Saturday, December 15, 2018

Journey to ask Lord Shiva to show me the energetic layout of my physical body.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please show me the energetic layout of my physical body.”

Then I merged with Lord Shiva and requested him to go with me to the place where he shows me physical layouts. It is a vast strip of land on the eastside. Then I drew out a huge female figure representing the front of my body and I drew another one representing the backside of my body. Then I requested Lord Shiva to show me the energetic layout of the front and the backside of my body.

For a long time, nothing happened. So I requested him again to show me plants and flowers or green grass patches in areas that looked healthy to him and show me dark patches and marshlands and dirty pools where there is a physical issue, may be health related or could be energetic, like presence of chords, intrusions or attachments or presence of disease or sickness or weakness.

Then I was shown white flowers all over on the left side from my left shoulder to my ribcage, from the middle to the leftmost edge of that drawing. He was showing it to me on the front side picture. Then I asked him about the rest of the body. Nothing happened for some time. So, I asked about the heart. Lord Shiva placed a black slurry pool of water there. I asked him for a healing there. I watched that pool for some time and nothing happened. Then I just inserted the Trishul I’d got him into that pool and the pool of dark sludge instantly dried up and was replaced by my water glass, clean and dry. It was silver. As I was watching the bottom of this glass, I also asked about my throat area. I don’t quite know if the next vision that appeared was for the heart or the throat area.

I was shown a road in a < shape with a beautiful shrub at the junction. I could not see beyond the shrub to the west. On looking around, my attention was drawn to the north side of this roadway. There was a concrete and cement parking lot, beautiful and very well constructed with rod iron railings, two thick ones running parallel and on top of each other with a few inches of space in between. The top looked empty, or my attention was not drawn to this level. My attention was drawn to the second level from the top; it was an underground level. Being underground, it was dark inside. I asked Lord Shiva for a healing here. This level of the parking lot was full of cars parked. In most of my visions, cars represent souls parked in there. As soon as my attention was drawn into this underground parking lot, I requested Lord Shiva to do some healing. Soon, the darkness cleared up. There was still the shadow for it being the underground second level. Cars began to drive off soon and I could see on my forehead images of people. Pretty soon, the parking lot at this level was almost empty. There were a few cars on the backside. I had to actually enter the lot to see those ones; they were somewhat hidden. In the front, within the range of my view, there was one royal blue compact car with dark windows. I tried to peek inside, but I could not see anything. I was told that this car was not ready to leave yet. So I let it be.

After I came back from this scene, I looked at the drawing of my physical body. At this time there were white flowers on the right side as well, but from a little below the shoulder to somewhere near the end of the lungs, all the way from the middle to the side. The length of the flowered plot on the left side was slightly bigger than that on the right side. All the flowers on both sides were white and looked like the ones I offer to Lord Shiva from my garden.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// November 10, 2018.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Journey to a crystal or crystal cave and ask to help with current life issues.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, Journey to a crystal or crystal cave and ask to help with my current life issues and receive healing for same (and I stated those issues).”

Lord Shiva took me to the same crystal cave entrance under a waterfall. The entrance to the crystal cave faces north and I get to shower in the waterfall before I enter the cave. While entering the cave, I noticed that it was lined with milky white crystals that looked like apophylite. I went in and the cave was filled and completely lined, roof, ceiling to floor with the same crystals. I sat on it and finally lay down to receive healing. Towards the end of it, I was feeling a circular energy going clockwise over my third eye chakra and feet chakra in a harmonic manner.

I continued to sit with that experience and asked Lord Shiva to show me crystals that would help me with soul level healing. I was shown multicolored tourmaline.  A portion of the cave farther away transformed into beautiful multicolored tourmaline when I received that message. I continued to experience the harmonizing circular energy going clockwise over my third eye chakra and feet chakra and stayed with it for the rest of the journey.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to the center of our circle.

// Saturday, December 8, 2018.

