Sunday, January 27, 2019

Journey to a crystal cave or find me a crystal that would help to strengthen my teeth and bones.

In the recent past few months, I had done a journey into the future to bring back a future. I was using a journey CD led by an Andean or Peruvian Shaman, Jon Rasmussen. I made the intent to only bring back a future with good health. I went to upper world and there were too many possibilities. I wished to see one that would sparkle, like take me. The CD was too fast and so I asked Lord Shiva to find me one and found me a part like the one who spends excessively. She is earthy and healthy and big, not bulky and is somewhat dark skinned. I did not find that choice attractive and so I asked one to sparkle and shine for me. None did, but one woman, slim and slender with somewhat of a bonny structure and somewhat hollowed in eyes wanted to come with me. She said, “You will need me.” So I agreed to bring her back with me. It was already return time; the CD was going too fast for me. While I was bringing her back, on the way back from that upper world part called Pachakuti, she showed me her teeth. She had all her teeth, but there was a pain of fine tan lines running through her teeth. Her teeth were not broken or decaying, but it was not perfectly healthy either. Saturn is a cold planet and also causes Vata dosha in ayurvedic terms. This woman’s structure and frame reminds me of that.

After I returned from that journey, I journeyed back to Lord Shiva and requested him to take her back; I did not want her. I do not know what happened after that.

Starting April 6th, Saturn will go conjunct with Ketu in Saggitarius. In addition to Vata dosha issues resulting in dryness, Saturn can also cause issues with bone, teeth and with the joints; hence, this journey.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please take me to a crystal cave or find me a crystal that would help to strengthen my teeth and bones.”

I was taken to my usual cave. It lies partially hidden behind a waterfall. I showered in the waterfall and before I entered the cave I asked Lord Shiva if he could show me crystals that would help to strengthen my teeth and bones. The entire cave was now lined with clusters of black crystals. The clusters were pitch black like the color of a black raven. I was told that this was black tourmaline. I lay down on the crystal clusters on the floor inside and remained there for the rest of the journey.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

Black and deep blue are the colors of Saturn. A blue sapphire does not suit me I had read. I used to wear one; but that was heat-treated like all the other ones in the market and it does not do any good astrologically. Black tourmaline makes sense for the same purpose.

// Saturday, January 19, 2019.

Journey to a crystal cave for healing and protection.

1)    Journey to a crystal cave to help me with Soul level healing and protection.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please take me to a crystal cave or find me a crystal to help me with Soul level healing.”

I was taken to my usual cave. It lies partially hidden behind a waterfall. I showered in the waterfall and entered the cave. I saw that multicolored clusters of crystals lined the entire cave from floor to ceiling. It was breathtakingly beautiful! Most of the crystals were yellow tourmaline with clusters of green and pink and may be others. I went inside with Lord Shiva and we stood at the center. Then I asked Lord Shiva if he could show me crystals that would help me with protection. The entire cave was now lined with clusters of black crystals. The clusters were pitch black like the color of a black raven. I was told that this was black tourmaline. I lay down on the crystal clusters on the floor inside and remained there for the rest of the journey.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 19, 2019.

2)    Journey to the crystal cave of black tourmaline from the previous journey to help me with psychic protection.

I went to mount Kailash and stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please take me to the crystal cave from that previous journey to help me with protection.”

I was taken to my usual cave. It lies partially hidden behind a waterfall. This time I showered in the waterfall and entered the cave. I went inside with Lord Shiva. Rich black clusters of black tourmaline lined the entire cave from floor to ceiling. The clusters were pitch black like the color of a black raven. I lay down on the black tourmaline crystal cluster floor inside. I partially merged with the black tourmaline crystals there. I stayed merged with the black tourmaline clusters for the rest of the journey.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 19, 2019.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Journey with Angel Cupid to merge with the waterfall from the sacred three rivers.

I went to mount Kailash and offered my pujas to Lord Shiva family and to baby Makhan Chor. Since I offered them food, I decided to go and bathe in the waterfalls below while they ate. I stated my intention to Lord Shiva, and then I jumped into the waterfall below. They always throw me into this waterfall anyway.

