Monday, January 7, 2019

Clearing Residents- 2

1)    Journey to ask Maa devi to help me with my health.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  He was eating Payesh in a bowl. I went and sat next to Maa devi, on her left side. We were both sitting in silence. I then asked her, Maa devi, do you have anything to say to me? She said nothing. I then requested Maa devi, “Maa devi, could you please help me with my health and heal my stomach?” I reminded her that someone had attacked me there with an arrow while I was sleeping.”

Maa devi showed me a big colony of houses. It was huge with terracotta roofs and a wall all around in pale yellow. The houses were all pale yellow also. The atmosphere was pretty bright and shiny all around; it was daylight. It was or looked like and extension of the block of houses I was shown by Lord Shiva a few months back, in early November. We had already evacuated that block. Maa devi said you have to get rid of the residents; ask Lord Shiva to help you. This was new information and I felt happy coming back with that information.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 29, 2018.

2)    Journey to heal and clear the residents that Maa devi had showed me in the prior journey.(probably from my stomach chakra)–

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days after the previous one.

At this time, the intention of the Journey was to heal and clear the residents from those housed in the colony on the east side. I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony Maa devi showed me.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

Together, merged into Lord Shiva, we went to the colony that Maa devi had showed me in the prior journey. It was a pretty big residential lot with single family or town houses built in rows like in the case of modern day condos and town homes. Each house sat on a small plot of land and did not have its own wall surrounding. This residential establishment was surrounded by a cement wall all round. The wall was colored pale yellow and all the houses had the same pale yellow color and red terracotta roofs.

I made an intention for those residents to pack up and gather outside to leave. I urged baby Makhan Chor to help.

Soon, lots I saw lots of women or people in black burkhas or robes gather quickly in the center and there were a lot more people today. Suddenly, they started to move toward the north side of the wall. It was sort of crowded there. Then suddenly those people turned into animal like creatures. They appeared to look like mice or rats and tried to climb over the wall surrounding the colony and made a crack in that wall and tried to escape that way. They were not digging in like mice though. It was a different atmosphere that surrounded the colony now. There was a darkness prevailing over the colony; it was almost dark as night for a few moments.

I called on all my helping spirits to help. I called in ganesh and his mice and Hanumanji and mother earth and my power animals. Finally, I gave them to Mother earth and she took them into her molten lava.

However, the houses were still standing. It was a big colony of houses. It was huge with houses with terracotta roofs and a wall all around in pale yellow. The houses were all pale yellow also. The atmosphere was pretty bright and shiny all around; it was daylight again. I requested Lord Hanumanji to see if he could do something with his wind energy. Soon, all the houses flew away and I could see beings inside. It was one being, black colored under each roof and they were all sitting and immobile. They were not activated yet is how I would explain it.

Lord Shiva appeared over the colony and they gradually disappeared. Lord Shiva was standing there and he grew tall and seemed to absorb them in or make them disappear.

At some point during the clearing, I felt some sharp pains in my stomach. I could not say it his was due to the healing or due to the fact that I had eaten come sweets. It took a few sessions or repetitions of the drumming journeys to fully evacuate this colony. I repeated on consecutive drumming tracks of my CD.

At the end of it, here was water coming from somewhere and washing over this land. The colony was empty now. All of the houses had disappeared and there was white sand all over and the water was washing over it.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 29, 2018.

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