Journey to a body of water and ask for healing and cleansing or just experiencing it.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, I want to Journey to a body of water and ask for healing and cleansing or just experiencing it.”

Lord Shiva almost threw me into the Triveni waterfall underneath, where they always throw me for cleansing. I stopped and asked him to take me elsewhere; I was bored of being thrown into the same waterfall almost daily.
Then Lord Shiva showed me the other river on the east side. It was huge and running; but the water was all muddy. This is the river of my life and it was getting muddy again, I was told. I asked my soul parts to send it light for healing and she and I threw in a lot of light balls into that river. She also sent in other shapes of light beam. Nothing seemed to change. So I asked Lord Shiva to do a healing for the river of my life and I watched the river. Still, nothing changed and I was getting bored. So I requested Lord Shiva if I could go into his Maansarovar and experience it and receive healing and cleansing.

Next I went into lake Maansarovar with Lord Shiva. I went to the bottom of it and then I merged with the water. I watched as Lord Shiva as Mahakaal held a hand underneath and I was the colors of the waterfall as I was still merged with the water under there.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to the center of our circle.

// Saturday, December 8, 2018.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Journeys to Around Death and Dying - 1

1)    Journey to ask Lord Shiva to show me which layer of upper or lower world I was in before I came into this birth.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please show me which layer of upper or lower world I’ll be in if I were to die now, today.”

I was interested in knowing which layer; so I layered out seven layers of upper world on the upper side of middle world and another seven lavers of lower world on the lower side of middle world. I then waited for an answer. Above the seventh layer of upper world, I traced Shivlok, Lord Shiva’s abode. I showed up in the first layer i.e, the lowermost layer of upper world.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Wednesday, August 01, 2018.

2)    Journey to ask Lord Shiva to show me which layer of upper or lower world my Mom will be in if she were to die now, today (Wednesday, August 01, 2018).

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please show me which layer of upper or lower world my Mom will be in if she were to die now, today (Wednesday, August 01, 2018).”

I was interested in knowing which layer; so I layered out seven layers of upper world on the upper side of middle world and another seven lavers of lower world on the lower side of middle world. I then waited for an answer. Above the seventh layer of upper world, I traced Shivlok, Lord Shiva’s abode. My mother showed up in seventh, i.e, top layer of upper world.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.
I too wanted to reach here and above that, to Shivlok, on Lord Shiva’s lap within this lifetime.

// Wednesday, August 01, 2018.

3)    Journey to ask Lord Shiva to help me attain Shiv Lok within this lifetime.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal whatever needs to be healed and release whatever needs to be released that is keeping me from attaining Shiv Lok within this lifetime.”

Lord Shiva did some healing on me and then I was tranced out.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Wednesday, August 01, 2018.

4)    Journey to ask Lord Shiva to show me which layer of upper or lower world I’ll be in if I were to die now, today (Tuesday, August 14, 2018).

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I went stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please show me which layer of upper or lower world I’ll be in if I were to die now, today (Tuesday, August 14, 2018.).”

I was interested in knowing which layer; so I layered out seven layers of upper world on the upper side of middle world and another seven lavers of lower world on the lower side of middle world. I then waited for an answer. Above the seventh layer of upper world, I traced Shiv lok, Lord Shiva’s abode. I showed up in the third or fourth layer. It counted as the third, but it felt like the middle layer of the upper world. I sat there draped in a white dress and unable to move; I did not know what to do. Under me was a white like a layer to sit on and surrounding it, little further away, it there was some light grey surrounding the land or cloud I sat on. I felt stuck there and unable to move.  Apart from this, everything else looked bright and shiny around me. I call on Lord Shiva in desperation, “Lord Shiva, can you show me how I should get out of here?”

