Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Journey with Angel Cupid to ask Lord Shiva to purify me.

I went to my sacred Garden and called on angel Cupid. He showed up and I stated my journey intention to Angel Cupid, “Journey to mount Kailash to ask Lord Shiva to purify me.”

I was just beginning to fly upwards from my sacred garden when a fire showed up. It was bluish in color. I merged with it. I was in mid air as I merged with this fire. I did un-merge momentarily about two times, but went right back into the fire and merged with it. Towards the end of this process, Lord Shiva also showed himself; he was also in mid air close by. I remained merged with the fire for the rest of the journey.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Sunday, October 2, 2016.

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