Sunday, November 4, 2018

Journeys on the Day of the Dead

1)    Journey to ask Lord Shiva to do a psychopomp.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal my ancestors and release them like in psychopomp.”

Then I asked my ancestors to line up, paternal to my right and maternal to my left. There was a huge line of paternal ancestors and majority were in white; but along the line, somewhere far back, felt like hundred to two hundred generations ago, there was a group that appeared dark and black. Then it continued back to white further beyond that. There was a relatively shorter line of maternal ancestors; about a half or third of the number of paternal and there was one person in the recent past who was all dark.

I requested Lord Shiva to work on my maternal line first; the ones who are ready to be healed and released. Lord Shiva walked the maternal line backwards in time, except for the one dark one. The figures disappeared as Lord Shiva walked the line, but reappeared in front of the original line, like in a re-birth situation. As soon as this happened, the ground began to rise and became the size of a mountain. Those souls who had appeared in front of the line had disappeared and Lord Shiva was not visible either. Then, after watching the mountain for what seemed like a long time, the mountain came down to its original flat form and lord Shiva appeared as well.

Then I requested Lord Shiva to work on my paternal ancestors. He worked on the ones in front of the dark energy group. He placed his hand over each of their heads and most of them just disappeared and some two of them released white smoke before they disappeared as well. Then Lord Shiva worked on the dark energy group; he turned them into rocks, five huge ones it felt like. Then he turned to the dark energy person on my maternal side. As he was working to turn it to earth, it took a slimy, monster or animal like form that was curled up in itself. Kim, another healer in my Shaman study group had mentioned that she saw an ancestor who had appeared as a monster to her; something really bad had happened to her. This could be the one ancestor Kim was talking of. There was my maternal Grandpa’s paternal aunt who had a bad death. Something really bad had happened to her; I don’t know what and she probably had committed suicide or died in an accident. Lord Shiva turned her into a big piece of rock as well.

Soon the return beat started and Lord Shiva finished working with the remaining ancestors in line after the dark ones on the paternal side.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Friday, November 2, 2018.

2)    Journey to find ancestors ready for psychopomp.

On this Day of the Dead on Friday, November 2, 2018, I was planning to attend the special ancestral ceremony at the Harmony Hut. I wanted to be ready with a list. So I journeyed to the Stone world to see if I could find any of my ancestors stuck there or ready to be released.  A beautiful woman, came smiling towards me. She looked like the same one who had chorded to me in my stomach.

I visited the plant layer as well, but could not find anybody there. Then I came back. I did not visit the animal layer. I did not wait for the return beat to start; I just returned. I had to leave now to be on time for the ceremony and everything else.

// Friday, November 2, 2018.

Doing the process:

3)    Journeying in preparation for the release.

This was a guided journey with Josephine. I repeated it three times.

I journeyed deep into my heart space with the intention to release residents there. I went into a chamber. It looked like a long room with beds lined up in two rows along the two longest walls. About a third of the beds were now occupied and the rest were empty, but still had clean white sheets on them. I asked them to pack up and form a line.

Then, I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  The intention was silent and understood. I merged with Lord Shiva and we came back into my heart space. My paternal residents had already packed up and I requested them to form a line and they gathered outside of the room in the hallway. Then I walked towards an about opposite chamber to request my maternal ancestors to pack up and gather as well. I did not enter the chamber though. Lord Shiva waited in the middle with them all lined up.

I was not sure if they were supposed to line up and wait inside my heart space or if they were supposed to leave me and wait in line outside or even how I was to make that happen. So I talked to Josephine for more clarification. She asked me to repeat the journey and I did; but my ancestors were waiting in the hallway inside my heart space. Josephine wanted them to be lined up in the room, so she could clear them (she called it a car wash, it is done with a rattle) or psychopomp them if needed before she opened up the doorway.

So I again asked for more clarification as to whether I should have them exit through the front of my body or come out by the backside.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room. The general understanding is that ancestors sneak in through the backside when they attach to us. I intended that they leave and line up in the room. I also intended the lines from the very first journey with Lord Shiva to line up here again. After I did this, I asked her to check if she saw any others on my backside.  Another member in the group who saw things more clearly noted that I had one attached to my left shoulder blade. This one chord sucks a lot of energy from me and I have felt it for several years and even tried to remove it. She said there was another one coming out of my right ear and a spider web on my backside. Josephine asked me to use a stick to roll the chords on my back and as I was doing it, she saw me struggling and offered to do my backside. After clearing me, she cleared the backsides of the remaining two members as well. This was going to be a group or bulk psychopomp. We also got an additional stick and rolled it in the air with the intention of releasing those chords from our living families as well and from the lineage.

Then Josephine  did a short talk and her rattle car wash for any souls or groups that needed it. There were still some souls remaining. I know one was from a different member and the other one, I don’t know if it was mine. One time Josephine thought it could have been mine, but she was not trying to communicate with them to find out for sure. Those dark energies that were not ready to move through the doorway, Josephine called the help of mother earth for clearing and finally sent them into the molten lava in the earth. There, they recycle and anything good is released back. I do not know the final story about if any of my ancestors were sent that way or how many. Then she finally opened the door for them to go into the white light.

After this we went outside and made a small fire and burnt our sticks in it along with a few dried roses. Then we returned back to the room and then I left.

// Friday, November 2, 2018.

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