Lord Shiva Showed up with a smile as he extended his hand towards me. He said, “Come, let me show you.” I took a hold of Lord Shiva’s hand and stood up. I was wearing a white gown with big frill from the waist down; like the ones the European or English women wore in the Victorian era. It felt very heavy. I asked Lord Shiva if he could take it off of me. He stood in front of me in a gesture to undress me. I did not want to feel like his wife; so I requested him to stand behind me and take that dress off of me. Lord Shiva stood behind me; and the next thing I saw was that I was dressed in a different white gown. This one was too tight and my stomach and breasts were bulging out. It looked and felt very tight and I was feeling very suffocated. I asked Lord Shiva that if I were to take off this dress, what would I dress in. Even he wears clothes. He then let me know that I was attached to my clothes. Lord Shiva said, “Wear the divine light” and I was shown a cloth shaped white light with a double layer of pale lavender stripes for border.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to the center of the circle.

After returning home that night, the truth of the situation sunk in. I had truly been feeling stuck because of the amount of old clothes in my possession that I am unable to just let go.

// Tuesday, August 14, 2018.

5)    Journey to ask Goddess Lalita to help me move out of the third layer of upper world.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I offered my puja to Lord Shiva and then I stated my intention to Lord Shiva to journey with Goddess Lalita. I invited Lord Shiva to join us there and then I proceeded to meet with Goddess Lalita in her sacred garden. Once there, I stated my journey intention to her, “Goddess Lalita, could you please help me to move out of the third layer of upper world. Could you please release my attachment to my clothes without getting rid of them; at least the good or and useful ones.”
Lord Shiva had also shown up as always; but my attention was not on him. As quickly as I had stated my intention, Goddess Lalita had produced a waterfall under her garden on the side and my attention was immediately drawn there. The water was sparkling clean and the water seemed to move from the west to east on the northern side.  I watched the waterfall.
When I was done and the scene disappeared from my view, I tested myself. I went to that soul part after death today and pull her up to the middle or fourth layer easily and to the fifth layer with some effort.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Wednesday, August 22, 2018.

6)    Journey to ask Lord Shiva to show me which layer of upper or lower world I was in before I came into this birth.

This is a repeat journey of the first one.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please show me which layer of upper or lower world I’ll be in if I were to die now, today.”

I was interested in knowing which layer; so I layered out seven layers of upper world on the upper side of middle world and another seven lavers of lower world on the lower side of middle world. I then waited for an answer. Above the seventh layer of upper world, I traced Shivlok, Lord Shiva’s abode. I showed up sitting in the first layer i.e, the lowermost layer of upper world.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Friday, November 09, 2018.

7)    Journey to ask Lord Shiva to show me which layer of upper or lower world I’ll be in if I were to die now, today (Friday, November 09, 2018).

This is another repeat journey.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I went stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please show me which layer of upper or lower world I’ll be in if I were to die now, today (Friday, November 09, 2018).”

I was interested in knowing which layer; so I layered out seven layers of upper world on the upper side of middle world and another seven lavers of lower world on the lower side of middle world. I then waited for an answer. Above the seventh layer of upper world, I traced Shiv lok, Lord Shiva’s abode. I showed up in the fourth or fifth layer.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, November 10, 2018.

Journey to ask Maa Debi to show me the physical layout of my inner world.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva to do this healing with Maa Debi, (I address Lord Shiva’s wife, Parvati, as Maa Debi, meaning mother goddess). Then I stated my journey intention to Maa Debi, “Maa Debi, could you please show me the physical layout of my inner world.”

I was instantly shown an ocean on the north side. The ocean was vast and most of the water looked quite clean except for some dark streaks here and there and one strip in the middle looked particularly bad and there was another one across at or near the shore that looked particularly black and bad.

I requested Maa Debi to give me a healing and that lightened up the layout all over, but the streak at the center still remained. I requested Lord Shiva to do a healing for that, but it did not seem to change very much, but I requested him to continue with the healing.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

It did lighten up a little on by next visit; but it was still there.  

// Saturday, November 10, 2018.

