Sunday, November 4, 2018

Journey to Lord Vishnu for a healing.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, I want to get a healing from Lord Vishnu.” I’ve occasionally received healings from Lord Vishnu and they are always very visual and quick and unique. I called in Lord Vishnu and he appeared in Kailash. I requested Lord Vishnu, “Lord Vishnu, could you please heal me; anything you think that needs or is ready to be healed at the present moment.” I was instantly changed into a female monkey. I wore a pink pant or shorts. As I watched myself in my monkey form, a tree appeared behind me. Then, I in my monkey form appeared on top of the thick branch. There were a bunch of young leaves at the far end of this branch and I crawled towards those leaves. When I had crawled far enough that I could peek over the bunch of leaves, I found myself watching those leaves and slowly, I in my monkey form had disappeared or merged with the leaves. Then I forced myself to come back as my monkey form on the Kailash ground where I had first found myself. Then, I was once again placed by the side of the bunch of leaves on the branch, where I had disappeared.

Soon, the sound of the return beat of the drum started and I was still merged, perhaps with the tree. I thought to myself, I’m willing to stay in my monkey form for the rest of the day; I don’t mind it at all. As I was thinking this, I found myself appear sitting under the tree, with my back against its trunk. I was wearing white luminous clothes in my present form. The return beat of the drum was still sounding. As I watched myself under the tree trunk, I was also able to see the tree slowly disappear.

Then, at the final sounding of the return beat of the drum, I saw that the tree was completely gone from behind me and I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, November 3, 2018.

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