was pitch black everywhere and somewhere through that darkness, I noticed a dark black whirlpool. The word was “Turmoil.” I stayed with Lord Shiva and watched for some time. Just the atmosphere had lightened up a bit.

Next, I brought in a clear point quartz and a black tourmaline fan in normal reality and held on to them during the remaining duration of the healing. I also used the fan to occasionally comb my aura. 

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

Next, I repeated this journey for the left hand side of my aura. This side was dark as well with a black colored water all around with little floating islands. I was drawn to one corner of this scene as the atmosphere cleared a little. What I saw did not make any sense to me.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.
At the end of each of these two journeys, there was still a lot of healing and clearing left to be done.

The next morning, I set my journey CD and revisited Lord Shiva.
This was prime time to clear out this issue. The planetary influence was such, I had learned.

2)    Journey to cleanse my mental-emotional layer.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, to visit goddess Lalita with the same healing intention, i.e., to clean and heal all heavy energies and dark spots from my mental-emotional layer.

I reached Goddess Lalita’s garden in an instant.  Lord Shiva had already seated himself on a huge rock there. He sat next to Goddess Lalita, on her right hand side. They were on the east direction. Goddess Lalita is a form of Lord Shiva’s wife, Parvati. She works very swiftly and Lord Shiva just loves to sit back and watch when we visit her.

As soon as I reached Goddess Lalita’s garden, the healing became sort of a spontaneous thing. My soul part, who looks like my power self that was attacked one day, showed up and said to her, “Can you release my poopy thoughts?” and as soon as she said it she had to step to the side of the garden; she had poop coming out. She quickly dug a round hole, about four inches wide and six inches deep and let two-thirds of the poop into the hole and covered it with earth. She shill had a third that was still coming out. Goddess Lalita and Lord Shiva sat next to each other as my soul part was doing this. Next, she was instantly dropped into a river that had appeared out of nowhere. The water of this river was sparkling clean and it was flowing from under the garden and was flowing to the east. Now, my soul part had her poop in her hand and she was wondering if she was going to go back to bury it; the sparkling silvery water looked too clean to let a poop drop into it. Goddess Lalita told my soul, “Let it flow away.” So my soul part dropped the remaining third of her poop into the river and watched it float away.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

I was totally dumbfounded and wowed after watching this.

// Saturday, September 1, 2018.

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