Journey to ask Lord Shiva to show me the physical layout both mine and my Moms for a certain issue she recently had.

Recently my Mom had been having some struggles with her daughter-in-law. The issue is pretty common and is along the lines of harassment of an elderly person. My grandmother on the maternal side also had faced this issue. On top of that, her niece had fought with her also.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please show me the physical layout both for me and my Mom for the above issue that my mother was recently facing.”

At first I was shown mine. It was a narrow strip of land like the size of a river about four feet wide; the water was dark and there was some grass growing sparingly in it.

I requested Lord Shiva to show me the physical layout for my Moms as well for the same issue she recently had been facing. I was shown a vast stretch of land, about the size of a pond. The water was all black and sludgy. I requested Lord Shiva to do a healing for her on his own.

Then I requested Lord Shiva to do a healing for me and I watched my physical layout of the land and water till the water was clean.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

After a day or two after this healing, I had my mother do a fire ceremony. I just had her blow into a few sticks while she was all aggravated and burn them later.

// November 10, 2018.

Journey to meet a new or existing teacher.

1)    Journey to ask a guide to take me to upper world to meet a teacher to show me something or give me knowledge.

I went to my sacred Garden and stated my journey intention to myself, “Journey to ask a guide to take me to upper world to meet a teacher to show me something or give me knowledge or to heal.”

I knew it would be him I’d meet. Lord Shiva had told me to go to him when I had asked him who I was supposed to worship, or if I was supposed to worship someone else. This was from several months ago within the year. Lord Shiva has said, “Come to Me.”
Then, the next day he had told me, “You are always here.” At this I had landed up howling and crying, “Lord Shiva, don’t tell me not to come to you … and so on.” Then I settled down and realized, yes I’m always there! He did not tell me not to go to him. He told me, “Come to me.”

I was waiting at the door of the cave, the entrance to my sacred garden. It was almost immediately that he showed up himself. He extended his hand towards me. Then he began to grow taller and taller and I began to grow smaller and smaller till I was the size of a kid. I was dressed in a rose pink frock. I just got on his arms and he got even taller. Then he flew for some time and had shape shifted to a creature with white feathers and white horse head and I was in its arms in kid form.  Then we were among the Himalayan mountains and once again I was in the arms of Lord Shiva and he was taller than the Himalayas just standing. He sat me down on a high platform among the mountains and he sat down sort of facing me. The snow capped peaks looked silvery with the sun shinning down on them. Once he had sat down, he was his normal dad size.

Lord Shiva sat opposite or next to me and I sat facing him with my back to the west. Then he did some work on that kid. He held her hands in his and once this was done, she jumped on his lap and I sat down in her place in my true form. I was shown that my stomach was bulging. I asked for a healing from her and she sent me a constant flow of light and suddenly two black beings jumped out of my stomach. The beings were still wrapped around like a coil inside my stomach. Lord Shiva helped them get taken out.

The next instant, I was shown a scene. There was a block with rows of houses on both sides. I got the message. There were residents in my third chakra or abdomen and they needed to be removed.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to the center of the circle.

This journey was done in my Shaman circle group and Jim led the drumming.

// Saturday, November 17, 2018.

2)    Journey to ask Lord Shiva to help me release residents from my third chakra.

In the previous journey I was shown a scene. There was a block with rows of houses on both sides. I got the message. There were residents in my third chakra or abdomen and they needed to be removed.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please help me release residents from my third chakra.”

I went with Lord Shiva to the scene I was shown in the previous journey. There was a block with rows of single-family houses on both sides. The houses were built of stucco and cement with garage doors. It was a good neighborhood with new construction. I went to the nearest garage door, placed my hand on it to open. Then I requested that all residents from the block pack up to evacuate. The residents on the North side of the dwelling came out and I let them know that they would be getting a healing from Lord Shiva before they evacuated. As they waited, Lord Shiva got taller and bigger and the residents slowly disappeared.