Once in the waterfall below, I invited Angel Cupid and then I merged with the water and then with angel Cupid. I was shortly taken to a different scene and with a water garden and fountains and since I could not figure out what was happening, when I came back to the journey, to the waterfall. I was still merged in the water or with Angel Cupid or both; but at this time it was night. There was a glow above the waterfall as it was lit up by a bright led streetlight. Every thing else was dark like the night. I was asked to ride out the night. I just stayed and enjoyed the river and waterfall in the night view. Then I was shortly tranced out again and when I came back to it shortly after, it was daylight again.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 12, 2019.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Clearing Residents -3 : Journey to ask Lord Shiva to take me to a crystal cave to help me with transformation.

1)    Journey to ask Lord Shiva to take me to a crystal cave to help me with transformation.

In a few months, in the dark skies of the Universe, Ketu is going to conjunct Saggitarius and this is supposed to bring huge transformations; especially for people with Saggitarius in ascendant or moon sign.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please take me to a crystal cave or to a crystal that can help me with transformation and also heal my arthritis and aches and pain.”

I went with Lord Shiva to the usual cave and as I peeked in I saw that the cave was lined completely with beautiful multicolored Tourmaline crystals. Lots of beautiful and gemmy yellow, pink and green crystals caught my attention.

I did not actually enter the cave. I was stopped at the entrance by the waterfall and was in the process of bathing in its crystal clear water when I saw some white fumes leaving the upper portion of my body. Then Lord Shiva came up from behind and put his finger over my T1 of the spinal vertebrae located just under the neck. I usually have pain there. According to my Chiropractor, it is a hereditary thing with a lot of people. As Lord Shiva held this spot, I began to see some circular white energy in front of my eyes, a foot or so away, as I was still showering under the waterfall. While watching this, I was suddenly taken to a scene. There was this pool of dirty water. There could have been some sludge there. This was a portion of a dried up river. Next to this river, there was a huge colony of houses with terracotta roofs and a wall all around it in pale yellow. The houses were all pale yellow also and looked pretty new. The atmosphere was pretty bright and shiny all around; it was daylight.  

It was sometime around this time or earlier that I distinctly heard a being make two knuckle sounds at or near my left ear and then one more as he walked over near my altar. Then for the rest of the continued repeat drumming session, till I got up and left the room for a break, I heard a metallic noise with the drumming CD. It was coming from my altar area. I opened my eyes a few times to just look; but I saw nothing. I was using the multiple drumming CD by Michael Harner. The way the knuckle sound was made, its precision and feeling of purposefulness, it felt like it was Lord Shiva; but I could not tell for sure. A part of me was still afraid that it might be a lingering being stuck in my sacred space.

So, after I was shown this colony of houses, I merged with Lord Shiva at mount Kailash and we came back to this colony to evacuate the residents. Lord Shiva went to the far northeast end of the colony and bent down to look at what looked like a black chord. Earlier, he did the same near the east side inner wall, just near the dirty black pool of water.

So I made the intention for the residents to pack up and leave. I asked baby Makhan Chor to go around and help with the same. Very soon, I saw a lot of humans in black robes gather around. Lord Shiva was huge now and I was merged with him. I started to see a lot of the beings disappear. At this time, I was tranced out. I was seeing with my third eye; hangers of clothes neatly decorated inside a closet. The hangers were blue plastic ones and equally spaced. There was a box in the same closet shelf. Then I heard an older woman’s voice. It was coming from within me. It fell like I was listening to her as she was talking to me. I was invisible to me though. I heard the older woman say, “Husband died in 1972.”

After this I got up and took a break. Then I resumed. I went back to mount Kailash, merged with Lord Shiva at mount Kailash and we came back to this colony to evacuate the residents. At this time Lord Shiva was huge and invisible. I could not see his head or face; I only saw his legs, below knee. There was water coming from somewhere and washing over his feet. The colony was almost empty; most of the houses had disappeared and there was white sand all over and the water was washing over Lord Shiva’s feet as he move around and the houses were quickly disappearing; they seemed to just evaporate off. I tried to look at his head to see if he was releasing holy Ganges from his head; but I could not see his head or any water from up there. Yet, the grounds were flooding with this sparkling clean water and washing over the sandy grounds after rolling over Lord Shiva’s feet.

