Thursday, November 23, 2017

Journey into my womb.

Journey into my womb.

a)    I went to my marble Shivling that he had shown me inside a temple. I started to do abhishek on it with milk, water and Bael leaves and as is usual at times, this Shivling started to move and change size. So I decided to just sit on the lower yoni portion of the Shivling as I poured my offerings of milk and water over it. I’d not gone with any healing intention in mind; I was just there to do abhishek. This just happened spontaneously along with a thought I had (it looks like a vibrator). I do not remember if it was I or if my soul part who likes to show me stuff had appeared. She / I started to play with the shivling. I put my yoni over the Shivling and let it slide through. When I was at the bottom with the shivling yoni base just about under me, the ling just spontaneously separated off from the yoni base of the marble Shivling and the ling travelled through my yoni. I travelled with it and followed it. Once it landed into my womb / uterus, it transformed spontaneously into Lord Shiva. I stood next to Lord Shiva and looked around. The walls of my uterus had cysts all over. I asked Lord Shiva to heal those and he sent some white light till all the cysts disappeared.

Just then, the sound of the return beat of the drum sounded. I let the ling of the Shivling remain there when I returned and I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, April 22, 2017.

b)    After I returned from this journey, I asked Lord Shiva to send his ball of light through all the holes in my body.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Journey to heal relationships that entwine grief.

 1.    Journey to heal a relationship that entwines grief.

I played track number one of my drumming CD for this journey. It runs for approximately thirteen minutes.

I went to my sacred Garden. Then I stated my journey intention to Angel Cupid and Lord Shiva, “Journey to heal a relationship that entwines grief.” Although this was the intent I stated, what I was actually getting in my thoughts repeatedly was, “Journey to block a relationship that entwines grief.”

I was still in my sacred garden with Angel Cupid and Lord Shiva. A brightly lit city showed up in the northeast. It was a golden white sunlight and all the buildings were ivory white and dome shaped, like the top of mosques and temples. I asked if I had to actually travel to the city and Angel Cupid said, “Yes.” The strip of land that appeared was densely built with two rows and all the buildings looked the same.

I went with angel Cupid riding on my horseback. Lord Shiva followed suit on his Nandi ox with Devi Parvati on her lion. I’d invited them both. I’d also invited my Jaguar. This city was in lower world and was made within view from my sacred garden. Once there, I remained seated on my horseback with angel Cupid. Lord Shiva took off and disappeared somewhere. I looked around at the houses; they all looked the same. The one closest to me had a pinkish red floor. And there were no walls, just thick, tall pillars to support the dome shaped roof; the temple itself with the idols was not visible to me. They all looked the same. Some of the other buildings might have had walls too, but they were not in my focus, so I couldn’t say. I remained seated on my horseback with angel Cupid for the remainder of the journey.

Finally, Lord Shiva arrived with a pink balloon in his hand and handed it to me. I took it, quite confused. Balloons usually make me feel happy; but this time, I felt nothing. Then I handed the balloon to angel Cupid for safekeeping. Then I returned to my sacred garden with angel Cupid at the sound of the return beat of the drum.

Then I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

Then I went on to the next journey and stated my journey intention to Angel Cupid and Lord Shiva, “Journey to ask Lord Shiva to heal a relationship that entwines loss for me.” I found that my sacred garden was somewhat shadowed and the shadow was extending towards the city that we’d just left behind. Lord Shiva had already taken off towards upper world. I did not know where his final destination was going to be. I did not see any chord or track that he followed. I asked my Jaguar to eat up the darkness and shadows.

Angel Cupid handed me the balloon and said, “ You have to accept the balloon; you have taken it, but you have not accepted it.” Then he handed me the pink balloon that Lord Shiva had brought to me. I took some personal time and accepted the balloon as best as I could at that moment; it did not feel complete. I had no idea what it was; I just trusted Lord Shiva and my angel about this.