From the opposite line of houses, none of the residents had showed up so far.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, November 17, 2018.

3)    Journey to ask Lord Shiva to help me release remaining residents from my third chakra.

In the first of the previous journeys I was shown a scene. There was a block with rows of houses on both sides. I got the message. There were residents in my third chakra or abdomen and they needed to be removed.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please help me release the remaining residents from my third chakra.”

I merged with Lord Shiva went with him went to the scene I was shown in the previous journey. There was a block with rows of single-family houses on both sides. The houses were built of stucco and cement with garage doors. It was a good neighborhood with new construction. I went to the nearest garage door, placed my hand on it to open. Then I requested that all residents from the block pack up to evacuate.

The residents on the North side of the dwelling had already been evacuated in the previous journey. From the opposite line of houses, none of the residents had showed up so far. I requested that the residents on this side of the dwelling pack up and evacuate. A few humans came out and among them a few women were dressed in black burkha like clothing. I requested Lord Shiva for a healing. Those residents who had come out disappeared soon and the land on this side began to rise. It rose for a few feet an then stopped and remained as such. No more residents came out.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, November 17, 2018.

4)    Journey to ask Maa devi to help me with my health.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  He was eating Payesh in a bowl. I went and sat next to Maa devi, on her left side. We were both sitting in silence. I then asked her, Maa devi, do you have anything to say to me? She said nothing. I then requested Maa devi, “Maa devi, could you please help me with my health and heal my stomach?” I reminded her that someone had attacked me there with an arrow while I was sleeping.”

Maa devi showed me a big colony of houses. It was huge with terracotta roofs and a wall all around in pale yellow. The houses were all pale yellow also. The atmosphere was pretty bright and shiny all around; it was daylight. It was or looked like and extension of the block of houses I was shown by Lord Shiva a few months back, in early November. We had already evacuated that block. Maa devi said you have to get rid of the residents; ask Lord Shiva to help you. This was new information and I felt happy coming back with that information.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 29, 2018.

5)   Journey to heal and clear the residents that Maa devi had showed me in the prior journey.(probably from my stomach chakra)–

I returned to the above journey in another one to two days after the previous one.

At this time, the intention of the Journey was to heal and clear the residents from those housed in the colony on the east side. I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock. I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal and clear the residents from that colony Maa devi showed me.” I then merged with Lord Shiva and Baby Makhan Chor.

Together, merged into Lord Shiva, we went to the colony that Maa devi had showed me in the prior journey. It was a pretty big residential lot with single family or town houses built in rows like in the case of modern day condos and town homes. Each house sat on a small plot of land and did not have its own wall surrounding. This residential establishment was surrounded by a cement wall all round. The wall was colored pale yellow and all the houses had the same pale yellow color and red terracotta roofs.

I made an intention for those residents to pack up and gather outside to leave. I urged baby Makhan Chor to help.

Soon, lots I saw lots of women or people in black burkhas or robes gather quickly in the center and there were a lot more people today. Suddenly, they started to move toward the north side of the wall. It was sort of crowded there. Then suddenly those people turned into animal like creatures. They appeared to look like mice or rats and tried to climb over the wall surrounding the colony and made a crack in that wall and tried to escape that way. They were not digging in like mice though. It was a different atmosphere that surrounded the colony now. There was a darkness prevailing over the colony; it was almost dark as night for a few moments.

I called on all my helping spirits to help. I called in ganesh and his mice and Hanumanji and mother earth and my power animals. Finally, I gave them to Mother earth and she took them into her molten lava.

However, the houses were still standing. It was a big colony of houses. It was huge with houses with terracotta roofs and a wall all around in pale yellow. The houses were all pale yellow also. The atmosphere was pretty bright and shiny all around; it was daylight again. I requested Lord Hanumanji to see if he could do something with his wind energy. Soon, all the houses flew away and I could see beings inside. It was one being, black colored under each roof and they were all sitting and immobile. They were not activated yet is how I would explain it.