It took a few sessions or repetitions of the drumming journeys to fully evacuate this colony. I repeated on consecutive drumming tracks of my CD. It was Christmas evening and I had almost the entire night to do it. Weirdly enough, I did not hear the return beat till almost the end. Only the second track of it has the return beat I think.

There were still two houses standing there. I asked Lord Shiva about the dirty pool of sludge water outside the colony and he said it is dried up now. I checked back and the pool was indeed dry; but this dry river and the dry pool still look very dark; like dirty black or dark grey.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

There are still those two houses standing there. In a consecutive journey, Lord Shiva covered up most of it in a mound of sand colored clay and soil with just a portion of it showing.

I repeated the journey last night, but not much happened; nothing changed.

// Saturday, December 29, 2018.

Clearing Residents- 2

1)    Journey to ask Maa devi to help me with my health.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  He was eating Payesh in a bowl. I went and sat next to Maa devi, on her left side. We were both sitting in silence. I then asked her, Maa devi, do you have anything to say to me? She said nothing. I then requested Maa devi, “Maa devi, could you please help me with my health and heal my stomach?” I reminded her that someone had attacked me there with an arrow while I was sleeping.”

Maa devi showed me a big colony of houses. It was huge with terracotta roofs and a wall all around in pale yellow. The houses were all pale yellow also. The atmosphere was pretty bright and shiny all around; it was daylight. It was or looked like and extension of the block of houses I was shown by Lord Shiva a few months back, in early November. We had already evacuated that block. Maa devi said you have to get rid of the residents; ask Lord Shiva to help you. This was new information and I felt happy coming back with that information.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 29, 2018.

2)    Journey to heal and clear the residents that Maa devi had showed me in the prior journey.(probably from my stomach chakra)–

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days after the previous one.

At this time, the intention of the Journey was to heal and clear the residents from those housed in the colony on the east side. I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony Maa devi showed me.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

Together, merged into Lord Shiva, we went to the colony that Maa devi had showed me in the prior journey. It was a pretty big residential lot with single family or town houses built in rows like in the case of modern day condos and town homes. Each house sat on a small plot of land and did not have its own wall surrounding. This residential establishment was surrounded by a cement wall all round. The wall was colored pale yellow and all the houses had the same pale yellow color and red terracotta roofs.

I made an intention for those residents to pack up and gather outside to leave. I urged baby Makhan Chor to help.

Soon, lots I saw lots of women or people in black burkhas or robes gather quickly in the center and there were a lot more people today. Suddenly, they started to move toward the north side of the wall. It was sort of crowded there. Then suddenly those people turned into animal like creatures. They appeared to look like mice or rats and tried to climb over the wall surrounding the colony and made a crack in that wall and tried to escape that way. They were not digging in like mice though. It was a different atmosphere that surrounded the colony now. There was a darkness prevailing over the colony; it was almost dark as night for a few moments.

I called on all my helping spirits to help. I called in ganesh and his mice and Hanumanji and mother earth and my power animals. Finally, I gave them to Mother earth and she took them into her molten lava.

However, the houses were still standing. It was a big colony of houses. It was huge with houses with terracotta roofs and a wall all around in pale yellow. The houses were all pale yellow also. The atmosphere was pretty bright and shiny all around; it was daylight again. I requested Lord Hanumanji to see if he could do something with his wind energy. Soon, all the houses flew away and I could see beings inside. It was one being, black colored under each roof and they were all sitting and immobile. They were not activated yet is how I would explain it.

Lord Shiva appeared over the colony and they gradually disappeared. Lord Shiva was standing there and he grew tall and seemed to absorb them in or make them disappear.

At some point during the clearing, I felt some sharp pains in my stomach. I could not say it his was due to the healing or due to the fact that I had eaten come sweets. It took a few sessions or repetitions of the drumming journeys to fully evacuate this colony. I repeated on consecutive drumming tracks of my CD.

At the end of it, here was water coming from somewhere and washing over this land. The colony was empty now. All of the houses had disappeared and there was white sand all over and the water was washing over it.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 29, 2018.