// Saturday, February 20, 2016.

2.    Journey to heal all relationships that entwine grief… in past, present and future life times.

I went to my sacred Garden and stated my journey intention to Angel Cupid and Lord Shiva, “Journey to heal all relationships that entwine grief… in past, present and future life times.”

My power animal, horse, was in my Sacred Garden along with Angel Cupid and Lord Shiva. I sat on my horseback and watched as the lower world on the east side of my sacred garden opened and went lower and further down to reveal a pool of wet mud; it could have been the bottom of a pool or it could have been “Chora Bali” (shifting sand). I watched it for a very long time, with no change whatsoever. Then new trees with new growth began to grow from the outside in till all of the wetland was planted.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, July 01, 2017.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Journey to ask Lord Shiva to heal all my past life times

where I had issues of the heart.

I went to mount Kailash and stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal all my past life times where I had issues of the heart.”

Lord Shiva took me to lower world where he does ancestral healings for me; the landscape looks like it is on the north east side of my sacred garden. Past life people shaped cartoon like  silhouettes appeared. Then Lord Shiva brought me back to mount Kailash. He placed his hand over the Shivling licking soul part’s heart and reached out beyond time and space to past lives. He continued till the queue of past life silhouettes disappeared.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, July 01, 2017.

Journey into Goddess Parvati’s womb and experience it.

I went to mount Kailash and stated my journey intention to Goddess Parvati’s. I asked her permission to Journey into her womb and experience it.

Then I entered and found myself in the darkness of her womb. Then a full sized window opened up in front of me. I was still lying down in the darkness of her womb with my head towards the east; and through this window, I watched a scene. Two or more rows of carts were driving in towards her womb and all of them were lit up from top to bottom with what looked like white Christmas lighting bulbs. It was so pretty! I watched this till the end of the journey.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, April 08, 2017.

Journey to ask Lord Shiva a question, ...

“What am I trying to hold on to; what do I need to let go of?”

I went to mount Kailash and asked him, “What am I trying to hold on to? What do I need to let go of?”

Lord Shiva showed up holding a phurba behind my heart on the backside as if stabbing me on the backside. Is this perhaps emotions of betrayal?

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room. I then blew that image into a white sage stick and put it in the ceremonial fire.

// Saturday, April 08, 2017.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Journey into the sacred womb and experience it.

I did this journey in my car during my break.

There is a sacred womb somewhere in the universe.

I went to mount Kailash and stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, Journey into the sacred womb and experience it.”

I saw an image of petals arranged in a sacred geometry shape. The petals were pale yellow in color and in the center of it was a lavender colored circular shape, about one centimeter in diameter. It looked like a two-dimensional drawing. I did not get to count the petals. I was tranced out watching it.

Then, I came back to normal reality, back to my car.

// Saturday, April 22, 2017.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Ravan's Song in Devom ke dev mahadev

Siva Tandavam - Beautiful Song by Ravan

Vishweshvaraya Mahadevaya Samudramanthan Devon ke Dev Mahadev YouTub...

Shiv Tandav Stotram | Mantra + Dance | With Lyrics | Most Powerful Shiva...

Valentine Day Special - Mahadev Parvati Various Love Theme




Sunday, February 19, 2017

Journey to ask Lord Shiva to bring the spirit of baby Makhan Gopal to communicate with me and give me a healing. ... 3.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I handed my baby Makhan Gopal into his hand as I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Shiv Thakur, could you and please make him talk?” Nothing happened as Lord Shiva held the brass statue idol in his hand. I said to Lord Shiva, “Could you please bring in the spirit of this statue to talk to me?”