Lord Shiva appeared over the colony and they gradually disappeared. Lord Shiva was standing there and he grew tall and seemed to absorb them in or make them disappear.

At some point during the clearing, I felt some sharp pains in my stomach. I could not say it his was due to the healing or due to the fact that I had eaten come sweets. It took a few sessions or repetitions of the drumming journeys to fully evacuate this colony. I repeated on consecutive drumming tracks of my CD.

At the end of it, here was water coming from somewhere and washing over this land. The colony was empty now. All of the houses had disappeared and there was white sand all over and the water was washing over it.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, December 29, 2018.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Journey to Lord Vishnu for a healing.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, I want to get a healing from Lord Vishnu.” I’ve occasionally received healings from Lord Vishnu and they are always very visual and quick and unique. I called in Lord Vishnu and he appeared in Kailash. I requested Lord Vishnu, “Lord Vishnu, could you please heal me; anything you think that needs or is ready to be healed at the present moment.” I was instantly changed into a female monkey. I wore a pink pant or shorts. As I watched myself in my monkey form, a tree appeared behind me. Then, I in my monkey form appeared on top of the thick branch. There were a bunch of young leaves at the far end of this branch and I crawled towards those leaves. When I had crawled far enough that I could peek over the bunch of leaves, I found myself watching those leaves and slowly, I in my monkey form had disappeared or merged with the leaves. Then I forced myself to come back as my monkey form on the Kailash ground where I had first found myself. Then, I was once again placed by the side of the bunch of leaves on the branch, where I had disappeared.

Soon, the sound of the return beat of the drum started and I was still merged, perhaps with the tree. I thought to myself, I’m willing to stay in my monkey form for the rest of the day; I don’t mind it at all. As I was thinking this, I found myself appear sitting under the tree, with my back against its trunk. I was wearing white luminous clothes in my present form. The return beat of the drum was still sounding. As I watched myself under the tree trunk, I was also able to see the tree slowly disappear.

Then, at the final sounding of the return beat of the drum, I saw that the tree was completely gone from behind me and I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Saturday, November 3, 2018.

Journeys on the Day of the Dead

1)    Journey to ask Lord Shiva to do a psychopomp.

I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  I stated my journey intention to Lord Shiva, “Lord Shiva, could you please heal my ancestors and release them like in psychopomp.”

Then I asked my ancestors to line up, paternal to my right and maternal to my left. There was a huge line of paternal ancestors and majority were in white; but along the line, somewhere far back, felt like hundred to two hundred generations ago, there was a group that appeared dark and black. Then it continued back to white further beyond that. There was a relatively shorter line of maternal ancestors; about a half or third of the number of paternal and there was one person in the recent past who was all dark.

I requested Lord Shiva to work on my maternal line first; the ones who are ready to be healed and released. Lord Shiva walked the maternal line backwards in time, except for the one dark one. The figures disappeared as Lord Shiva walked the line, but reappeared in front of the original line, like in a re-birth situation. As soon as this happened, the ground began to rise and became the size of a mountain. Those souls who had appeared in front of the line had disappeared and Lord Shiva was not visible either. Then, after watching the mountain for what seemed like a long time, the mountain came down to its original flat form and lord Shiva appeared as well.

Then I requested Lord Shiva to work on my paternal ancestors. He worked on the ones in front of the dark energy group. He placed his hand over each of their heads and most of them just disappeared and some two of them released white smoke before they disappeared as well. Then Lord Shiva worked on the dark energy group; he turned them into rocks, five huge ones it felt like. Then he turned to the dark energy person on my maternal side. As he was working to turn it to earth, it took a slimy, monster or animal like form that was curled up in itself. Kim, another healer in my Shaman study group had mentioned that she saw an ancestor who had appeared as a monster to her; something really bad had happened to her. This could be the one ancestor Kim was talking of. There was my maternal Grandpa’s paternal aunt who had a bad death. Something really bad had happened to her; I don’t know what and she probably had committed suicide or died in an accident. Lord Shiva turned her into a big piece of rock as well.

