Thursday, January 17, 2019

Journey with Angel Cupid to merge with the waterfall from the sacred three rivers.

I went to mount Kailash and offered my pujas to Lord Shiva family and to baby Makhan Chor. Since I offered them food, I decided to go and bathe in the waterfalls below while they ate. I stated my intention to Lord Shiva, and then I jumped into the waterfall below. They always throw me into this waterfall anyway.

Once in the waterfall below, I invited Angel Cupid and then I merged with the water and then with angel Cupid. I was shortly taken to a different scene and with a water garden and fountains and since I could not figure out what was happening, when I came back to the journey, to the waterfall. I was still merged in the water or with Angel Cupid or both; but at this time it was night. There was a glow above the waterfall as it was lit up by a bright led streetlight. Every thing else was dark like the night. I was asked to ride out the night. I just stayed and enjoyed the river and waterfall in the night view. Then I was shortly tranced out again and when I came back to it shortly after, it was daylight again.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, January 12, 2019.

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