Baby Makhan Gopal showed up as a kid. He was dressed in Bright golden yellow and purple eggplant colored Garments. I was sitting on my small rock next to Lord Shiva and baby Makhan Gopal stood close to me in front. I stated my journey intention to receive healing from him. I asked him if I could kiss him, he is such an adorable kid. Then I brought my face near his. Immediately, I was taken to another scene. It was a bright and sunny day in the middle of nowhere. It was a vast land and had some greenery like grass and some short shrubs perhaps. There was this same rock I was sitting on somewhere on this vast land. I was still sitting on it and baby Makhan Gopal was still in my arms. I was about about to kiss him, but the face was that of a old woman in white and with two rows of white teeth showing as if I was going to bite him. The old woman looked like a witch dressed in white and was showing as somewhat separated from my body at the hips. I was still there and this thing had appeared as a second being and still partially attached to my body. Baby Makhan Gopal released it. I didn’t see it go, but it was gone.

After this, we returned to mount Kailash to the original scene. I was sitting on my small rock next to Lord Shiva and baby Makhan Gopal stood close to me in front. I asked if we could merge. We merged for a short while.

Very soon, it was time to return. So, with the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

//Saturday, February 18, 2017.

Journey to ask Lord Shiva to bring the spirit of baby Makhan Gopal to communicate with me…. 2.

My mom told me that Lord Gopal talks. My baby Makhan Chor doesn’t talk to me outside of journey time; hence, this journey.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I handed my baby Makhan Gopal into his hand as I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Shiv Thakur, could you and please call the spirit of baby Makhan Gopal?” Nothing happened as Lord Shiva held the brass statue idol in his hand. I said to Lord Shiva, “Could you please bring in the spirit of this statue to talk to me?”

Baby Makhan Gopal showed up as a kid. He had his flute on his side. A few moments after baby Makhan Chor appearing, Lord Vishnu Showed up as a young guy, Krishna and stood in front of me. I was seated on Lord Shiva’s large rock at this time. I insisted on seeing baby Makhan Gopal. So the young man version disappeared and baby Makhan Gopal reappeared. He was sitting facing a big large, two feet sized round bowl like metal container containing ghee. He was dressed in Bright golden yellow and purple eggplant colored Garments.

I received no healing from baby Makhan Gopal; I just watched him.

Very soon, it was time to return. So, with the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, February 11, 2017.

Journey to ask Lord Shiva to bring the spirit of baby Makhan Gopal to ask him about the banana … 4.

My mom told me that Lord Gopal talks. My baby Makhan Chor doesn’t talk to me outside of journey time. I’d given his statue a whole banana the night before and I wanted to see if he liked it, if he still carried it with him; hence, this journey.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I handed my baby Makhan Gopal into his hand as I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Shiv Thakur, could you and please call the spirit of baby Makhan Gopal?” Nothing happened as I held the brass statue idol in hand. Then I put he statue on Lord Shiva’s rock and I said to Lord Shiva, “Could you please bring in the spirit of this baby Makhan Gopal statue to talk to me?”

Baby Makhan Gopal showed up as a kid. He had his flute on his side. He was not in Kailash. I was watching a scene where he was tending to his herd. He was dressed in Bright golden yellow and pink colored Garments. Very quickly, he gathered his herd and then showed up on mount Kailash. He seated himself next to Lord Shiva on his big rock; I sat on my small rock in front of him. Baby Makhan Gopal was now dressed in Bright golden yellow and purple eggplant colored Garments. I asked about the color of his garments, it had changed from pink to purple; he replied that he liked the color purple. I looked around his waist area and around him for the banana; to see if he was carrying it. I could not see the banana that I had given him on his statue. So, finally, I asked about it, “What did you do with the banana?” Baby Makhan Gopal replied, “I ate it.” That made me happy. I asked for a healing and felt a little something in my forehead. I sat facing him for the rest of the journey, which was just a few more moments after this.

Very soon, it was time to return. So, with the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, February 18, 2017.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Journey to communicate with the spirit of baby Makhan Gopal.