Soon the return beat started and Lord Shiva finished working with the remaining ancestors in line after the dark ones on the paternal side.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room.

// Friday, November 2, 2018.

2)    Journey to find ancestors ready for psychopomp.

On this Day of the Dead on Friday, November 2, 2018, I was planning to attend the special ancestral ceremony at the Harmony Hut. I wanted to be ready with a list. So I journeyed to the Stone world to see if I could find any of my ancestors stuck there or ready to be released.  A beautiful woman, came smiling towards me. She looked like the same one who had chorded to me in my stomach.

I visited the plant layer as well, but could not find anybody there. Then I came back. I did not visit the animal layer. I did not wait for the return beat to start; I just returned. I had to leave now to be on time for the ceremony and everything else.

// Friday, November 2, 2018.

Doing the process:

3)    Journeying in preparation for the release.

This was a guided journey with Josephine. I repeated it three times.

I journeyed deep into my heart space with the intention to release residents there. I went into a chamber. It looked like a long room with beds lined up in two rows along the two longest walls. About a third of the beds were now occupied and the rest were empty, but still had clean white sheets on them. I asked them to pack up and form a line.

Then, I went to mount Kailash. Lord Shiva was seated on his huge meditation rock.  The intention was silent and understood. I merged with Lord Shiva and we came back into my heart space. My paternal residents had already packed up and I requested them to form a line and they gathered outside of the room in the hallway. Then I walked towards an about opposite chamber to request my maternal ancestors to pack up and gather as well. I did not enter the chamber though. Lord Shiva waited in the middle with them all lined up.

I was not sure if they were supposed to line up and wait inside my heart space or if they were supposed to leave me and wait in line outside or even how I was to make that happen. So I talked to Josephine for more clarification. She asked me to repeat the journey and I did; but my ancestors were waiting in the hallway inside my heart space. Josephine wanted them to be lined up in the room, so she could clear them (she called it a car wash, it is done with a rattle) or psychopomp them if needed before she opened up the doorway.

So I again asked for more clarification as to whether I should have them exit through the front of my body or come out by the backside.

Then, at the sound of the return beat of the drum, I came back to normal reality, back to my room. The general understanding is that ancestors sneak in through the backside when they attach to us. I intended that they leave and line up in the room. I also intended the lines from the very first journey with Lord Shiva to line up here again. After I did this, I asked her to check if she saw any others on my backside.  Another member in the group who saw things more clearly noted that I had one attached to my left shoulder blade. This one chord sucks a lot of energy from me and I have felt it for several years and even tried to remove it. She said there was another one coming out of my right ear and a spider web on my backside. Josephine asked me to use a stick to roll the chords on my back and as I was doing it, she saw me struggling and offered to do my backside. After clearing me, she cleared the backsides of the remaining two members as well. This was going to be a group or bulk psychopomp. We also got an additional stick and rolled it in the air with the intention of releasing those chords from our living families as well and from the lineage.

Then Josephine  did a short talk and her rattle car wash for any souls or groups that needed it. There were still some souls remaining. I know one was from a different member and the other one, I don’t know if it was mine. One time Josephine thought it could have been mine, but she was not trying to communicate with them to find out for sure. Those dark energies that were not ready to move through the doorway, Josephine called the help of mother earth for clearing and finally sent them into the molten lava in the earth. There, they recycle and anything good is released back. I do not know the final story about if any of my ancestors were sent that way or how many. Then she finally opened the door for them to go into the white light.

After this we went outside and made a small fire and burnt our sticks in it along with a few dried roses. Then we returned back to the room and then I left.

// Friday, November 2, 2018.