My mom told me that Lord Gopal talks. My baby Makhan Chor has never talked to me; hence, this journey.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I handed my baby Makhan Gopal into his hand as I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Shiv Thakur, could you and please make him talk?” Nothing happened as Lord Shiva held the brass statue idol in his hand. I said to Lord Shiva, “Could you please bring in the spirit of this statue to talk to me?”

Baby Makhan Gopal showed up as a kid. He had his flute on his side. He went around me and said to me, “I (meaning him, baby Makhan Chor) am a great healer (His exact words were, “Aami Mosto boro healer”).” A few moments after baby Makhan Chor appearing, Lord Vishnu Showed up in his true form with his four hands and Chakra. He was dressed in Bright golden yellow and purple eggplant colored Garments. He wore a happy smile on his face.

I received some healing from baby Makhan Gopal on my physical body, heart and right side of my second chakra. There were no visuals around the healing, but the energy was strong.

Then, with the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, February 11, 2017.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Journey to ask Lord Shiva to heal a lower world Pataal world issue for me.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I sat on my small rock next to his. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Shiv Thakur, could you please heal a lower world Pataal world issue for me.?”

Pretty soon, I found myself standing next to Lord Shiva. I was on his right side. We were standing in front of a huge body of water; like an ocean maybe. It looked like nighttime; the sky was dark and the water was dark too. I asked Lord Shiva if he could hold me and which side would be more convenient for this; he usually holds his Trident Trishul in his right hand. Then I went to his right side and stood there. Then I merged with him.  Then I watched the water through his eyes.

Then, watching it, I went off to sleep.

// Saturday, February 4, 2017.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Journey to offer a stuck part of me to Lord Shiva.

For a week prior to this journey, I did a lot of reiki on different age groups in my life. In the first run, I chose an approximate seven to eight-year interval. I offered reiki to myself from conception to age seven; then from ages eight to sixteen; ages seventeen to twenty six; ages twenty seven to thirty four; ages thirty five to present (longer range here due to time constrains). I repeated it with both Karuna reiki energy (fire) and SSR (water) energies. During the first run, I called in Lord Shiva / Shiva plus Parvati / Hanumaan ji (depending on the day of the week. On two of the sessions, I also used Lord Shiva plus Angel Cupid energies. In the start of the session I’d call in the desired energy along with myself and mother earth. I intended to offer reiki to all, including Lord Shiva or anyone else I’d called in for the purpose. Then I’d start the energy flow and and wait momentarily in shamanic space in Kailash. A soul part representing or belong to the chosen age group would show up. Then I continued with the reiki.

For the session, for ages of twenty-seven till thirty-four, a part of me showed up that was from just a year after my divorce. It was my first morning or second day of stay of that trip to Las Vegas. I had travelled here to get out of the freezing east coast winter in New Jersey. I know this was the soul part because I’d gone around and captured photos of me in the city strip almost on a daily basis during my five-week stay there. On this day, I was wearing my long brown winter coat.

So, I sent reiki to this soul part about three to four timesand there was definitely some stuck energy there; but nothing was releasing. In Shamanic reality, I saw that there was a movement from being at that totally stuck place. During that last reiki session for her, I went into Shamanic reality to check in. I had lord Shiva on his rock and goddess Parvati on another; they were both on the north side. I was sitting on a equally large rock facing them and I had Hanumaanji on a rock on the east side. There was a total disconnect even though she had started to move around. She sat by each one of us momentarily. She sat with me for the longest time. I realized that it would be hard for me to move this energy. It would take a lot more effort and reiki time for just this one part. So, based on a previous experience where I had given a Soul part of mine who was my hatred to Lord Shiva, I decided to give this stuck soul part of mine to Lord Shiva also.

I went to mount Kailash and invited in or produced this Soul part also. When we were both gathered by his side, I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, I offer her to you.”
Lord Shiva immediately disappeared and there was just this two inches oval shaped outline of bright white light left. Then, after some time, she was also pulled in or disappeared. Neither of them returned for the rest of the journey.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 24, 2016.